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Released 20 gun privateer schooner

Each "flag" locator MUST have "penn" locators as well. So basically on each mast, you would have equal numbers of flag and penn locators in total on your ship.
Then you can select what you want in ships_init.c . Sometimes what you set doesn't correspond with what you get, so it can be a bit of trial-and-error.
If you make subsequent changes to ships_init.c, you need to Reinitialize (F11) and re-give your ship to you with the console (let me know if you're unfamiliar with that).
Otherwise, starting a new game will make it work too.
a few promo screenies for the next build release:
raking broadside.jpg
PDN Chase.jpg
Thanks a lot, that should work! Is there a ships_init.c entry to go with her? Any additional textures required or are they all reused from ones already in the game?
Thanks you; got it all! Will try her out in my game soon and have her put into Beta 2.2 . :doff
ok so there is one proble, no crew appear.:facepalmit would appear the walk file is in order as far as I can tell, but they still wont show up, even when I start a new game:confused:
Do you have a custom walk file for her? If so, can you upload that too please? I don't think I have it yet.
Thanks a lot! I got her working in my game now, including crew. You already have the required lines in PROGRAM\SEA_AI\shipWalk.c? Replace this:
refShip.Walk                    = "PDN_walk";
With this:
refShip.Walk                    = "PDN";
Other changes I had to make - replace this:
    refShip.Flags.Mast3.penn2 = FLAG_PENNANT;
    refShip.Flags.Mast3.Flag3 = FLAG_ENSIGN;
With this:
    refShip.Flags.Mast3.Flag1 = FLAG_PENNANT;
    refShip.Flags.Mast3.Flag2 = FLAG_ENSIGN;
Also use this rey GM file instead; I had to add the penn locators to them.

The above makes the crew show up and the pennant and ensign display properly. The crew does seem to be walking a bit above the deck though.


  • PDN1_rey_b3.zip
    2.8 KB · Views: 192
I applied all of these changes and the pennant is fixed, which is great! however, i still can't get the crew to show up, even when I start a new game:confused: there must be something different with my files, I'll see if I changed anything else that might effect it.
Do you have the required lines in PROGRAM\SEA_AI\shipWalk.c? For the crew to show up, there are three things you need to do:
1. Have the crew walk file
2. Have the references in three different spots in shipWalk.c (use the existing code as an example)
3. Have the reference in ships_init.c, without the _walk appendix
Here are my 3 entries in shipWalk.c

#include "sea_ai\walk\PDN_walk.c" //Capt Armstrong

PDN_walk_init(); //Capt Armstrong

case "PDN1":
SendMessage(PeopleOnShip,"lileee",AI_MESSAGE_ADD_SHIP,ship,PDN_walk_count, &PDN_walk_verts, &PDN_walk_graph, &PDN_walk_types);
//SendMessage(WALK_TOOL,"lslee", AI_MESSAGE_ADD_SHIP, "PDN1", PDN_walk_count,&PDN_walk_verts, &PDN_walk_graph, &PDN_walk_types);
//Capt Armstrong <--
oh and one more thing, how do I name the class? right now it is unnamed ingame. the label like "united states class frigate' is for the constitution, for example.
case "PDN1":
Should be:
case "PDN":
To match with the rest of the code.
What type name do you want for her? "20-gun Privateer schooner"?
In any case, it's defined with refShip.SName , which refers to the type names in RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\common.ini .