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Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release


That issue was reported before: After rescuing the spanish sailors and coming back to the fort after the scene at the ship, you character does not properly reappear at the fort · Issue #110 · PiratesAhoy/new-horizons

Just had a look at it and managed to fix it, so if you have a savegame from before you enter the fort, you should be able to continue using the next patch.
I think quicksaving and loading should also fix this issue in most cases, so you can also give that a try.

As for the savegame limit, there is no real reason for it, and going over that limit has never given me problems. I increased it to 1000 in the next update.
I messed up something in the process, so creating the patch was a bit more troublesome this time around. But I think I figured it out in the end :facepalm

New patch is available:
  • #17 Fixed ship texture disappearing after boarding
  • #107 Added a placeholder debug menu that can be opened by pressing F10
  • #110 Fixed a bug during reload to the spanish fort
  • #112 Added missing worldmap config for Petit Tabac
  • Fixed broken collision geometry for BrigantineOld_figurehead
  • Hide 3D ship indicators in realism mode
  • Updated questbook interface layout for the blue interface
  • Increased save game limit to 1000
Download patch alpha.10
I am having problems with the new patch 10.
It's about the dialog files: Since the installation of patch 10, in the dialog screen I can no longer scroll up or down to select an appropriate answer.

Edit: Thanks for moving to the right forum. The same moment I clicked on post, I realized I was in the wrong forum. :shock
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Check the file DefaultControls.h , located in
....\PiratesAhoy\Beyond New Horizons\PROGRAM\CONTROLS\
Search for
#define CTL_DIALOG_CHOICE_UP         "KEY_W"
#define CTL_DIALOG_CHOICE_DOWN         "KEY_S"

It means by default the key to go up and down for the dialogs are the W and S keys (on non-QWERTY keyboard it may be other key)
If you want to change those keys by Up Arrow and Down Arrow by example , those lines should then be :

#define CTL_DIALOG_CHOICE_UP         "VK_UP"

Note : further patches will contain a new DefaultControls.h , and so will overwrite the current one once you'll apply a patch, so you'll have to re-edit the file again.
Thanks for your answer.

I just checked the file you mentioned. I did not change anything in this file, so the keys for up and down are the standard ones:


According to that the keys should work as they did before... however they don't. With these two keys it doesn't matter which keyboard you use, they are the same on English or German keyboards.
Again, the problem occurred only after the installation of patch 10.
I am having problems with the new patch 10.
It's about the dialog files: Since the installation of patch 10, in the dialog screen I can no longer scroll up or down to select an appropriate answer.

Edit: Thanks for moving to the right forum. The same moment I clicked on post, I realized I was in the wrong forum. :shock
Is this with loading a save game?

Can you try restarting the game/engine and starting a new game (any storyline), to see if that fixes it?
Is this with loading a save game?

Can you try restarting the game/engine and starting a new game (any storyline), to see if that fixes it?
Yes, this was a save game.

Now I started a new game with a different character and in this game everything seems to work like it should. I can scroll up and down as usual.
Hi, your latest patch (10) limits the ability to choose higher tier of ships (from 4 to 1), it only shows to 5th tier and then switches to "any"
PS: I haven't played the game for years and just recently returned and saw your mod and played with it for a couple days, so if there's something I have forgotten due to years of not playing, my sincere apologies
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Wonderful work. I am having a lot of fun with the mod. I played it years ago (and quite extensively), but unfortunately I am no longer in possession of the original discs.

I encountered four bugs, of which the first is storybreaking. I am playing on the most recent patch (patch 10.0). I also have an Intel on board graphics card, but I am fortunately not suffering from any visual problems.

1) In the Hoist the Colors main quest the screen goes completely black (I can still change time, pause game and view the character screen) the moment Jack and Will board the Dauntless (so after transitioning from Jack and Will in the harbour). Have tried to save and then reload, but no changes.

2) When trying to interact with ships on the World Map I sometimes get no response. So if I am on top of an ship or very close to it on the world map I press space in order to interact and the game doesn't seem to register this. The icon on the right top corner does change when getting in range of ships on the world map. This glitch happens occasionally, doesn't seem to be any consistent reason.

3) After finishing a boarding (exiting the boarding menu) the game crashes. This doesn't happen all the time. It rarely happens if it is the last ship in the enemy fleet. It mostly happens when there are still multiple ships left. This could be related to the crashes that were reported when a ship is boarded that has particle effects.

4) I cannot use abilities while sailing. Abilities like instant boarding, fast reload and club hauling do not appear. When I press enter I only get the cancel Icon. Even though I don't have to rely on these abilities, it is still nice to be able to use them.

I hope I explained it well enough. If you need further information, I am more than happy to provide the info.

Great work and keep it up.

Kind regards,
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New patch is available:
  • Merged all changes from build 14 patch 090623
  • #113 Fixed crash after boarding. Workaround does cause some invalid particle effects to be visible in sailing mode.
  • Fixed masts taking damage when character is immortal
  • Added debug action to kill the nearest enemy
  • Made save permissions consistent between main menu and quicksave (saving while on the deck of your ship was only possible using quicksave)
  • Saving will always be allowed when cheat mode is enabled
Download patch alpha.11
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Hello there :)

Not sure why, but it doesn't start up for me. I followed the instructions to the letter, but it doesn't boot up :/
Hello there :)

Not sure why, but it doesn't start up for me. I followed the instructions to the letter, but it doesn't boot up :/
Can you check/share the logs in <User>\Documents\My Games\Sea Dogs\Logs ?


  • error.log
    763 bytes · Views: 87
  • exceptions.log
    101 bytes · Views: 81
  • mimalloc.log
    1 bytes · Views: 102
  • script_stack.log
    13 bytes · Views: 88
  • system.log
    287 bytes · Views: 88
I sure can!
The logs indicate there is a problems with the scripts, a fairly generic error.

It is always possible something is wrong with the latest patch, and I'm not if many people have tried it yet. Possibly try installing the previous version instead (Release 15.0.0-alpha.10 · PiratesAhoy/new-horizons), that version is known to be good.

If that works, it is a problem with the patch. If that does not work it must be a problem on your end.
Hi, brand new to the community. Literally picked this up 3 days ago. My first install was with this most recent patch. I had booted the game once without patch, once after. Failed to launch after patch. Reinstalled game and use the previous patch, worked. So all that to say, I came across the same issue. :D
Ok, thanks for the reports, it is clear the latest patch is broken.

I'll reinstall everything myself and try to fix it.
There were some files missing from the archive. I've now added them.

Just redownload the patch and extract it over your installation and it should work again.

I've also attached a quick hotfix with just the PROGRAM folder so you don't have to download the entire updated patch.


  • beyond_new_horizons_alpha_11_hotfix.zip
    5.2 MB · Views: 115