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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3.5 Internal WIP For Testing

In the GoldBug the maincharacter has an officer with him most of the time. But there is no exchange of items between them or any use of the passenger IF.
Does the story not give you enough companions and officers to work with?
My initial thoughts would be:
1. Make sure you ALSO cannot hire captains of enemy ships
2. Disable Passengers menu while the story is still in progress
You get companions assigned for story purposes, e.g. the midshipmen at the start of the story, Sharpe and some of his men later, even Captain Pellew and Sir Arthur Wellesley at a couple of points. None of them are assigned jobs as officers, which means even if they have any decent gunnery skill, for example, you don't get any benefit from it. Unless you tell Captain Pellew that he's now your gunner, which I did during the battle against the Temeraire. xD But that won't be an option if the Passengers menu is disabled.

And even if you do disable hiring of captains of enemy ships, there's still the little matter of Rys Bloom and Fred Bob. You'd have to disable their side quests during the story. This might not be a bad idea anyway, and not just theirs. I never tried looking for side quests to see if they would clash with the main story, but if you can disable the lot until the switch to free play then it's no longer an issue.

The solution is simple enough: Take the files from Brave Black Flag and put them in the Hornblower or general folder.
RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\[something]\QUESTSTEXTS is what you're looking for.

If you can distinguish the "Standard Storyline Main Quest" from the "Side Quest" files, that would be quite welcome.
Saves me the trouble of figuring that one out and then we can put one set in the general folder instead of having multiple copies for each storyline. :woot
It's "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\<insert story name here>\QUESTBOOK". For the general folder, omit "Storyline\<insert story name here>". I'll see what happens if I copy the relevant ones from either "Storyline\Standard" or "Storyline\BraveBlackFlag" into the general folder, if that doesn't solve the quest book problems then I'll try putting them into "Storyline\Hornblower". Hopefully I'll get proper quest book entries, though it won't help with actual quest errors such as Toff Oremans' pirate not showing up at the port...
Thanks! Should be safe to disable it then. :doff

Exchanging items doesn't require the Passengers Interface anyway; only reason would be to change your "shore party" or reassign different officers to different roles.
But that doesn't sound relevant for your stories. :no
You get companions assigned for story purposes, e.g. the midshipmen at the start of the story, Sharpe and some of his men later, even Captain Pellew and Sir Arthur Wellesley at a couple of points. None of them are assigned jobs as officers, which means even if they have any decent gunnery skill, for example, you don't get any benefit from it. Unless you tell Captain Pellew that he's now your gunner, which I did during the battle against the Temeraire. xD But that won't be an option if the Passengers menu is disabled.
True, that. The Captain might as well contribute something!

Alternative would be to auto-assign different officers to different types, which is theoretically possible.
Or perhaps just lock clicking on the Shore Party until the story has completed. That might be simpler....

And even if you do disable hiring of captains of enemy ships, there's still the little matter of Rys Bloom and Fred Bob. You'd have to disable their side quests during the story. This might not be a bad idea anyway, and not just theirs. I never tried looking for side quests to see if they would clash with the main story, but if you can disable the lot until the switch to free play then it's no longer an issue.
I will probably get to disabling certain sidequests for certain storylines or at various stages of those storylines.
But I won't do that until they do work in all of them.

It's "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\<insert story name here>\QUESTBOOK". For the general folder, omit "Storyline\<insert story name here>". I'll see what happens if I copy the relevant ones from either "Storyline\Standard" or "Storyline\BraveBlackFlag" into the general folder, if that doesn't solve the quest book problems then I'll try putting them into "Storyline\Hornblower". Hopefully I'll get proper quest book entries, though it won't help with actual quest errors such as Toff Oremans' pirate not showing up at the port...
General folder should work. :yes
You get companions assigned for story purposes, e.g. the midshipmen at the start of the story, Sharpe and some of his men later, even Captain Pellew and Sir Arthur Wellesley at a couple of points. None of them are assigned jobs as officers, which means even if they have any decent gunnery skill, for example, you don't get any benefit from it. Unless you tell Captain Pellew that he's now your gunner, which I did during the battle against the Temeraire. xD But that won't be an option if the Passengers menu is disabled.
I have now made some changes so you REALLY should not be able to hire enemy captains.
Additionally you cannot remove officers or assign them to an active slot while the Hornblower main quest is still active.

Ideally should be handled in a different way by locking specific characters, but that would be a lot harder to do on a case-by-case basis.
Hot Dam Sam! I got a Grand Schooner for the first time in many years. It was in a Dutch shipyard and I have not seen them outside of a French shipyard before. I might actually tinker with this one.
This ship is listed as having 24 cannons but actually has 20. The pennants look too fat to me, so I am making them longer and narrower.

This ship reminded me of why I don't sail those low ships. The deck is often awash and many times the bow is completely under water.
Opening post update with new ZIP. Contains the following changes:
- Should REALLY not be able to hire officers in Hornblower storyline in ANY way
- Cannot change shore party during Hornblower storyline
- Sidequest questbook files moved to shared folder so there won't be empty entries in some storylines
- Hornblower storyline Toff Oremans sidequest should be fixed
- Navy behaviour upon officially joining pirates should be fixed

While this update does force you to start a new game, just set #define IS_SGV to 14.908 in PROGRAM\globals.c to get round that limitation.
This may cause an error message if you do escort quests now but otherwise should do no particular harm. :no
I'm not fussed over Rys Bloom; will have to disable specific quest officers later.

Will check the Prisoned dialog.c file to ensure you can't hire the character there either.
It seems things have gone really very quiet here on the forum lately; not quite sure why, but it is quite BORING! :razz

Anyway, I'm currently compiling another Beta 3.5 WIP installer EXE. This one contains some corrections here and there.
But most importantly, it should have almost all sidequest code moved OUT of the storyline folders.
This means that we are getting close to having the sidequests working directly in every storyline.

For now, I have set up Nelson as "testing grounds". We basically need people to play through ALL sidequests there and find what does and does not work.
A lot of quest cases will still be missing, so when those occur, they must be CUT from the Standard storyline and pasted into the Nelson both_reaction.c file.
The final result should be a Standard storyline with NO sidequest code and a Nelson storyline with ONLY sidequest code.
Once we have that working properly, we will put the Nelson both_reaction.c content into PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_common.c file.
Then the sidequest should work in ALL storylines. :dance

Anyway, I am hoping for some further support from our other forum members. Let's see if we can get a bit of activity going again, eh? :cheeky
Opening post updated with the latest. NEW GAME ENFORCED because I made too many changes to initialization files.

Main new stuff:
- "Locked location" upon stealing from item traders/town guards fixed for Realistic Game Mode.
- Hiring prisoners as officer disabled for Hornblower.
- Sidequest changes as per my previous post.

So please test and comment! :cheers
I have been playing POTC 3.3 as 3.5 is just too frustrating. Therefore I have nothing to say here, but will try to work up some interest in testing 3.5 again.
I have been playing POTC 3.3 as 3.5 is just too frustrating.
Frustrating in what way? Still the performance thing? And even with the code removed that you confirmed triggered the performance issue in the first place.
It is like your game just lives in a whole alternate universe or something. Which is, surprisingly perhaps, not just frustrating to you, but very much to me as well!!!
I do believe another explosion might be in order here.... :boom:
I play Nelsons first command. Mr.Gibbs have no compass, is that intended .


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Not intended, no. Please make a Bug Tracker issue and I'll check it next week.
Sounds like my attempt to move the quest item initialization to initItems.c didn't yet work.
Time for me to restart Hornblower again, then. Which I may need to do anyway because something odd is happening. I'm at the point where Sharpe and I are about to attack the Spanish fort; I go up the correct path, his men shoot the cannon crew, we fight the guards at our side of the bridge - and then the fort commander sends reinforcements (there's a logit message to that effect and I'd like to know where it's coming from), then he joins in the fight personally, gets killed, and therefore isn't around to surrender and let me through to the fort to continue the quest. Either it's a side effect of something I've done to "quests_reaction.c" or the savegame is broken, and anyway I want to see how the quests will cope with my planned changes to international relations.
Fort Commander sends reinforcements? Nope, that's not because of you; it is because of me.
Apparently the game considers the soldiers there to be "town guards" and killing them triggers the behaviour as described here:
That will need addressing; will look at that next week.

Also, the missing item issue that @ANSEL noticed may prove to be a problem as well. So perhaps yesterday's release isn't quite play-worthy yet.

I'd still be interested in someone doing that Nelson thing I suggested in my previous post.
That is basically the only thing that yesterday's release is good for. Anything item-based won't work, but there aren't that many item-based quests.
Just as well I mentioned it, then, otherwise I'd probably have wasted the whole weekend failing to find what's wrong with my "quests_reaction.c", starting a new game, getting to the same place and still having the problem...

OK, I'll mess around with Nelson instead. Prime targets are to see how the Martinique side quests fare; and acquire thief's knife, cobblestone and sandbag for use on merchants and guards.
Just as well I mentioned it, then, otherwise I'd probably have wasted the whole weekend failing to find what's wrong with my "quests_reaction.c", starting a new game, getting to the same place and still having the problem...
Definitely! I wouldn't want you to needlessly waste your time!*

( * = Isn't "wasting time" always needless? :razz )

It is always a good idea to mention things on the forum if you don't know what's going on; there's always the chance that somebody else knows more. :yes

OK, I'll mess around with Nelson instead. Prime targets are to see how the Martinique side quests fare; and acquire thief's knife, cobblestone and sandbag for use on merchants and guards.
That would indeed be much appreciated! :woot

I'd be curious to know if that Patric Cardone sidequest in Nelson now works the way you would expect it to.
Frustrating in what way? Still the performance thing? And even with the code removed that you confirmed triggered the performance issue in the first place.
It is like your game just lives in a whole alternate universe or something. Which is, surprisingly perhaps, not just frustrating to you, but very much to me as well!!!
I do believe another explosion might be in order here.... :boom:

I am more concerned with my blood pressure than any game, so am playing 3.3 until something can be figured out. Maybe a new clean 3.5 install will help. Or maybe not.