• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

These errors are because of the perks modifications. it's possible the perk is not avaible so then it can't find the value. If you use the getattribute it will make sure not errors are generated. Also make sure you use "defence" instead of "defense". Just check the names with the perks_init.c file
same goes for this error
The first time it doesn't recognise the value so use getattribute to get it. But for now it's (PChar.TrainingFight.count) also not set anywhere as far as I can see. so I think you forgot that.
These errors I'm not sure why they are generated, this could be storyline specific. Could someone try it in another storyline to check? And what stroyline where you playing davyjack?
TrainingFight.count is an artifact from MAXIMUS' original code that I forgot to fully remove in one place...I don't use it anymore but there is a conditional statement that calls it. I will remove and do some more testing and resubmit the change. Also, I didn't realize there were logs that track errors...boy,that is going to make troubleshooting a lot easier from now on.
Yup, check the .log files generated in your main game folder. Especially error.log .
you can also use Logit(string + string etc) to send things to the screen or Trace() to send things to compile.log
Made a few changes to the training code to fix the errors previously seen plus added some dialog to better indicate if you won or lost the sparring match. I made these on top of Pieter's version of my files. See attached zip. Thanks for the troubleshooting snippets Levis ...very helpful.


  • Training3-26-14.zip
    31.1 KB · Views: 122
...plus added some dialog to better indicate if you won or lost the sparring match.
:onya seadogs2_0000.jpg seadogs2_0002.jpg seadogs2_0004.jpg seadogs2_0007.jpg :duel:


  • compile.log
    45.2 KB · Views: 169
  • error.log
    259 bytes · Views: 155
  • readme.txt
    8.1 KB · Views: 164
that error is unrelated to this mod I believe.
So good Job on that on Fixing the Errors!
I have replaced the Beta 3 installer now with a Beta 3.2 WIP version here:
[See below for corrected file and details]
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I've grabbed a copy. I don't know when I'll be able to test it in detail though, not least because it won't recognise any of my saved games so I'd need to start over. So it will be quite some time before I have powerful enough character and ship to check many of the events listed...
I took down the link again; apparently that particular installer was not very well-done.
Currently compiling a fixed one.
Let's try that again, shall we?
[LINK REMOVED: Wrong again]

Change Log:
- Bug Fixes:
  . Missing Ships on Worldmap Encounters fixed by Levis
  . Monthly Salary Payments fixed by Levis
  . Extra Atmosphere Tavern Fights fixed by Levis
  . Rival Suitor error messages fixed by Levis
  . Muskets/Musketoons not working during boardings fixed by Jack Rackham
  . Father Bernard "Skill Reset" functionality fixed by El Rapido
  . Fix to Guadeloupe Town Capture by Pieter Boelen
  . Barbados location descriptions fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Fleut of War encounter chance improved by Pieter Boelen
- Gameplay Updates:
  . Worldmap Encounters improved to take into account nearby islands and time of day by Levis
  . Training Fights with crew on player ship deck fixed and reinstated by Purseon
- Code Updates:
  . Ability System fixed and improved by Levis
  . F2>Character Screen shows highest rank instead of latest rank by Levis
- Storyline Updates:
  . Gold-Bug Storyline new WIP content included by Jack Rackham
  . Hoist the Colours Storyline potential quest errors due to immortal Mr. Gibbs fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Standard storyline Black Pearl swap with uncursed version after capture fixed by Pieter Boelen
- Texture Updates:
  . Widescreen Improved Spyglasses by TheBlackKnight
- Model Updates:
  . HMS Surprise camera height improved by Hylie Pistof
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New game required?
I didn't enforce a new game, no. There aren't all that many changes anyway, so I'm hoping Beta 3.1 savegames will work normally.

Pistols during boarding fixed
Only the Musket/Musketoon that had been acting up for the player character.
The problem you reported is a different one. I don't think anyone else has even able to replicate that problem. :facepalm
I have tried twice but can't get it to work. :modding
I've checked the weather file but can't see what's wrong with it. :confused:


  • error.log
    640 bytes · Views: 166