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Davy Jones Free Play


Powder Monkey
I'm not sure if I should post this here or in the Bug sub-forum. I installed Version 15.0.0-beta.5. When I go to Free Play and select Davy Jones as the character, I don't get the Flying Dutchman as an option of starting ship and neither get his chest when starting the campaign, just a regular cursed coin. Is this because his "Lord of the Sea" presets haven't been fully implemented yet or an issue in this BNH version?
What happens if you try another character who should get a specific ship? Try Ricardo Orellana or Francis Drake, for example. Orellana should get another cursed ship, La Mariana. Drake should get the Golden Hind.
I got the Dutchman and the chest. I don't what exactly happened, but it was after I changed the Game Preferences in the Options Menu, all in-game (that is, without altering any files manually). I don't which setting enabled me to set Free Play correctly, probably the ones about Ship availability and purchase.
As an experiment, rename the file "Options" to something else such as "Options_orig". Run the game again; it should create a new "Options" file with all defaults restored. Then see what happens if you choose one of the others - do Ricardo Orellana or Francis Drake get their correct ships?
Now it seems to work. No matter which character I pick, I get to choose any ship as starting ship, from any tier. With Francis Drake, up to tier 2. Other characters such as Davy Jones, up to tier 1. But when I choose the character model, the starting ship isn't set to their specific ship at first, such as the Dutchman or the Golden Hind. I have to circle, or search, through the list of ships to get to them.
Have you also edited "InternalSettings.h" to enable cheatmode? Normally, unless the character has a specific ship assigned, you can only choose ships up to tier 5.

@Hammie: characters such as Davy Jones, Ricardo Orellana and Francis Drake have their ships assigned in "initModels.c" and should show those ships by default if you choose them in FreePlay, regardless of the ship's tier. In Build 14, Davy Jones is set in "initModels.c" to use ship type "CursedDutchman", ship name "Flying Dutchman", so that is the ship you see after choosing Davy Jones in the FreePlay character selection.

"PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c" determines which curse is in effect for a cursed character based on the ship:
string curse_type = "general";
if(HasSubStr(CharShipType, "Dutchman")) curse_type = "DavyJones";
if(HasSubStr(CharShipType, "Mariana")) curse_type = "Orellana";
If the correct ship has not been assigned then the character will get the default Cortes coin curse.
Yes, I had Cheatmode enabled. I disabled it, and it got back to the way it was. I select Davy Jones as the character but no Dutchman. I select Francis Drake and no Golden Hind. Only the regular starting ship options. I checked the initModels.c and characters_init.c files and the code matches what you said.