• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3.5 Internal WIP For Testing

It works, but first after deleting the files in the the storyline folder.:)
It works, but first after deleting the files in the the storyline folder.:)
So we're back in business? Good, good! Thanks for catching that one. At least the wrong version was only online for an hour or so. :facepalm
Opening post EXE replaced now as well to make for a more complete and cleaner install.
I recommend using that one instead.
Change to this and see if it does then display:
; --> Fred Bob quest items added by CatalinaThePirate

itmname_letter_reward   {Reward Letter}
This sealed letter has an inscription on the envelope promising a reward to the deliverer.
Only difference is the extra white line; for mysterious reasons, that can make a difference on those INI text files. :facepalm
Yes, I tried that last night and it worked.

So now there's another installer plus another zip update, and I've changed Hornblower's "hornblower.c", "StartStoryline.c" and "quests_reaction.c" so that it's now set in the War of the Second Coalition. Also, as per your suggestion, I've changed the dates in "initModels.c" so that Hornblower's models are dated 1798. I'll need to copy my updated files out of harm's way, install the new version, then put back my files. And then I need to start the story all over again so I can check everything works...

How do you take a character out of the passengers list? I want to do some tidying up in time for the end of story. At the moment you end the game with a lot of companions, several of which really should not be there and at least one of which is dead!
So now there's another installer plus another zip update, and I've changed Hornblower's "hornblower.c", "StartStoryline.c" and "quests_reaction.c" so that it's now set in the War of the Second Coalition. Also, as per your suggestion, I've changed the dates in "initModels.c" so that Hornblower's models are dated 1798. I'll need to copy my updated files out of harm's way, install the new version, then put back my files. And then I need to start the story all over again so I can check everything works...
I made a few of those changes already in the ZIP, including the starting date change and giving Midshipman Hornblower the "Witch of Endor" instead.
If you post your changed files, I can include them in the next update myself so they won't get overwritten on your end. Don't want to lose all that! :wp

How do you take a character out of the passengers list? I want to do some tidying up in time for the end of story. At the moment you end the game with a lot of companions, several of which really should not be there and at least one of which is dead!
I'm not near my game right now so can't check this properly.
Have a look through quests_reaction.c or some similar files. There should be some references to a RemovePassenger function.
I play as a swordmaster in free play storyline. I just completed vogelstruijs quest. When I go back
to Beauregaard, he wants me to do the quest again.Now there is two governors, Isabelle De Cussy is
governor too. Savegame whit the situation attached.


  • -=Player=- Hispaniola. Port au Prince. August 10th, 1746 1.zip
    732.9 KB · Views: 107
I play as a swordmaster in free play storyline. I just completed vogelstruijs quest. When I go back
to Beauregaard, he wants me to do the quest again.Now there is two governors, Isabelle De Cussy is
governor too. Savegame whit the situation attached.
When you exit the townhall and then return, is he still there? I put some code in place to remove him to prevent such weirdness.
But I can imagine you can run into this issue before you exit the location, so I'll put some extra code in place to prevent that too.
Well, I exit the townhall and return and he is not there anymore. But I dont Think I got the reward.
Did the questbook entry close? If so, you must have gotten the money too.
Yes the questbook entry close well enough, maybe I didn`t notice the reward.
ZIP file attached to opening post is now updated. The quest-repeating bug reported by @ANSEL should be fixed.
The other changes are mainly Hornblower-related stuff as discussed with @Grey Roger.
Also some changes made to a Navy Free Play start to enable different nations and include a very brief explanation of your promotion and orders.
I just tried to start a new game in free play and it appears to be broken. I set it up as I always do for LaCroix but instead of starting on a beach I start in a cabin with Malcolm Hatcher. The dialog works but I have no weapons and there are none in the weapons locker. Endit.
When you finished the dialog and go to the coast, you will be on the beach.
You can do the quest, by paying the jailkeeper , not by waiting for your crew,
no ship and no soldiers are waiting for you , after you leave the church.
Also there is something odd, I have the opening scene at the beach twice.
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It is not possible to finish the dialog as there are no weapons in the weapons locker. That ends it right there.
I just tried to start a new game in free play and it appears to be broken. I set it up as I always do for LaCroix but instead of starting on a beach I start in a cabin with Malcolm Hatcher.
Can you show a screenshot of the Select Storyline interface with the settings you use? That would be
quite relevant for testing.
I tested on default La Croix settings and that worked for me.
If you see Malcolm and get the Standard tutorial dialog, then something is not triggering for you.
Here it is. I always choose gambler because that gives me the perks I crave most. Commerce and Luck.

Beta 3 2015-04-10 09-48-58-96.jpg
If you want to play as La Croix now, you have to choose Rogue to trick him, not Gambler anymore.
I just tried and yes something is wrong in the opening dialogs , but only for some background characters.
Well, now I dont know what to say! I tried again and now everything is OK.
The ship and The soldiers now is waiting for you, when you leave the church.
It seems like the problem whit the opening scene is a Random thing. Sometimes
it works, other times not.