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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 2.4 Test Versions

That sounds like the early Open Sea mod. Then one could close to almost 50 yards and still save because you were still not in "battle range". Now the only way to save while close is after they surrender. The battle music still plays but saves work.
Indeed if you used the Open Sea Mod in the past, I'm not sure what would happen. I didn't make the Beta 2.4 Test Version to take that mod into account yet.
Indeed if you used the Open Sea Mod in the past, I'm not sure what would happen. I didn't make the Beta 2.4 Test Version to take that mod into account yet.

Aye, that may be the case. I think I used Open Sea Mod. I was not aware it was not part of the actual build.
Aye, that may be the case. I think I used Open Sea Mod. I was not aware it was not part of the actual build.
It will be if I can manage it. It was an additional option for Beta 2.3, but it's always better to have code updated included in the main code files.
Otherwise they don't get updated when they need to be and things just go wrong everywhere. Like in this instance. :facepalm
It did not only happen with the Constitution class, but also with Unitée class I sailed before. Can of course be bad luck that both ships easily loose masts ... *shrug*
I've only just got round to installing Beta 2.4 WIP2, and I couldn't help but laugh at the response my PC gave:
Windows protected your PC
Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognised app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
[Run anyway] [Don't run]
Honestly, Windows 8 is so paranoid. xD
@Hylie: Nope, the Unitée is much smaller than the Constitution. 32 guns I think, 12 punders if I remember correct.
I am not sure but methinks the Unitee class is the Constitution repainted for other nations.
Thinking the same, I checked that yesterday. Turns out the Unité class is the RN_Surprise.

Pieter: One step at a time. I put that first line in and hit F12, then went to the Governor at Jamaica and he gave me a mission to sink a Portagee heavy East Indiaman. :8q My poor little light fluyt! I got lucky and it spawned in the harbor where there was already a battle going on with 2 other Portagee ships, so I got lots of help from the fort and ended up capturing that beast. Then went back to the Governor and he did not have anything for me, as expected. Left the port and that message is gone.
So things are back to working normally now, right? Just like they should be.
While I have been unable to trace the timer for completed governor missions, it is normal that you can't get another straight away.
Should work again a few days later.

Funny thing is, I found some lines in the console already similar to what you put into your last post. I am wondering if I hit F12 and got those going in this game by accident.
You mean these lines?
//    if (CheckAttribute(pchar, "quest.generate_kill_quest")) LogIt("Pirate Hunting Quest active");
//    if (GetNationRelation2MainCharacter(GetCurrentLocationNation()) == RELATION_ENEMY) LogIt("Enemy location");
//    LogIt(pchar.quest.kill_pirate_refused_timer.win_condition);
//    LogIt(pchar.quest.generate_kill_quest);
I left them in the file on purpose because I used them for Pirate Hunting testing too.
They're commented out though, so wouldn't get executed. Also, they only show messages and don't do anything else. :no
That's when you were trying to run my 7-Zip Self-Extracting EXE file? Well, how COULD it already recognize it? I only made it a few days ago! :shock
True. The point is, it's yet another ridiculous layer of Windows' "protection", presented in a kind of "Look what I did! I'm so proud of myself!" style. :rolleyes:
Ah Pieter's good testing lines being out-commented, helps if you go back to it at a later date keeping it :)
It requires a certain number of people to download it before it becomes a 'trusted' file till that time it comes up as a potential risk... honestly they are making people paranoid over pretty much nothing these days :(
You've gotta love excess security. Security measures preventing modpacks from installing correctly in Program Files folders, for example.
And in the meantime, Windows Update and McAfee like to reboot my computer when their updates are completed without me needing to confirm it.
Then they go scanning for viruses and my computer's performance slows down to a crawl.

How about they stop trying to deal with "unsafe files from other parties" and start making their OWN stuff actually WORK.
As in "not PRETEND to work, but ACTUALLY work". Yeah, like THAT's ever gonna happen. :facepalm

(Whee; you've gotta love needless American slang in complanatory* posts. :dance )

* = Posts that complain; for some reason, I felt the need to invent a new word for it
I have a graphics question. I downloaded 2.4 and the game now loads and 800x600 and when I go into the config and change it 2 1600x1200, hit save or save and play the game still loads in 800x600. What I am doing wrong?

Also, it appears that the default on the log in is now all caps, is that deliberate?
I have a graphics question. I downloaded 2.4 and the game now loads and 800x600 and when I go into the config and change it 2 1600x1200, hit save or save and play the game still loads in 800x600. What I am doing wrong?
Hey Jason! Long time, no see!
You are changing these lines without the ; in front of them, right?
full_screen = 1
screen_x = 800
screen_y = 600
Recommend changing that to:
full_screen = 0
screen_x = 1600
screen_y = 1200
There are some lines below it too, but those are just there as an example and aren't used.
Thanks pieter,

Where are those lines? Also is cheatmode locked in this version? And, what is with those little hints when you change screeens
Where are those lines?
Top of engine.ini .

Also is cheatmode locked in this version?
You mean switched off? You can switch it on at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h .
It is always switched off by default, unless I accidentally leave it on in a release version. :facepalm

And, what is with those little hints when you change screeens
They were in the original game, but not switched on. Baste adjusted them for Build 14, so we now have them working.
They can be switched off again by setting numoftips = 0 in engine.ini .
Ok, to be clear, On the all the recent version of the build, I used
Full screen = 1
screen_x = 1600
screen_y = 1200

and it worked fine. High resolution and full screen. Now when I do it, it appears to revert back to 800 x600. This is beyond my expertise and I doubt it is effected by anything we are doing to the build, but the timing of the change in my system's preformance makes we wonder.
That... doesn't make any sense. What if you DELETE your engine.ini and extract attached version in its place?


  • engine.zip
    3.8 KB · Views: 142