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Black Pearl and QAR Progress

I've got the Build 14 Beta 2 installer ready now and will upload it tomorrow. We could wait until after the weekend with the official release, allowing you to run with it for a bit and make some more videos.
But I'd say that isn't quite necessary and you can just finish up your video with the content you've got now. Did you end up using any of the Bartolomeu and Assassin storyline videos?
No I didn't. No, just go ahead as planned. We'll just make the video a release trailer instead of a teaser. At this point I'm so tired of the video, I could easily skip those extra ships. I'll just cheat and use the words "And much more!"
If you could do the finishing touches on it, say, today or so, that would be great. I'd really like to be able to feature your video in my Beta 2 announcement posts. :wp
I don't want to go through 65 pages to find something that might not be released yet so I'll just ask. Is the Wicked Wench skin for the new Pearl complete? We're currently including the new Pearl into the next GoF! version and I'd love to replace the old Wench we have with the new Pearl model with a W.W skin.
The newest versions of the Wicked Wench, Black Pearl and Queen Anne's Revenge are all in Build 14 Beta 2; they've all been updated in the past two months or so.
While the Wicked Wench is supposed to eventually be updated a little bit still for her texture maps, so is ready and released as it is. :yes
I might be wrong, but seems noone has ported the NEW BP model to CoAS yet, so there IS NO SAILORPOINTS file. You should be able to make one yourself, if you use the WALK file from POTC, and convert it to sailorpoints for use in aop. There is a special converter available to do it.

here is the Sailorspoints file for the Quennannesrevenge


Admiral Pitt


  • QueenAnnesRevenge1.ini
    4 KB · Views: 148
Ah. As long as I don't have to do anything. lol
I am DONE with these 3 ships. Well, at least till we sort out the texture on the Wench's ladder anyway.
To convert sailorpoints to walk files and vice versus you need the Convertor on the COAS FTP.

I just converted the Black Pearl walk file to sailorpoints in less than a minute.
Pieter, I figured out why I'm having a problem selecting the Patched Pearl sails from the sail selection interface. Instead of using Patched 1 and Patched 2, it just uses Patched 1 twice. And it also has two pictures of Patched 1. So how do we change one of those to Patched 2?
GOT IT! Turns out that this is by design. Any ship with a class > 4 (Black Pearl is set up as class 5) is considered a low class ship and therefore cannot use two different sets of sails.
I think this was originally done to prevent weird issues with emblems on triangular sails.

Simplest solution, I think, is to open PROGRAM\INTERFACE\kam_selectsails.c and find:
	} else {
aref arship; makearef(arship, PChar.Ship);
ref rship = GetShipByType(GetCharacterShipType(PChar));
FileStr[1] = "";
FileStr[2] = "";
FileStr[3] = "";
FileStr[4] = "";
if (CheckShipAttribute(arship, rship, "EmblemedSails.normalTex")) FileStr[4] = GetLocalShipAttrib(arship, rship, "EmblemedSails.normalTex");
if (CheckShipAttribute(arship, rship, "EmblemedSails.nationFileName")) FileStr[1] = GetLocalShipAttrib(arship, rship, "EmblemedSails.nationFileName") + ".tga";
if (FileStr[1] == "" && FileStr[4] != "") FileStr[1] = FileStr[4];
if (LowClassShip) FileStr[1] = FileStr[4];
Remove or comment out that last line and Special Sails WILL be allowed to double up on low class ships as well.

A better solution would probably be to check all ships in the game and those that look bad with emblemed sails be given a "NoEmblemedSails" attribute in ships_init.c .
Then we can use that attribute to decide whether it should be allowed or not and remove that artificial class-dependency once and for all.