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Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release

@AkrimalS alpha.6 also contains some fixes I encountered with the Russian version, so it might make sense to try it again.
@AkrimalS alpha.6 also contains some fixes I encountered with the Russian version, so it might make sense to try it again.
The game loaded, but there were problems with the language. Some letters are capitalized, some are not.
I noticed that the translation is not the last in the game, here is the link with the latest translation Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)
But unfortunately, the Storyline folder is not in the RESOURCE yet, you need to drop the old one. And now I'm finishing the QUESTBOOK folder and uploading it


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The game loaded, but there were problems with the language.
Good to know we are at least making some progress. The screenshots you shared are vastly different from my experience so I will have to investigate further.

I noticed that the translation is not the last in the game, here is the link with the latest translation Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)
But unfortunately, the Storyline folder is not in the RESOURCE yet, you need to drop the old one. And now I'm finishing the QUESTBOOK folder and uploading it
Beyond New Horizons should include everything included in the lastest Build 14 patch. I know you have been providing updated translations for New Horizons to @Grey Roger. But to avoid duplicate work, I will only merge those changes after he puts out the next Build 14 patch. So it's a bit slower, but your contributions will definitely get merged.
Hello, first of all id like to thank you for this amazing mod/game!
Second i have a question that might be a litlle dumb. But i cant figuere out how to start the game in full screen?
Thank you
For the mod to start in fullscreen, you have to change the first item in the engine.ini file (in the main folder of the game), if you set it to 1 the game starts in full screen mode. You can also change the resolution in that same file.
I think I'll give this a whirl over the next while and report back here and on the discord for any bugs. A standalone version of the build mod though... in all my years, never thought I'd see it. :bird::dance:cheers
Sadly, it seems to be having issues pretty quickly:

During combat, can't hear the sword unseathing sound when testing swordplay with Malcom.

Also, I noticed that I start with 1 ability point at level 1, but no skill points. (I do use the manual leveling system, level ups grant the skill points they should, just not the initial level having 2 skill points like it should)

Also, Malcolm doesn't fight back during the swordplay tutorial, he just stands there during the part where he's supposed to be fighting.

Also, when he prompts me to distribute skill points. I had already assigned the ability point, so not sure if this is what is breaking it, but now he won't even talk to me at all, not even to skip onto the next thing when I try to go back to talk to him after telling him I'll assign the skill points (which I don't have) and the attribute point (which is already assigned)

Lastly, what is the line I put into internalsettings.h or wherever to make it so that abilities don't require me to read their respective book? I like to disable that for my runs. Hope I'm providing valuable enough info. here.
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Also in the starting tutorial, if I equip my weapon and spyglass when retrieving my inventory before speaking to malcolm again, he just won't speak to me either whereas in build mod 14, he would normally just progress like I had completed both the retrieval of my inventory and the equiping of weapons and spyglass. Seems to be easy to get Malcolm to be silent in the intro tutorial if you don't follow it exactly...

When I say mute in the following statement, what I mean is that Malcolm's dialog will not activate at all:

EDIT: Okay, so turns out that me starting a new game while in my glitched game just caused malcolm to remain mute, his mute behavior seems to happen if I assign my ability point before he talks to me about skill and ability points, sometimes, he'll go mute (dialog won't activate) when talking during swordplay or when talking about the abilities themselves. But it's all tied to me assigning that ability point before I should. I should also note that I play with the manual assignment of skill and ability points on if that makes any difference. Which seems to be a problem since I don't get the initial 2 skill points that I should at level 1 as I mentioned before.
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Good news, despite Malcolm refusing to do damage to me during our test fight and not enabling dialog if I assign my ability point before he mentions ability points. The rest of the tutorial goes really well. Also, I am granted 2 skill points for every level like I should for the manual leveling system, I just don't get the initial 2 skill points that I should get at level 1. Alright, time for me to go to bed, I will test more tomorrow.
New patch is available:
  • Added auto_pause and auto_mute options to engine.ini, allowing the game to be run in the background
  • Added missing particles effect files
  • Made it possible to enter a custom amount when depositing money at the loanshark
  • Made it possible to specify a custom time to wait for when talking to crew on the ship
  • Fixed AI attack selection. NPCs will no longer be confused about how to swing a sword
  • Fixed sword "collision" sound effects
  • Fixed swapped labels for Cozumel and Nevis on world map
Download patch alpha.7

NEW GAME is required!
In the item transfer mode, you can’t scroll items with the mouse, only with the arrows ... You can check at the beginning with the Malcolm
During combat, can't hear the sword unseathing sound when testing swordplay with Malcom.

Also, I noticed that I start with 1 ability point at level 1, but no skill points. (I do use the manual leveling system, level ups grant the skill points they should, just not the initial level having 2 skill points like it should)
I think someone reported the same issue in the Discord, but for Build 14. So it might not be entirely new.

Lastly, what is the line I put into internalsettings.h or wherever to make it so that abilities don't require me to read their respective book? I like to disable that for my runs. Hope I'm providing valuable enough info. here.
I think it should be "ALLOW_LOCKED_PERKS" on line 98?
In the item transfer mode, you can’t scroll items with the mouse, only with the arrows ... You can check at the beginning with the Malcolm
Yeah, the "fast scrolling" seems to be broken somehow.
Bugs that were fixed:

Malcolm actually tries to fight me during the swordplay tutorial!

Music loops, particularly in the governor's mansion seem to have a lot less abrupt ends and awkward audio skips.

Bugs I found or that are still around from before:

Classes do not start at anything beyond Level 1 and do not give skill points out like Build Mod 14 does (Ex. Merchant Preset won't start you off with Commerce skill, etc.)

Malcolm's dialog still will freeze up and not activate as of the latest build if you assign your ability point before he mentions ability points.

I still am getting no sound for unsheathing my sword with Malcolm (and with unsheathing the sword in general) and the swordplay sounds when we are fighting kinda.... come and go, not always there. But it is slightly better than before.

When setting internalsettings.h to not let off "Shore Alarm" until the other enemies in the area on shore draw their blade, the combat music doesn't enable until you meet the enemy like it should when that setting is enabled, but the red flashing on the character icon for combat is still going even before the enemy draws their sword even though the no shore alarm option in internalsettings.h is set to 1.

The World Map has no background music whatsoever when moving throughout the Ocean making it very quiet.

Enemies in general seem to stagger a fair amount more than before, not sure if this was intentional or not. Your character also seems to stagger more than before as well.

When looking at ships to quick teleport to, Flags overlap between the different ships or are just straight up incorrect (Will show half of two different nations flags that may not even be the nation of the ship in question, one example is that one time it showed a british ship with a cut off Portuguese flag over a cut off Pirate Flag) The quick ship teleport menu when on your ship just isn't reading off the ship flags correctly.
Screenshot 2023-04-22 142628.png

When looking at the ships to teleport to, it does not have the red glow on the flags over the ships/nationalities that are hostile to you like in build mod 14, Allied Green glows for ships in your fleet also appear to be missing.

Ship speed on world map seems to be really slow to the point where it makes it near impossible to complete certain trading missions, or does this just scale with the ship you're in/your sailing skill now?

Good news is I've gotten to the part where you have to sink the french munitions ship in the main Nathaniel Hawk quest and I haven't encountered any bugs that hold up the quest, just everything that I've brought up here. Overall, not looking too shabby for an alpha! :)

EDIT: Added screenshot
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In some dialog boxes, particularly ones involving civilians in their houses on the islands, if you try to go down below the bottom option, the text disappears and when you hit enter, nothing happens, this is fixed by moving the selection option back up to select the normal options that are above this invisible phantom dialog option, weird.

Edit: This also randomly happened in the Bridgetown Store once, so that was interesting:


Edit 2: This actually seems to be a common occurrence for personal items in any shop under the items category to have one phantom item at the very end all the way to the right, not sure what is causing that. Not breaking anything, but may want to look into at some point
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Land Ho! Messages cannot be heard which is making me rely on seeing the now relatively miniature land icon on the top right of the world map to see if I'm in range of an island, a bit annoying.

Also, no compass on the world map now is making things a bit harder too.

Also, I had a couple storms that didn't have any waves which was weird, and not very threatening. Storms seem to have issues generating waves. Lightning still works though

EDIT: Posting this on top of this message since I've already made a few posts in a row and since it's not worth a new post on its own, but I did post all these issues to the GitHub as well

Also, down the line, the Loading Build Mod 14 Artwork for the loading screens should be changed to Loading Build Mod 15 :dance

Edit 2: Just found one more bug, The animation is not working for when a character falls and lands. It should show them kinda crouching down a bit to accommodate the fall. However, the animation won't play, and it will just show the character frozen like they are half way through walking until the normal animation that is supposed to play would normally be complete.
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More Bugs (These have been posted to GitHub as well):

So, when you fail to persuade a pickpocket in the middle of a town to give you back your gold and then you attack them, the rest of the town will turn hostile and try to attack you if they have a weapon minus the guards. However, while the battle music plays properly for when this happens. The flashing red that is supposed to be over your character icon will not enable under this specific circumstance.

Sometimes in the World map, hostile factions will not persue you, but friendly ones will, when the friendly ones catch up to you, if you "engage" them though, you'll hear the ship ahoy prompt and the ships won't be hostile, this appears to be purely world map behaviour. One thing I found that may be helpful, one time it said that I was about to encounter an english ship on the World Map when the ship on the world map looked like a french ship. This bug does not always happen and seems to be an occasional thing. May need to be tested if this is repeatable or if I just happened to have my game glitch out a bit.

Edit: 2 more bugs:

Level Up and quest icons no longer appear above portrait on the bottom left anymore like they do in Build Mod 14 along with the item received icon that sometimes comes up mainly during quest. You still get the notifications on the top left, so this may not be entirely necessary, though I'm not sure if it was intentional to phase this out.

This is a minor bug, but sometimes, when trying to purchase a room in some of the taverns, you normally hear the cling sound of a coin when you purchase the tavern room before it transports you over to the room, but sometimes that sound will not play. To be clear though, you are still taken to the tavern room and time still passes like it should, only the sound is affected.
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