Well, now that I've confirmed, I might as well go ahead.
On the mainmast, there is only one cross tree, where the mainmast proper and maintopmast meet. The maintopmast shrouds end just about six inches to one foot above the lower square yard, when the sails are set, as is permanent in the game. There isn't a second cross tree because there is no main t'gallant mast.
On the foremast, the fore t'gallant mast shrouds (the uppermost shrouds) should end about six inches to a foot above the t'gallant yard,
not above the royal yard.
The reason for this is that when sails are furled, (not in game, but in real life) the yards are lowered to their resting positions (the courses, however,stay where they are). When the yards are fully lowered, they rest rright above the shrouds under them in the case of the royals, or above the intersection of two mast segments.
Also, for that same reason, the topmasts and t'gallant masts were always unpainted, and were lubricated with slush. (refined cow's fat in the good old days, Vaseline now)
If you eliminated the uppermost crosstrees on the mainmast, it would be rigged correctly. The t'gallant mast shrouds on the fore should end similarly to where the topmast shrouds on the main end in relation to the yards. And now for the nitpicking: You could also use a dark, smoothed out wood texture on the topmasts and t'gallant masts as well, the lower masts are perfect. I've never encountered or heard of an exception to the paint rule.
Sorry if I sound like an ass; that's not my intention.
Edit: if that was a little nebulous, I have some diagrams I drew up showing the shrouds more clearly than the plans you can find online. I could always upload that if you need clarification.