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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3.5 Internal WIP For Testing

I just finished a big 16 ship battle and have some observations. :nerbz

The frame rate held up but it it was still a slide show that took me back to the evil beta 1 days. I gotta work on that.

The English flagship surrendered early and all the English ships went neutral to me. The battle was between the English and French and I took the French side in order to get the English mad at me. Anyway, I thought that this issue had been fixed as it was quite inconvenient for them to not be hostile. The Flag was transferred as it is supposed to but I had no one shooting at me and could only board surrendered ships.

With the Pirates now trading with me I found that for some reason they only want to send me to Antigua. Hence my reason for getting the English angry. Now maybe they will send me somewhere else. Or not. :nerbz
The English flagship surrendered early and all the English ships went neutral to me. The battle was between the English and French and I took the French side in order to get the English mad at me. Anyway, I thought that this issue had been fixed as it was quite inconvenient for them to not be hostile. The Flag was transferred as it is supposed to but I had no one shooting at me and could only board surrendered ships.
No, it wasn't. Levis tried some things, but didn't manage to figure it out either.

With the Pirates now trading with me I found that for some reason they only want to send me to Antigua. Hence my reason for getting the English angry. Now maybe they will send me somewhere else. Or not. :nerbz
Is that a cargo quest from the pirate store owner? Are you friendly with only England?
You play in Early Explorers, don't you? If I recall, Antigua is the only English island there. That might explain it.
Until this battle the only ones hostile to me were the Dutch and they don't have an island. Antigua is a very popular destination as I am being sent there a lot. Now it will be a challenge to go there.
That's al-right then; the target location is random. And we all know that random could be the same thing over and over for mysterious reasons. :facepalm
It seems to me that the place they send me to usually is poor and carries the same goods as the first store. Also, they like to send me back to where I just came from.
The code doesn't look at sensible trade routes.
It just searches for a random location that is friendly to you.
Just a FYI about trading with Pirates as this is new to me.

Turks will not give me a trading mission but the store is well stocked so I can take off on my own. So far Nevis is still sending me to Antigua even though the English are hostile to me. The store does not have enough goods for me to fill my holds so......Antigua it is.
For the trade quests, first a destination nation is found by looping through all nations, then:
- Skip nations hostile to the player
- Skip nations hostile to the trader nation
- Skip nations that ARE the trade nation
- Skip pirates
- Choose a random nation out of what is left

Since you are getting the quest from the pirates, the destination must be non-pirate and friendly to the pirates and no such place exists.
It probably returns ENGLAND as that is coded as number 0 and probably shows up as "default".
As Antigua is the only English island, that might explain why you always have to go there.

Relevant code is in PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_common.c:
int GenerateNationTrade(int nation)
   int i = -1;
   string friendlyNations = "";
   for(int j=0; j<NATIONS_QUANTITY; j++)
     if(GetNationRelation2MainCharacter(j)==RELATION_ENEMY) continue;
     if(GetNationRelation(nation, j)==RELATION_ENEMY) continue;
     if(nation==j) continue;
     if(j==PIRATE) continue;
     string tmpNat = j;
     friendlyNations = StoreString(friendlyNations,tmpNat);
   i = sti(GetRandSubString(friendlyNations));

   return i;
Perhaps an exception should be made for when the source nation is PIRATE?
I'd suggest making the following change:
int GenerateNationTrade(int nation)
   int i = -1;
   string friendlyNations = "";
   for(int j=0; j<NATIONS_QUANTITY; j++)
     if(GetNationRelation2MainCharacter(j)==RELATION_ENEMY) continue;
     if(nation != PIRATE && GetNationRelation(nation, j)==RELATION_ENEMY) continue; // PB: Allow pirates to send you to nations hostile to them
     if(nation==j) continue;
     if(j==PIRATE) continue;
     string tmpNat = j;
     friendlyNations = StoreString(friendlyNations,tmpNat);
   i = sti(GetRandSubString(friendlyNations));

   return i;
That should skip the check for "destination nation must be friendly to trader nation" for pirate traders.
In other words, that unlocks ALL nations that the player is friendly to when you take a quest from a pirate.

Does that sound about right?
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Since I'm not sure when I can make another update after today, the opening post ZIP has been updated again:
Build 14 Beta 3.5:
- New Features:
  . Realistic Cargo Mod by J Norrington
  > Modified cannon weights- Code Updates:  . Pirate cargo quests can send you to different nation islands by Pieter Boelen
- Bug Fixes:
  . WorldMap quest updates always disabled while on shore by Pieter Boelen
- Storyline Updates:
  . Sidequests:
  > Emilio Soares fixed for Bartolomeu Storyline by Pieter Boelen
  > "Sink the Vogelstuijs" sidequest dialog rewritten by Salonikasurf
  > Nigel Blythe sidequest fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Free Play Storyline:
  > Rebel starting location restored to Nevis Pirate Settlement by Pieter Boelen
  . Hornblower Storyline:
  > Further fixes to storyline by Grey Roger
  > Preliminary quest extension added to the end by Grey Roger, with help of Jack Rackham
And here's the updated update, now with all my "Hornblower" alterations added.


  • b14_b3-5_wip24Apr2015.zip
    723.6 KB · Views: 264
If my internet will actually stay connected for more than an hour i will be able to get onto this build tonight :D

*The internet here is so terrible its running at 13 kbps its sad sad joke that costs 70$ a month and at the moment its disconnecting 20 - 50 times a day.

** Nevermind this is pointless its going to be a while before i get back to testing or playing anything.
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OUCH! Sometimes I have the same terrible Internet connection. But thankfully that doesn't usually last very long.
I got a window with the internet and jumped on quickly to download the installer (thank god i have the contents archives in storage) the net is ungodly i am thinking of switching to the wireless 3G network or satellite internet at any rate ADSL can go to the depths of Davey Jones's locker.

On the bright side i do not need the Net for PoTC so i will probably be spending alot of time on it !
Hi all, Testing BOP storyline. The Santiago (Fast Caravel) has a cargo problem. ship stats say it has a hold of 1200. You can only put 320 in when buying from a store.

I have check the ship init file and it is good - looks like something is overriding it.
Ouch!! Dialup is usually good for 35kbps. Around here when something like that happens it is because the squirrels chew the insulation off the cables and they short out. Then at another place the 60 year old underground phone line runs into a switch box set in a concrete casement that sometimes floods in the winter, shorting everything out. The serviceman spent a good 5 hours there the other day and when I left it was downloading at 900kbps.

I never tried the Santiago. That is a special ship that used to have overly good stats for its type. It sounds like the new cargo mod has fracked it. @J Norrington may be able to help.