Logically speaking, it should probably be much easier to get your reputation down than up.
I also didn't quite intend to have them the same. Though I do reckon that "playing as a bloody bastard" should be an option.
Right now, I don't think it is. Not that I would want to, anyway....
Normally I play a good guy. But it might be interesting to go the other way, at least once, if only to explore other options within the game...
By that reasoning, what if certain options aren't available/don't work when you have a "too high" reputation,
but using those options does also make your reputation drop further.
Not much, though, otherwise it becomes too easy to descend the whole way to "Horror of the High Seas" and get whatever benefit that brings.
Routine stuff, e.g. warning someone that they've dropped their purse / distracting them and stealing the purse, gets you automatic + / -1 reputation, to Matey / Swindler. Matey is enough to get you entry to reputation-restricted side quests, so Swindler ought to be enough to get the option to successfully threaten someone where a quest permits it.
Less routine stuff, e.g. bodyguard, promotion / hitting someone who hasn't drawn a blade, being caught while using a thief's knife gets you an automatic + / -2 reputation, perhaps limited to Dashing / Bloody Terror. Since you can attack someone any time you like whereas bodyguard takes time and promotions only happen infrequently, this grants your wish that it's easier to get your reputation down than to get it up.
Minor quests e.g. escort which are completed honestly get you +2 or +3; completing the same quests by double-crossing gets you -2 or -3. No limit - this is one way to go the final step to Hero / Horror of the High Seas.
Major quests e.g. most side quests get you +4 or +5 if completed honestly, -4 or -5 if completed by double-crossing. This definitely can go the whole way to Hero / Horror of the High Seas.
(Note: "Bloody Terror" is the
second worst reputation, the opposite of "Dashing". The ultimate evil is "Horror of the High Seas".