I'd like to know how to use the console.
Simply said, PROGRAM\console.c is a file where you can add code that is executed when you press F12.
If you run the game in windowed mode, you can Alt+Tab in and out, edit console.c and execute your changed code on the fly.
There are no limits to what you can do with this, ranging from cheats to tests to fixes.
Open PROGRAM\console.c and find:
void ExecuteConsole()
ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
ref ch;
int i;
int limit;
Below this, add:
ch = GetCharacter(GetCompanionIndex(pchar, sti(1)));
SetMutineer(ch, true);
When you press F12, your first companion will mutiny and turn hostile.
Other options:
Use switch(1) to use the Give Ship/Give Item/Teleport lines near the top of the file.
Remove the // in front of the lines you want to execute. You can change the variables to whatever you want.
Use switch(3) to automatically get a full set of officers and companion ships from the PotC films if you press F12 while in port.
case 3: further to customize what you get.
If there is anything specific that you'd like to do, let me know and I can tell you what code to execute to make it happen.
I know you said you can do very little to influence the camera but I just want to know this. Is it possible to disable the head bobbing for first person mode?
No way that I know, I'm afraid. I'd use Free Camera Mode for non-bobbing.