So for combining the model components, I assume you exported them as separate OBJ files and opened one in Maya to import the rest into?
You need to save as a .mb file, because OBJ files can't be saved in Maya.
For the masts and yards, remember that every mast and yard must be a separate model file.
The only exception is for yards which don't have a sail attached below (e.g. a lower mizzen sail).
In this case, combine the lower yard with the one above it as one whole model file.
The UV mapping might turn out to be a pain, because I've always seen them automatically generated when I've added parts to ships in Maya.
I'll have to talk you through this when we get to that point, but for now it's getting the model files and normals sorted first.
Assigning materials is pretty easy, you'll be glad to know. Open your model, and then go to "Window > Rendering Editors > Hypershade".
There you'll see some standard materials/shaders which are auto-generated. Don't modify those, because things might go wrong eventually.
Instead, click "Create > Materials > Blinn". I always encourage people to use the Blinn material, because that tends to give the best results.
A new sphere named 'blinn1' should appear. Select it, and some information should appear in the Attribute Editor on the right hand side of the main window.
In that pane, under "Common Material Attributes", select the small chequered box next to the 'Colour' slider.
Another window should appear. Click the picture named "File", and the sphere 'blinn1' should now turn black. You'll also see a different pane in the Attribute Editor.
In that pane, under "File Attributes", click the folder icon next to "Image Name", and browse to a TGA file you want to use for this material.
This can be a blank image up to 2048x2048 pixels in size, depending on what the texture will end up being once Craiggo makes it.
2048x2048 gives the best quality, but also causes parts of your model to 'disappear' in Maya. That's normal, and doesn't physically affect your model in any way.
Finally, in the main window, select the component you want to assign this material to.
Then, in the Hypershade window, hold the right mouse button over the material, and select "Assign material to selection". That's all there is to it.
Anyway, the path model is nothing complicated, and can be done in Maya too.
It is a simplified copy of the ship's deck, but with gaps where you don't want the player to be able to walk.
These are just gaps in the mesh, and you normally need them in place of the cannons, masts and other obstacles on deck.
Once finished, the normals are usually reversed so the path is not visible in-game.
When it comes to locators, that's where I'm slightly confused in Maya. I can't get a model to export to GM with locators.
That's where Craiggo comes in, and uses TOOL to add them, so you can ignore them for now.
The only locator you'll need is the waterline one at (0,0,0), which is required for the export to work. More on that when you get there.
Sorry this is so text-heavy at the moment. I'm short on upload quota for images and need to sort that out some time.
I will eventually release a full tutorial complete with screenshots, which should be much easier to understand.