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Build 14 Beta 1

Yeah, that's why I play as a merchant and avoid combat when possible. I died on one sword stroke twice today, and I had the block up both times too. Another time I got in a long range battle. Him with a gun and me with grenades. He won..........That was with me at level10 and 143hp.
I also have the feeling that fencing has become a lot more difficult, compared to my last PotC fights years ago. By then it was TOO easy, with the blocking making you almost invulnerable for as long as you held the key. :dance

But now I have the impression that blocking is almost ineffective. That would reduce fencing to just one move: hit "attack" as fast as you can :ixi

Has the blocking code been changed ? (IIRC that was always an issue) Or is that due to stronger bandits and/or more piercing power of the weapons (spades, axes...)?
CCC: A daughter brought over case of IPA which I drank last nite, so I'm in poor condition today. I'm not sure I understand your post on the last page. The ctds start after a long period of play, say around the battle for Bridgetown. Because Pieter's and Sulan's changes require a new game I am currently some time away from getting the ctds.
Sorry for spoiling your morning after :drunk I alwasy tend to preach lessons on coding details in the hope of getting more people into programming :nk , but maybe I rather deter them instead :cheeky

What I meant is:
Solution1, increasing #define MAX_SHIP_GROUPS , MIGHT just help, so its worth a try.

Solution2 shouldn't work FAIK

I'll try the radical solution of using always the same groupname:
string groupname = "Directenc";
what difficulty are you playing on though? it could be that the changes to swordfighting didn't account for the higher ones.
CCC: You aren't stopping me from learning code. I'm too simple minded to learn more than the bare basics. :wp Anyway, I think I know what you want me to do and I will look into it when I get a game up to the point of getting those errors. So far I'm getting errors, but they seem to be about other

things like islands (Conceicao), weapons (ammo/blade 38) and fantom characters.

For your solutions, I'm using what Pieter put in Patch7-2 WIP. Solution 1 requires a new game so I won't be touching it again. Does solution 2 require a new game, or just F11?

About the fighting difficulty, it has always been hard right at the start but as you progress and get stronger it gets easier until you just dominate totally. The goal has been to make it more progressive so you are always challenged. We are getting there, but there are some rough edges yet. In my last game I could still get killed when I was in the 30s levels, but it was rare. So we are getting close. I play at swashbuckler level because I'm a glutton for punishment. :eek:ops2
How do you get to level 30 so quick?! I play for about 8 hours(say over a weekend) and am still at level 10ish!!

I think the 'habit' of playing at swashbuckler is probably a good one to get out of . It seemed to have become the new 'average' level to start a new game on, which since playing with Build Mod 14 i personally always found too hard in the combats, so generally i play at Adventurer level and often run test games in journeyman.

at Adventurer level the combats are hard but not overwhelming, so i like the challange of that. At journeyman they seem about the same, maybe i die a little less often though? How do the difficulty levels effect things like combat exactly?

Block sometimes seems not to work, i don't know if it is always a timing thing on my part or just bad luck, where i guess my 'roll' on the defense(blade block+luck effect etc) is just worse than the 'roll' on the attack? I had noticed we had lots of blades that did 'piercing' at higher levels than we had blades with good 'blocking' stats, so i've made a few more 'defensive' weapons(merchant blade as a starting blade and the dirks(as they were often used in the 'off' hand in combat as a parrying second strike weapon), it might be good to give a few more blades better 'blocking' stats possibly?
To get to the 30's I was playing patch 6 an average of 4 hours every day, and it took over 2 months. I play differently than you do also. I don't spend so much time in directsail. I mostly enter and leave ports in world map because I will not spend 1-2 weeks game time endlessly tacking back and forth trying to beat the wind. Maybe that is a function of the level I play at. Since patch 7-2 came out I have played one game only and made level 13 last night. Remember that I sent in my retirement papers last week and am not working. That means I have plenty of free time now.

I started out at journeyman level and arcade mode. Then moved up to swashbuckler, and then later to realistic mode. Swashbuckler is not so much harder as it is frustrating. Nothing goes smoothly. But it is the best place to test things to destruction, like masts and sails. For enjoyment methinks adventurer is best. But I still wasn't having

trouble until this last patch. I've been watching closely and it appears my opponents start with a little more HP than I do. But my sword strikes seem to do about 15 hp damage while theirs do anywhere from 40hp to whatever it takes to go through a block, armor, and my 120-150hp in one stroke. 200?

The sword I am using does make a big difference. The clamshell falchion is the worst. It is all offence and no defence and I died with one stroke 3 times in a row. The bosuns choice isn't bad. I can sometimes survive up to 3 strokes with it. I'm excited! I picked up a French Court Sword. It's defense is 40+, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet. The changed sword ratings are hurting me for sure. The Waloon was a favorite for me because of its excellent defense, but it has been downgraded to no better than average, leaving me defenseless against improved opponents.

Methinks that every blade "level" should have two swords at minimum. One that is offense oriented like the falchion and one that is defense oriented like the waloon used to be.

On the merchant side I've been trying to quantify things. Using the run back and forth between St. Pierre and San Juan as the base, in patch 6 that was a profitable run moving gold, silver, silk, and ebony. In the first patch it got wild with huge profits of over 3 million P possible. With this latest patch I'm making 200,000 P max. That's gross, not net. I'm a class 5 Captain but due to a lack of funds I'm sailing a class 6 Caravel.
On the merchant side I've been trying to quantify things. Using the run back and forth between St. Pierre and San Juan as the base, in patch 6 that was a profitable run moving gold, silver, silk, and ebony. In the first patch it got wild with huge profits of over 3 million P possible. With this latest patch I'm making 200,000 P max. That's gross, not net. I'm a class 5 Captain but due to a lack of funds I'm sailing a class 6 Caravel.

Well, to me this sounds very realistic. There are more profitable runs though, I think. Try visiting all the colonies and use your tradebook.

If you and others think, it's too hard, we can still adjust a little bit. I now know exactly which one is the correct toggle.
I do visit all of the colonies that I get an assignment to, and the trade book is a necessity. Trade runs is all I do with a little dabbling in the quest when convenient. The most profitable colonies are the Spanish and French. What is hurting me the most is that the contraband prices are all wrong. Contraband should cost more than normal goods, but it now costs less, making it a bad deal. I now go with empty holds rather than lose money on some runs. For instance, there is nothing I can take from Sao Jorge and make a profit. But if you think it is realistic, so be it. I will adapt.
I do visit all of the colonies that I get an assignment to, and the trade book is a necessity. Trade runs is all I do with a little dabbling in the quest when convenient. The most profitable colonies are the Spanish and French. What is hurting me the most is that the contraband prices are all wrong. Contraband should cost more than normal goods, but it now costs less, making it a bad deal. I now go with empty holds rather than lose money on some runs. For instance, there is nothing I can take from Sao Jorge and make a profit. But if you think it is realistic, so be it. I will adapt.

No, that's definitely not what it should be. I'll have to look into the contraband thing - and maybe lift prices a little again. Thank you very much for testing in any case! This is very valuable

Fine-tuning economy is the most tiresome and long-lasting job in any game, so it will take some rounds of adjustments. Please find attached a tweaked InternalSettings.h and tell me, if it is a little better with these values.


  • InternalSettings.h
    65.8 KB · Views: 158
I think the importing/exporting/contraband goods for the different islands should maybe set up a bit better; at the moment, several islands use copied code lines from the original islands and such.
Could even be made to be period-dependent/period-correct? But then all the trade rumours should be updated accordingly as well.
............ I've been watching closely and it appears my opponents start with a little more HP than I do. But my sword strikes seem to do about 15 hp damage while theirs do anywhere from 40hp to whatever it takes to go through a block, armor, and my 120-150hp in one stroke. 200?

The sword I am using does make a big difference. The clamshell falchion is the worst. It is all offence and no defence and I died with one stroke 3 times in a row. The bosuns choice isn't bad. I can sometimes survive up to 3 strokes with it. I'm excited! I picked up a French Court Sword. It's defense is 40+, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet. The changed sword ratings are hurting me for sure. The Waloon was a favorite for me because of its excellent defense, but it has been downgraded to no better than average, leaving me defenseless against improved opponents.

Methinks that every blade "level" should have two swords at minimum. One that is offense oriented like the falchion and one that is defense oriented like the waloon used to be.

I can't see where your enemy could do anything like the damage you reported(40-120/150hp in one stroke)! The weapon stats are certainly not any where near that level, wel maybe a couple of the quest blades are if you add a high level NPC's stats to them maybe, but you shouldn't be finding NPC's with quest weapons now? So that is a puzzle.

At the lowest end on the old stats, the breadknife(90gold) min damage used to be 3, max 9 and it had stats of 40 piercing 0 blocking. Now it is min dam 3 max dam 9 piercing 20, blocking 3

In the old patch 5 weapons, at the top end of the 'normal'(non quest) weapons we had stuff like the Bosun's choice(20,000gold) with min dam 40, max dam 55, piercing 55 and block 55.

Also in terms of best piercing/block stats, the Cardinals Guard(8,000gold) with min dam 20, max dam 35, piercing 100, block 70

And the Soligen Rapier(9,000gold) min dam 20, max 35, piercing 70, block 100.

Now as top level weapons we have:

Russian Cossack's Shashka(9200gold), min dam 29, max dam 43, piercing 55, block 35. That's the highest piercing rating and value in the normal weapons now(non quest weapons).

High status weapons(so 'noble' class - french court sword, spanish nobility etc) are also part of this new top tier:

French Nobility Sword(4910gold), min dam 20, max dam 35, piercing 35, block 45(best defensive rating, along with the Walloon Sword at 45 block also).

Spanish Nobility Sword(2280gold) min dam 18, max dam 28, piercing 33, block 40.

The highest damage swords are now:

Russian Cossack Shashka(as above)
Damascus Shamshir(5890gold) min dam 25, max dam 49, piercing 49, block 25
Knights Templer Sword(5400gold) min dam 22, max dam 49, piercing 35, block 40

Probably overall compared to the weapons at patch 5, damage and piercing stats have come down at the top end. At the lower end they have a wider spread now, so the current Cutless is a bit better:

(old)Cultess, min dam 14, max dam 19, piercing 10, block 0
(new)Cutless, min dam 15, max dam 18, piercing 15, block 11

the smallsword a little less good in defence:

(old)Smallsword, min dam 13, max dam 19, piercing 30, block 35
(new)Smallsword, min dam 15, max dam 19, piercing 33, block 19

the merchant balde a little better for an early 'defensive' approach:

(old)Merchants Blade, min dam 8, max dam 12, piercing 30, block 5
(new)Merchants Blade, min dam 10, max dam 15, piercing 13, block 14


Stats didn't change massively overall, mostly a couple of extra points here or a couple of extra points less, we have a slightly better range of defensive weapons now from the early level Merchant Blade to the top level French Nobility Sword. But all the 'normal' weapons are now much less powerfull than the quest weapons, there is quite a big difference between even the top teir normal blades and those quest weapons, which should make them even more valuable for the player when they get them.

But like i say Hylie, since patch 5, on the current Build Mod 14(this is the first stage i played it), i've found Swashbuckler level near impossible to play, so the changes i've made to blade stats have not changed that aspect much(if anything it may be a little easier than i found it!).

Enemy HP has not been touched that i'm aware off(i'm not sure where you would change that in the code), but like i mentioned from when i first started playing the Build Mod 14, you do seem to run into groups of bad guys every now and then that are just really hard(impossible even sometimes?) to beat - i'm on a save gave just before such an encounter right now(died 4 times so far trying to beat them). This has always been the way with Build Mod 14 since patch 5(maybe before even?).

Sword combat in general seems much harder than it used to be in build 12, and it is probably a good thing overall(it used to be very easy!) but could do with more tweaking and playtesting for sure, i'm currently playtesting a wider range of damage levels for most weapons, keeping the max dam structure, but lowering the min dam levels to see if this makes combat less leathal at Adventurer and Journeyman levels(then if so i'll eventually test at Swashbuckler!) :sail

EDIT: When i say 'Build Mod 14+patch 5' i mean just those two files, nothing built ontop of anything else, no melding of build 13+14 etc, just the Build Mod 14 beta from the download at the Mod DB site + patch 5. Since then i've added patch 6+7 ontop.
that damage can be pretty easily explained. high melee skill with a few possible extra combat abilities. NPC's built up as comrades in arms are typically very good swordfighters.
Sulan: Your latest internalsettings.h is installed and I will see how it goes.

Black Bart: Is swashbuckler level now supposed to be nearly impossible? I have been playing at that level and realistic sailing since January with no problems. I just had to be careful about swordfighting until level 10 or so. Not anymore! This is a patch 7 issue.

I'm not running into the occasional group of tough guys. They are all tough, except that very rarely we will run into a group of "normal" people. My officers are getting better and now usually survive a fight, while I'm still getting cut down. It used to be we would all die. I'm hoping as my skills get better I might start surviving too.

Edit 6 hours later: It is surely easier to make money now. I haven't run across any sure fire big money deals yet, but it feels like I'm no longer always on the edge of disaster. It seems that small changes in code make for BIG changes in the game.

It seems that sea combat has not been changed. I even captured a lugger! And got my fleet whupped by some English galleons. Looting corpses reveals that my opponents have very good weapons. I am getting a collection of US Cavalry Sabers and Venetian Cutlasses. It looks like I am

getting close to the point where I can possibly survive land combat now as I'm almost to level 14. I'm trying pistols now. Is there some way to make it more progressive so that it isn't too hard early on, but not too easy later on?
Level 15 and all of the combat perks are checked. I seem to have made it over the hump. Suddenly I'm not dying, but am able to fight and survive. Maybe it is the Knights Templar Sword. My officers all have US Cavalry Sabres, and the crew is getting geared up with Venetian Cutlasses.

Trading is much easier now. I've got over $600,000 P and will probably make my first million soon. I just made a profitable run from Sao Jorge to Philipsburg. Is it now just a little too easy now? :shrug
name='Hylie Pistoff' timestamp='1316190322' post='406097']

Black Bart: Is swashbuckler level now supposed to be nearly impossible? I have been playing at that level and realistic sailing since January with no problems. I just had to be careful about swordfighting until level 10 or so. Not anymore! This is a patch 7 issue.

I'm not running into the occasional group of tough guys. They are all tough, except that very rarely we will run into a group of "normal" people. My officers are getting better and now usually survive a fight, while I'm still getting cut down. It used to be we would all die. I'm hoping as my skills get better I might start surviving too.

getting close to the point where I can possibly survive land combat now as I'm almost to level 14. I'm trying pistols now. Is there some way to make it more progressive so that it isn't too hard early on, but not too easy later on?

Just to confirm, since that last patch 'something' has changed re combat difficulty. I reset all the balde value to patch 5+6 stats and still got killed in one strike, while blocking using a sabre with an enemy using a Baldaire!! I had full HP of 55( i was level 2 at the time and have been experimenting with giving +15HP per level up(instead of 10)).

Other things i've seen i can't quite explain along with the much harder combat, is the 'Smallsword' now uses the same inventory icon as the 'walloon sword', even though the code in initItems.c is exactly the same as it used to be re textures and pic numbers etc?

But yeah these last few days, since that last patch 7 update(with lots of changes in it compared to the previous patch changes), we definately have much harder combat(impossible sometimes!) than previously. The stats on the weapons seems to make little difference to this new level of 'danger', i tried setting much lower damage(taking 10 dam of max damage and min damage on all the games weapons!) in initItems.c and was still dying lots at Adventurer level.

Now to be clear this is different from patch 5, patch 6 and patch 7wip 1. Maybe we need to start playing at reduced settings, which i'm fine with but it would be nice to know what could have changed from those last patches to this one that has made such a difference - i pretty much removed the weapon stats from that concern so what else could be causing this more lethal combat? Like CCC mentioned above, block seems to often count for little now?

I've also noticed i had an errorlog file in the main directory and that was reporting a memmory leak, which i'd never had before? Thoughts from Pieter and Sullan on this new combat difficulty if not just weapon stats? Is there a difficulty setting in one of the 'global' type files(internalsettings etc) that would make enemy npc's much more lethal now?
Note that Baste changed the code for critical hits a bit; maybe that's where the increased difficulty came from?
If so, be sure to pop him a note so he may tweak it a bit further.
I would just like to say something about the thing with combat and the changes I made:
I just changed the way critical hits work, making it so there's not a too sudden difference in damage between them and normal hits. It's less likely to kill or be killed with just one strike now. If combat is harder and it's easier to get killed, something else must have been changed as well. :?

Here is what Baste has to say about combat.

BB: you never had that memory leak before? I thought that was a standard part of every install.
it could be criticals thinking about it, when you notice it it is often because you've just taken massive damage and died in one hit(or as good as died), what code did Baste look at that changes critical hits etc? I'm not sure where that might be but would like to experiment with it. Prior to this last patch i'd been playing for weeks quite happily with all my weapons changes etc and hadn't notice what i'm now noticing, and others have commented on, so.......what else could it be in this last patch? :shrug

Oh and here are the new error logs things i've been getting(these are just from game start so i won't post the whole files just what they contain as it is short, but might be of interest to some folks. The game loads up fine and runs, but i seem to have more texture errors and that whole 'error.log' is something new i'm pretty sure:

From 'error.log':

RUNTIME ERROR - file: ITEMS\items_utilite.c; line: 1699
missed attribute: skipgeneral
RUNTIME ERROR - file: ITEMS\items_utilite.c; line: 1699
no rAP data

From 'system.log':

Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 8
Techniques: 9 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 180 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 39506630 ticks.
The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value
The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\SHIPS\BLACK.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\SHIPS\SIB_STUFF COPY.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\SHIPS\RSD_1.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\SHIPS\RSD_1.TGA.tx
Ship Boat doesn't have fire places
Can't load texture resource\textures\LIGHTING\AMMO\BUILDINGSET\SHADOW.TGA.tx
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Can't load texture resource\textures\LIGHTING\AMMO\BUILDINGSET\SHADOW.TGA.tx
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx
Release d3d8
Undefined error
Release d3d
Undefined error
System exit and cleanup:
Mem state: User memory: 51 MSSystem: 32 Blocks: 2
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\DX8RENDER\sdevice.cpp' line 2534, size 7
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\DX8RENDER\sdevice.cpp' line 2525, size 44

That last bit of system.log in my last game(upto level 7 char) did evolve into remarks about memory leaks etc, if i get that again i'll post it also.

Edit: at Hylie, maybe i did? I didn't notice it before though, so maybe it just passed me by? If it is 'normal' for the build then never mind.