Experienced Captain, for the workshop, you'd need to put your file in the Textures\Ammo folder.
I may already have tried that, but I can't remember, so I'll see what happens.
Don't you also need to add/remove some code in ships_init.c to get the screenshots to appear?
After all, you'd usually need to link the ship to the screenshot.
Though of course it does use the ship type, but most ships use another ship's picture at the moment so that'd have to be stopped for it to work.
Um, no, as I think was said before. The ship models are linked to their screenshots through pictures.ini, where each model name has a reference to a specific section of the image collage.
Ships_ini.c only handles the Battle Interface textures, which are what show up at sea. Those are linked with refShip.BI.Tex and .Pic, under every ship's entry.
Though to be fair, I haven't done much testing yet, but I believe that miklkit's code in pictures.ini, plus my WIP image collage, is working.
All the starting ships, for example, are blank, since they aren't in the collage yet. But they have the new border, further indicating that it's working.
No one else has this problem? I've used files dl'ed last summer, files dl'ed a few days ago, and Stallions torrent. All give the same result with patch 5.
If you mean messed up controls, no I haven't seen it yet, but to be honest I've mostly been testing ship models at sea recently, so not been involved in dialogues.
:excl: EDIT: Belay what I said about the screenshot code working! :excl:
Turns out miklkit's code has a systematic error; there is no comma between the ship model name and the coordinates of it's corresponding image.
This silly little missing comma is vital to the code working, so needs to be added to
every line.

When I said it was working due to the blank images, that was my imagination. Ships without their image should appear with the border on a white background.
I tested to see if the commas worked, and several ships in the 'new game' menu have their screenshots now.