• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

New WIP version: http://piratesahoy.net/build/b14_beta3_installer.exe
No new game required
Build 14 Beta 3.2:
- New Archipelago Map added by Agentad
- Bug Fixes:
  . Missing Ships on Worldmap Encounters fixed by Levis
  . Monthly Salary Payments fixed by Levis
  . Extra Atmosphere Tavern Fights fixed by Levis
  . Rival Suitor error messages fixed by Levis
  . Muskets/Musketoons not working during boardings fixed by Jack Rackham
  . Father Bernard "Skill Reset" functionality fixed by El Rapido
  . Fix to Guadeloupe Town Capture by Pieter Boelen
  . Barbados location descriptions fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Fleut of War encounter chance improved by Pieter Boelen
  . Attempted fix for Capture Colonies Female Governors by Pieter Boelen
- Gameplay Updates:
  . Worldmap Encounters improved to take into account nearby islands and time of day by Levis
  . Moon Phase changes visibly ingame by Purseon
  . Training Fights with crew on player ship deck fixed and reinstated by Purseon
- Code Updates:
  . Ability System fixed and improved by Levis
  . F2>Character Screen shows highest rank instead of latest rank by Levis
  . Pickpocket Gold handling improved by Aconcagua
  . Female Officer Percentage setting added by Aconcagua
- Storyline Updates:
  . Gold-Bug Storyline new WIP content included by Jack Rackham
  . Hoist the Colours Storyline potential quest errors due to immortal Mr. Gibbs fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Standard storyline Black Pearl swap with uncursed version after capture fixed by Pieter Boelen
- Texture Updates:
  . High-detail Boat texture added by TheBlackKnight
- Model Updates:
  . HMS Surprise camera height improved by Hylie Pistof
  . Widescreen Textures including:
  > Improved Spyglasses by TheBlackKnight
  > Widescreen Moon Textures by Purseon
Hola pirates Beta 3 is so cool. What a wonderful game. You make the good better and the better perfect and the perfect more perfect. What a great game. Thanks.
I am mystified. I finally got around to playing this new beta 3.2.
I had already just made port after an uneventful voyage and all was well. Then I installed this beta.

From the port I visited the store, the shipyard, and while I was in the blacksmith shop my companion ships mutineed! I gave the crews money to calm them down and the seemed to be ok. I had $2.9 million in cash on me so I ran down to my ship and dumped most of it in the ships locker, then went back to the store and got set up for the next cargo run. I checked the crews and they seemed ok then boarded my ship and set sail.
Both of my companion ships mutineed again!!! One was flying the pirate flag and the other the English flag. I recaptured one ship but it got sunk by the fort anyway and after that I bailed out and came here.

What is going on? :shrug Why are they mutinying so much?
No relevant code has been touched. Can you post your savegame? Perhaps I can figure it out.

Oh wait.... 2.9 million you say, eh? The Beta 3.2 WIP file makes a change to PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h,
so that would have overridden any personal changes you had made there. Set UNLIMITEDLOOT back to 1 at the bottom of that file.
I think that is the way you had your game set up, wasn't it?
A small, two file mod to change the way merchants treat you when flying under a false flag. It always bothered me that when sneaking into a port under a false flag, the merchant knows your true colors and tells you to get out because he doesn't want to deal with a person of "your reputation and relations". But if you are just a lowly captain with little reputation flying under a false flag, how would he know your true allegiance every time? This mod adds a check to see if the merchant detects your true nation. If he succeeds, he will reject you as usual, but if he doesn't he will sell goods to you, assuming your false flag nation is a friendly or neutral one.

I didn't really change the core algorithm that existed to calculate the chance to detect a false flag, so rank still plays a part in this, meaning characters that actually have a high reputation will be known to the merchant and have a greater chance of getting "caught". I also add a new attribute to the merchant, so if he catches you he will "remember." Once a merchant catches you, no amount of retrying will get him to sell to you (unless your real nation befriends his).


  • FalseFlagTrade.zip
    45.7 KB · Views: 163
I didn't really change the core algorithm that existed to calculate the chance to detect a false flag, so rank still plays a part in this, meaning characters that actually have a high reputation will be known to the merchant and have a greater chance of getting "caught". I also add a new attribute to the merchant, so if he catches you he will "remember." Once a merchant catches you, no amount of retrying will get him to sell to you (unless your real nation befriends his).
I like that! But kinda scary..hehehe:cheeky. Can I recommend some stuffs with this one? :read
  • Okay, so if the merchant already caught you, there should be an order where you can instruct your Quartermaster (in relation to his/her skills and abilities) for him/her to be the one to buy some goods. So if your quartermaster ain't that good he/she will likely to fail your order (caught) which will lead to him/her being caught by the guards or not.
  • Plus,:p you should be able to bail him out of the prison by talking to the island/town's governor or by bribing some dudes in the prison or random guards.
I know its a lot but it would really complement with this one that you made. And man!:facepalm This would really be cool if it were to be done. :cheeky I really like this one!:onya
A small, two file mod to change the way merchants treat you when flying under a false flag. It always bothered me that when sneaking into a port under a false flag, the merchant knows your true colors and tells you to get out because he doesn't want to deal with a person of "your reputation and relations". But if you are just a lowly captain with little reputation flying under a false flag, how would he know your true allegiance every time? This mod adds a check to see if the merchant detects your true nation. If he succeeds, he will reject you as usual, but if he doesn't he will sell goods to you, assuming your false flag nation is a friendly or neutral one.

I didn't really change the core algorithm that existed to calculate the chance to detect a false flag, so rank still plays a part in this, meaning characters that actually have a high reputation will be known to the merchant and have a greater chance of getting "caught". I also add a new attribute to the merchant, so if he catches you he will "remember." Once a merchant catches you, no amount of retrying will get him to sell to you (unless your real nation befriends his).
Good idea! Especially on the "remembering" part. :onya
Might I suggest the following code changes though:
  // PURSEON -->
     if (frnd() < GetChanceDetectFalseFlag() || CheckAttribute(merch,"FalseFlagDetect")) // check if merchant already detected false flag on prior encounter
       rel = GetActualRMRelation(mNation);
       merch.FalseFlagDetect = true;
     else // if not, use false flag for relation check
       rel = GetFlagRMRelation(mNation);
   // <--PURSEON
And also:
   chance = iclamp(CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_MAX, CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_BASE, chance) // so chance doesn't go over min/max
I sugest removing the caught parameter after you bought another outfit ;).
You could save the model or models which he recognised. Then check if the model of the mainchar is equal. If so hes caught else he gets the chance.
That sounds similar to the ship recognizing code that takes into account your ship type and name when you were recognized.
Ahoy, mateys!

Unfortunately I didn't get any further with collision detection, but I decided to share the coding effort I have done recently:

El Rapido’s Slight Changes V 1.0

a submod for POTC New Horizons

All credits go to the New Horizons Mod Team.



Changed the perk costs and prerequirements the way I like more.
Just check it ingame.


Officers now do contribute a little more skills and some additional abilities. You can tinker with it yourself to change it to your liking.

For example the First Mate now contributes 100% of her Leadership skill to the overall ship stats + 50% of her Mêlée skill and 50% of her Sailing skill.

Or take the Carpenter: He now provides 100% of his Defense and 100% of his Repair skill to the overall ship stats. He gives the Emergency Repairs and the Quick Repairs ability to the ship as before, but now he also gives the Basic Ship Defense ability as well.

Last example: The Surgeon now contributes 100% of her Defense skill to the overall ship stats + 50% of her Commerce and 50% of her Luck skill. Like before all three Ship Defense abilities are provided by the Surgeon, so the Carpenter gives a little ship defense support, but the Surgeon stays the ship defense expert.

random_guards_group_dialog.c and LEnc_monsters.c

This is only a temporary fix to the issue, that if you enter a tavern under certain pretty common conditions and there are guards around, they will always attack you. Before this fix each visit ended up in a tavern brawl with guards, which was rather unpleasant.
I am sure Levis will provide a good solution soon or has already done so way before the moment you actually read this sentence. :onya


Changed the timescale (time speed up) to x1, x3, x5, x10 and x20.


Changed the time after expedition refit (when you divided plunder with your crew) to 7 days.

There are two new multipliers to add more customizability to the experience system. At the current rate characters gain twice the experience compared to vanilla:

// FLOAT - Must be a float higher than 0.0 - default is 1.0 - the rate at which the characters gain skill experience: For a 30% increase set to 1.3

// FLOAT - Must be a float higher than 0.0 - default is 1.0 - the rate at which the characters gain experience: For a 30% increase set to 1.3



tailor_dialog.c and tailor_dialog.h

Adds two dialog options in every tailor’s shop, which (of course) don’t have to be used in your game.

1. Gives a collection of outfits.

2. Resets the main character’s and/or officers’ perks and skills.

The skills are only reset, if the AUTO_SKILL_SYSTEM (learning by doing) is not used.

Have fun, mateys, and happy modding! :onya

Final words:

Violets are blue, roses are red. We're coming aboard. Prepare to eat lead.
– Rapp Scallion