That most certainly sounds interesting! I always found the huge HP differences between characters to be quite unrealistic.- adjusted the starting HP, HP per level and enemy-levels in internalsettings.h Most characters have now more logical HPs (no 300-500HP anymore).
The reason for that is due to a mismatch in scale between the 3D sailing mode and WorldMap.- removed this one-day-skip when a hour passes, replaced it with an add of 1-3 hours (game sometimes skips more). Feels better for me, since it was quite odd to imagine that you need 3 days from port entrance to your anchorplace^^
The day-skipping is to get the two more in line. It is far from an ideal solution though and technically doesn't make one bit of sense.
This is rectified with the Open Sea Mod, though that one does make DirectSail take quite a long time. So we can't really have that for regular Arcade players.