• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by Grey Roger

  1. Grey Roger

    Need Help Getting started

    @Hammie: Does BNH also generate "error.log"? @Skyworm: upload your "console.c" and I'll try to see if anything is wrong.
  2. Grey Roger

    Davy Jones Free Play

    Have you also edited "InternalSettings.h" to enable cheatmode? Normally, unless the character has a specific ship assigned, you can only choose ships up to tier 5. @Hammie: characters such as Davy Jones, Ricardo Orellana and Francis Drake have their ships assigned in "initModels.c" and should...
  3. Grey Roger

    Davy Jones Free Play

    As an experiment, rename the file "Options" to something else such as "Options_orig". Run the game again; it should create a new "Options" file with all defaults restored. Then see what happens if you choose one of the others - do Ricardo Orellana or Francis Drake get their correct ships?
  4. Grey Roger

    Merchant gameplay bug?

    Well spotted! :onya I wonder why someone decided to comment that part out, effectively ruining trade? And all this time I thought the problem was just storekeepers having high "Commerce" skill, fleecing anyone with less skill and no commerce perks!
  5. Grey Roger

    Squire of the Sea

    OK, we'll go with Simon. As this will be the first time the player meets Simon, any back history will need to be in his dialog - perhaps you'd like to write something for him? Otherwise I'd need to take a guess at how they know each other, or have something vague which hints that they know...
  6. Grey Roger

    Davy Jones Free Play

    What happens if you try another character who should get a specific ship? Try Ricardo Orellana or Francis Drake, for example. Orellana should get another cursed ship, La Mariana. Drake should get the Golden Hind.
  7. Grey Roger

    Squire of the Sea

    How about this, then? After a few level increases, when Purpure visits Nevis, Lucretia arrests her. She's transferred to the prison in the British colony, Charlestown. One of the Lotus officers breaks Purpure out of prison, they cross Nevis to the pirate settlement, where Purpure gets the...
  8. Grey Roger

    Squire of the Sea

    @Purpure Longstride: next questions - who joins Purpure first, Edgar or Simon? And does Simon have a surname? Simon's model turned out to be a lot easier to texture than Edgar's because the original game model is very close already. He just needed the jacket and trousers changed to be redder...
  9. Grey Roger

    BNH and MNH questions

    First you'll need TX Convertor: https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/Cloud/Tools/Modeling+Texturing/TX%20Convertor.zip That converts the game's .tga.tx files into .tga format. After that, many picture processing programs such as Photoshop or GIMP will edit .tga. Then use TX Convertor to convert...
  10. Grey Roger

    Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

    1: Done. 2: Add 'DisableFastTravel(true);' at case "reload_Aguadillabis", which appears to be where you first arrive at "Muelle_shore_03", alias "Aguadilla Bay". Add "DisableFastTravel(false);" at case "inform_ogeron", which is triggered by dialog with Arnaud Fontaines and appears to be where...
  11. Grey Roger

    Squire of the Sea

    Not the big steam frigate I'd used, then! Perhaps Lucretia should have something a bit bigger than Lotus, otherwise when she tries to arrest Purpure for a crime she did not commit, why does Purpure not try to resist? Perhaps a naval schooner - still not a big warship but bigger than the little...
  12. Grey Roger

    new to modding, few questions (retexture of characters)

    You will probably also need Animation View: https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/Cloud/Tools/Modeling+Texturing/Animation%20View.7z And GM Viewer: https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/Cloud/Tools/Modeling+Texturing/GM%20Viewer.zip Use GM Viewer to open the character model. It probably won't...
  13. Grey Roger

    Squire of the Sea

    OK, we'll go with Lucretia arresting Purpure when she arrives at Nevis, and also require a level increase so that before this can happen, the player has to have done something - we don't care what as this is FreePlay, but the action isn't going to start if the player sails straight from the...
  14. Grey Roger

    Fixed Marie Celeste

    What Spanish language replacement? If BNH is even remotely up to date, you should be able to choose your language from the "Options" menu. At the very least English, Spanish and Russian should be available. The only condition is that you need to choose the language before you start a new game...
  15. Grey Roger

    Squire of the Sea

    Thanks, I'll add the surnames to the character definitions. The full name will be shown over a small picture of the character when you face her, and also on the screen where you can look at your officers. In dialogs, though, sometimes a full name will be used, such as during a first...