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Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release

Not sure about this one myself


Here's what I observed. There's one certain governor with a Spanish name and counting for the Spanish. In the dialogue options when you approach him, it says "I cannot serve the FRENCH any more", and once you teach marine biology to pirates off his shores (the lesson's subject being either the sea floor or the interior anatomy of sharks) he awards you a French Admiralty Sword. I think it's one of the southeastern Governors (Sao Jorge?), but I let you know exactly which one next time I go there, possibly today.
Apart from Tortuga, which is sort of French and sort of Pirate, France has no colonies in "Early Explorers". Neither have England or Holland, so they have emissaries in Tortuga town hall who act as governors. There is also a French emissary character but he does not seem to have been placed.

Try putting the attached file into the "PROGRAM" folder. Or, if the Build 15 "PROGRAM\Periods.c" is different in format from the Build 14 version, find these lines:
            ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("English Emissary"), "Tortuga_Townhall",  "goto","goto2");
            ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Dutch Emissary"),   "Tortuga_Townhall",  "Sit", "Sit1");
Add this below:
            ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("French Emissary"),  "Tortuga_Townhall",  "goto", "goto6");
Then start a new "Early Explorers" FreePlay and see if Reginald de Boeuf has appeared.


  • Periods.c
    55 KB · Views: 95

Here's what I observed. There's one certain governor with a Spanish name and counting for the Spanish. In the dialogue options when you approach him, it says "I cannot serve the FRENCH any more", and once you teach marine biology to pirates off his shores (the lesson's subject being either the sea floor or the interior anatomy of sharks) he awards you a French Admiralty Sword. I think it's one of the southeastern Governors (Sao Jorge?), but I let you know exactly which one next time I go there, possibly today.
That would be the governor of Martinica, which in all other periods is French Martinique. And that's a bug which will need to be squashed - he should not be giving you a French sword when he's supposed to be Spanish, and the dialog will need to be fixed to refer to the correct nation. (Which it should be doing anyway, since joining or leaving a nation's service should now be handled by generic dialog file "governor.c", not the character's personal dialog file. Something is evidently going wrong here.)
Wow, that was fast. My compliments, Sir, thank you!

I was unsure whether this was really belonging to the realm of insects for it could have been meant to be like that as part of the story line. At La Tortue, people tell me that their governor is indeed French but is in contact with two pirate chiefs, and he is indeed peddling in normalizing relations to the pirates for a hefty fee.

I am aware that historically the French hardly where a factor at that time period. We're just between the treaty of Tordesillas (1494) and Zaragoza (1529) between the Portuguese and the Spanish, mediated by the pope, before the protestant English, not acknowledging the pope, turned things upside down and interfered in the slave trade (e.g. John Hawkins, Sir Francis Drake) both nations so far had held their thumb on.

BTW, do things change when you cross over from one period to another, assuming you play long enough?

I will check out your proposed solution as soon as I get home. FYI I'm on the latest version, free play, mid 1505, keeping a continuous timeline since 1500 despite several restarts due to updates making save games incompatible. (Not complaining, actually helped refining my strategy).
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I am aware that historically the French hardly where a factor at that time period. We're just between the treaty of Tordesillas (1494) and Zaragoza (1529) between the Portuguese and the Spanish, mediated by the pope, before the protestant English, not acknowledging the pope, turned things upside down and interfered in the slave trade (e.g. John Hawkins, Sir Francis Drake) both nations so far held their thumb on.
Yes, and technically Portugal should not have a colony. Those treaties split the world between Portugal and Spain; Portugal got the eastern half, Spain got the west. There was a bit of haggling because Portugal had already been making moves on Brazil, so the dividing line went through the middle of South America. But the whole Caribbean was firmly on the western side, so Camahogne/Concepcion/La Grenade/Grenada never belonged to Portugal. It's Portuguese because the stock "Pirates of the Caribbean" game had a Portuguese colony in a completely fictitious archipelago, so the mod kept a Portuguese colony.

Historically, Martinique, Barbados and Camahogne should not have colonies in "Early Explorers". Several other islands are either blocked entirely so you can't land on them; others you can visit but they have no towns. But blocking those three would break a lot of sidequests and turn "Early Explorers" into a near wasteland as far as gameplay is concerned, so Portugal still gets Camahogne, while Barbados and Martinique become Spanish Las Barbados and Martinica.

BTW, do things change when you cross over from one period to another, assuming you play long enough?
No. You could start a game on 31st December 1599, the absolute end of "Early Explorers". Next day is 1st January 1600, the start of "Spanish Main", but nothing special happens. Obsolete ships don't suddenly vanish, new ships don't suddenly appear, and every soldier in the world doesn't get a new uniform overnight. Having the period change would cause all sorts of problems, especially if you're sailing a ship which suddenly ceases to exist because it doesn't belong to the new period.
Hallo again and a pleasant daytime.period.current to everybody.

First to the issue with the governor missing in action:
I did as instructed, filling in the line in question manually, no typos, no missing syntax.

But just as before, the spot that obviously is supposed to be for Monsieur Le Boef is held by a certain Monsieur Bertrand Ogeron who sells pirate relation enhancements,
right under the eyes of Meneer Michiel de Reyder (dat is die afgezant van de Nederlands) who doesn't even have a desk and Sir Winston Churchill very very Junior who doesn't even have a chair and thus paces up and down the room as if he's already agonizing about how the hell he should deal with the Luftwaffe, ... and with Napoleon Bonaparte, the poor guy.

I doublechecked by inserting the file you were nice enough to send me,... same difference.

I tried to make sense out of the rest of the file - I'm not versed in that programming language but I understand the basic concepts - and found none of the names mentioned here mentioned therein, in any period, which I guess is because those names where standard issue from the base game, hence no need to modify them in this file (but then again, I also didn't find Nemo or Private James Ryan either).

In Line 1164, right at the end of the file I found the following but I'm incompetent to spot any mistake:

bool NationNoIsland(int iNation, int curPeriod) { bool NoIsland = false; switch(curPeriod) { case PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS: if (iNation == ENGLAND || iNation == HOLLAND || iNation == FRANCE) NoIsland = true; // Force France to start at Tortuga as Martinique is now Spanish break; // England is friendly to Portugal, so this is OK

As I see it, it boils down to the fact that Monsieur Le Boef and Monsieur Ogeron occupy the same space, one representing the pirates while officially being the French Governor (according to his subjects in Tortuga), and one being the actual loyal true servant of his most catholic majesty. Since both functions are needed, one of both needs to be somewhere else, or one of them needs to perform both functions, while the other takes the next plane back to France.

As to the other issue, you where right, this happened in Martinica, as my logbook was able to reveal. The thing is, after I made your proposed change, the guy treated me as though we never met before, and everything was correct. I only once fought a ship named "Sea Monster", and via the date in the battle log I could trace it to Martinica where I traded that very same day. I still checked all the other governors from Martinica till Cartagena and everything was as it should. Had I not a French Admiralty Sword in my posession without ever having a letter of marque from the French, I'd wonder if I dreamt the whole thing. With a bit of luck, I might have a gamesave from that particular day; I still have to check that out.

You could start a game on 31st December 1599, the absolute end of "Early Explorers". Next day is 1st January 1600, the start of "Spanish Main", but nothing special happens. Obsolete ships don't suddenly vanish, new ships don't suddenly appear, and every soldier in the world doesn't get a new uniform overnight. Having the period change would cause all sorts of problems, especially if you're sailing a ship which suddenly ceases to exist because it doesn't belong to the new period.

Okay, nice to know, so I adapt accordingly.

However, I don't really see the problem. If period.c just determined what items are SOLD in shipyards and stores (or in case of loot, what is up for grabs in chests and on opponents) in each respective period, there would be no need to have existing player ships vanish; you just cannot buy the same type again once you sell your existing oldtimer, just like in real life. Unless I'm mistaken, the AI ships are either story line defined or random, so if they phase out at the change of seasons, no harm was done. The shift in possession of colonies, I imagine (admittedly a lot of work though) would happen the natural way, just like in the original game: An invasion force appears, people hurl lead balls at each other and swing Toledo steel around each other's ears. and at the end of the day a different flag flies over the town. And the player might actually change history if he or she survives the attempt to interfere...
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Location "goto6" is not the same one that Bertrand Ogeron uses. When you enter the townhall, it should be on the left, further back than where Michiel de Reyder sits. Admittedly, since I still haven't got Build 15 working, I'm still using Build 14, but that file seems to be the same in both versions, as does the locator file for the townhall. Character file "CommonQuest.c" contains the definition for "French Emissary", alias Reginald de Boeuf". Which means he should appear here:
Did you start a new game after adding that line to "Periods.c"?

There are indeed a few bugs in "Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.c" and "Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.h" which make the governor act as if he's French even when he's not. The attached files, which ought to work in Build 15, should produce more suitable dialog if the town belongs to anyone other than France, and should also give you an appropriate sword when you defeat the pirate ship. They ought to work if the town is Spanish because you're playing in "Early Explorers", or if it belongs to anyone else because you captured it for another nation.

It would be a lot of effort to code changing periods, even more effort to test it to make sure it works properly, all for the few people who might keep a FreePlay going long enough to trigger it or who pick a start date very close to a period change. If you want to try coding it, go ahead; I certainly won't try it. :D


  • Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.c
    11.4 KB · Views: 95
  • Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.h
    8.7 KB · Views: 100
Hello again, and thanks for the reply.

Just to get this straight from the beginning:
I am not the kind of guy who demands things, acting like he owns the company or like you guys owe me in any way, shape or form. I encounter such people far too often and they disgust me. Call me oldfashioned, I'm a Dinosaur, I'm used to it. I do appreciate the work you do, and in fact you have evolved the game a looong way from what it was when it was published, with no financial gain that I am aware of (even if.....). Besides, you guys know how to code, I only have a limited perspective about what is involved, what is doable and realistic, and when it comes to graphics, I have no clue whatsoever..

You guys delivered on one major thing I always wanted and that couldn't be done in the base game: Sailing the map all the way without using the world map mode, so if you quit your work now (life is a bitch and anything can happen), nobody could call you names for it. We'd have to live with the remaining bugs and work around them, but we'd still be far better off than before. Besides, the base game wouldn't even run on my current OS. I got it all for free; all I ever payed was the base game (twice).

So, if I do make a suggestion, it's just that, not a demand or a criticism. If you say, something is too much work, in my mind, I see people who have a life, a family and a day job, or their well earned retirement, not a lazy guy, so I respect it. Don't mistake me for one of those spoiled entitled brats I'm sure you know well; you got all my respect and appreciation, guaranteed.

With that out of the way:
Now that I know that goto 6 is indeed another available slot, I have to tell you it is empty.

You asked whether I started a new game; the answer is no, but since you put up with me on your free time, I gladly check it out for you on my time. I'll let you know as soon as I have the results.

Live long and prosper!
Don't worry - you're not the first person to ask for something to be added and probably won't be the last. Sometimes, if it's relatively easy, I'll do it. Most times, the answer is that we can try to help but the person doing the asking is also going to be the person doing the doing.

In any case, this has had a useful side-effect, namely the French emissary being put in his place. I have to own up to that error - it was I who overhauled "Early Explorers", including turning Martinique into Spanish Martinica because Spain owned all the colonies in the Caribbean at that time. So with France no longer having any proper colonies, it needed an emissary, the same as England and France; I set up the character and then forgot to place him. :oops:

The changed "Periods.c" should put him in Tortuga townhall next time you start a new game. However, there's a useful file called "PROGRAM\console.c". This can be used for all sorts of trickery, and because the French emissary already exists, the trickery this time is easy. Put this file into the "PROGRAM" folder, load up your savegame, press F12, and you should see a message "Executed Console" on screen. If that doesn't happen, find the file "error.log" and post it here because it means I've made a typo. If the message does show up, Reginald de Boeuf should be in the townhall next time you go there.


  • console.c
    35.4 KB · Views: 102
Thank you again.

I tried the console solution first, and what should I tell you, it worked. Also the dialogue works just as it should. Success, Sir, hit and sunk! :pirate41:If you need additional testing to encircle the bug, let me know and I'll do it.

Edit: To be sure, I used the console solution with your previously edited PERIODS.c file in place on an existing gamesave, not a new profile.
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That's fine. The console fix was only to put Reginald de Boeuf in the townhall in your existing game. It should not be needed again when you start a new game as "Periods.c" should put him there.
After starting a new profile in Early Explorers, going back to the old console files but using the fixed periods.c, Monsieur Le Gouverneur shows up as and where he should. May the bug rest in pieces. Cheers!
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I am playing Alpha version 15. I would like to know how I can turn off the way abilities are unlocked. I would like it to be like Stock POTC ( no further steps required to unlock an ability other than having unlocked certain underlying abilities), I tried rummaging around in Internal Settings but no luck.
I am playing Alpha version 15. I would like to know how I can turn off the way abilities are unlocked. I would like it to be like Stock POTC ( no further steps required to unlock an ability other than having unlocked certain underlying abilities), I tried rummaging around in Internal Settings but no luck.
Oh and thank you in advance of course
I am playing Alpha version 15. I would like to know how I can turn off the way abilities are unlocked. I would like it to be like Stock POTC ( no further steps required to unlock an ability other than having unlocked certain underlying abilities), I tried rummaging around in Internal Settings but no luck.
It should be controlled by `ALLOW_LOCKED_PERKS`

Try setting that to 0
Hi @Hammie,
I have just downloaded the BNH Beta 1 and a new clean install - For some reason, there is no "Hoist the Colours" storyline to be selected.
Only ones to come up in "New Game" > "Select Storyline" are:
1. Tales of a Sea Hawk
2. Woodes Rogers
3. Free Play
4. The Chronicles of Horatio Hornblower

Just checked also for Alpha 21 - same result??

This is the windows version downloaded from Beta 1 released - Beyond New Horizons by Hammie.
Hi @Hammie,
I have just downloaded the BNH Beta 1 and a new clean install - For some reason, there is no "Hoist the Colours" storyline to be selected.
Only ones to come up in "New Game" > "Select Storyline" are:
1. Tales of a Sea Hawk
2. Woodes Rogers
3. Free Play
4. The Chronicles of Horatio Hornblower

Just checked also for Alpha 21 - same result??

This is the windows version downloaded from Beta 1 released - Beyond New Horizons by Hammie.
Storylines that have not been fully tested are now disabled by default.

If you want to help test them, you can enable them in `modules\extra_storylines\module.toml`