• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by EugeneFox

  1. EugeneFox

    Discussion Dead Man's Chest

    So in BNH the quest Dead Man's Chest may have a continuation and you are working on it being continued in NH? Am I understanding you correctly? I just completed all the quests in the Jack Sparrow line, and the last quest I was going to complete was Dead Man's Chest. But it turns out it's not...
  2. EugeneFox

    Discussion Dead Man's Chest

    I would like to try to finish this quest, but I need help with hints in the game files. :dance
  3. EugeneFox

    Discussion Dead Man's Chest

    I want to ask... Is anyone working on a continuation of this quest? :napoleon
  4. EugeneFox

    Solved Hoist the Colours - Gentleman Jocard - A Slaver - Free the Slaves

    When I walk into Oranjestad, nothing happens between Solvo and Gombo. Gombo doesn’t come up to me and doesn’t talk to me and I can’t choose Gombo. I have the latest update (post_1Jan_updates_310525)
  5. EugeneFox

    Solved Crashes when starting a new game

    I did as you said and yes, it worked. Indeed, it was necessary to first unpack the archive and then move the folder with the update, but initially I immediately unpacked the contents of the update into the game folder. Thank you for your help!!!:onya About version v1.03, yes, this is the...
  6. EugeneFox

    Solved Crashes when starting a new game

    If you mean the path to the game, then I installed it in D:\Sea Dogs 2 - Pirates Of The Caribbean.v 1.03
  7. EugeneFox

    Solved Crashes when starting a new game

    Yes, the game worked without updating. It's just that now my game is not completely translated into Russian...
  8. EugeneFox

    Solved Crashes when starting a new game

    Помогите, пожалуйста. Вылетает при запуске новой игры, независимо от того, какого персонажа я выбираю. В оригинальной игре вылетов не было. Вылеты проблемы после установки мода. Я пробовал запускать игру от имени администратора с разными режимами совместимости, но это все равно не помогает. У...