I can verify that at shwashbuckler level the big ships do happen.
So many Man O' Wars, I want a sight like that. They should be quite expensive, aye?
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I can verify that at shwashbuckler level the big ships do happen.
LOL. Not if you could capture one. Note that I was sailing the Hoy.
Build 14 Beta 3.2:
- New Archipelago Map added by Agentad
- Bug Fixes:
. Missing Ships on Worldmap Encounters fixed by Levis
. Monthly Salary Payments fixed by Levis
. Extra Atmosphere Tavern Fights fixed by Levis
. Rival Suitor error messages fixed by Levis
. Muskets/Musketoons not working during boardings fixed by Jack Rackham
. Father Bernard "Skill Reset" functionality fixed by El Rapido
. Fix to Guadeloupe Town Capture by Pieter Boelen
. Barbados location descriptions fixed by Pieter Boelen
. Fleut of War encounter chance improved by Pieter Boelen
. Attempted fix for Capture Colonies Female Governors by Pieter Boelen
- Gameplay Updates:
. Worldmap Encounters improved to take into account nearby islands and time of day by Levis
. Moon Phase changes visibly ingame by Purseon
. Training Fights with crew on player ship deck fixed and reinstated by Purseon
- Code Updates:
. Ability System fixed and improved by Levis
. F2>Character Screen shows highest rank instead of latest rank by Levis
. Pickpocket Gold handling improved by Aconcagua
. Female Officer Percentage setting added by Aconcagua
- Storyline Updates:
. Gold-Bug Storyline new WIP content included by Jack Rackham
. Hoist the Colours Storyline potential quest errors due to immortal Mr. Gibbs fixed by Pieter Boelen
. Standard storyline Black Pearl swap with uncursed version after capture fixed by Pieter Boelen
- Texture Updates:
. High-detail Boat texture added by TheBlackKnight
- Model Updates:
. HMS Surprise camera height improved by Hylie Pistof
. Widescreen Textures including:
> Improved Spyglasses by TheBlackKnight
> Widescreen Moon Textures by Purseon
I like that! But kinda scary..heheheI didn't really change the core algorithm that existed to calculate the chance to detect a false flag, so rank still plays a part in this, meaning characters that actually have a high reputation will be known to the merchant and have a greater chance of getting "caught". I also add a new attribute to the merchant, so if he catches you he will "remember." Once a merchant catches you, no amount of retrying will get him to sell to you (unless your real nation befriends his).
Good idea! Especially on the "remembering" part.A small, two file mod to change the way merchants treat you when flying under a false flag. It always bothered me that when sneaking into a port under a false flag, the merchant knows your true colors and tells you to get out because he doesn't want to deal with a person of "your reputation and relations". But if you are just a lowly captain with little reputation flying under a false flag, how would he know your true allegiance every time? This mod adds a check to see if the merchant detects your true nation. If he succeeds, he will reject you as usual, but if he doesn't he will sell goods to you, assuming your false flag nation is a friendly or neutral one.
I didn't really change the core algorithm that existed to calculate the chance to detect a false flag, so rank still plays a part in this, meaning characters that actually have a high reputation will be known to the merchant and have a greater chance of getting "caught". I also add a new attribute to the merchant, so if he catches you he will "remember." Once a merchant catches you, no amount of retrying will get him to sell to you (unless your real nation befriends his).
// PURSEON -->
if (frnd() < GetChanceDetectFalseFlag() || CheckAttribute(merch,"FalseFlagDetect")) // check if merchant already detected false flag on prior encounter
rel = GetActualRMRelation(mNation);
merch.FalseFlagDetect = true;
else // if not, use false flag for relation check
rel = GetFlagRMRelation(mNation);
chance = iclamp(CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_MAX, CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_BASE, chance) // so chance doesn't go over min/max
Aye!I sugest removing the caught parameter after you bought another outfit.