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Solved Crashes when starting a new game


Помогите, пожалуйста. Вылетает при запуске новой игры, независимо от того, какого персонажа я выбираю. В оригинальной игре вылетов не было. Вылеты проблемы после установки мода. Я пробовал запускать игру от имени администратора с разными режимами совместимости, но это все равно не помогает. У меня последняя версия мода (post_1Jan_updates_310525). Моя система — Windows 11 Pro. Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13620H 13-го поколения, 2,40 ГГц,
Видеокарта: Intel(R) UHD Graphics,
64-битная операционная система, процессор x64.


  • compile.log
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  • system.log
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Переустановите оригинальную игру. Переустановите мод января 2022 года, используя ссылки отсюда:
Выпуск мода - версия Build 14 Gamma [Последнее обновление: 31 января 2025 г.]
Но пока не устанавливайте обновление.

Будет ли работать игра, если вы это сделаете?
Yes, the game worked without updating. It's just that now my game is not completely translated into Russian...
That is to be expected. @AkrimalS has done a lot of translating since 2022 and it's part of the update.

Now try adding the update. Download it to somewhere other than the game folder. Unzip it into its own folder. Then copy the contents of the update folder into the game folder. The files in the update are in the same folders as the game itself, so you should just be able to select and copy the whole lot, then paste them into the game folder.

In which folder have you installed the game?
If you mean the path to the game, then I installed it in D:\Sea Dogs 2 - Pirates Of The Caribbean.v 1.03
That's good, you did not put it into "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)". Windows security does silly things if the game is installed in either of those.

Is v1.03 the original game or another mod? I have certainly heard of a Russian mod called 1.03 and in fact, one of the quests which was added into v1.03 is now in the update to "New Horizons".
I have not yet tried a new update of January 31, 2025, at first I want to complete the last big correction of the translation for Bartolomeu. In past walkthroughs, I was just testing the story's functionality and some translation features were added. But I think that this version does not differ from the previous one and should work.
Some versions of the PotC game are not suitable for new horizons and after installation begin to work unstable. For the Russian version is most suitable Repack by miststuck.
I have attached a torrent with my version.
You can also try to delete the "Options" file in the game folder and perhaps the game will work.


  • Пираты Карибского Моря 1.03 [vanilla] Repack by miststuck.7z
    41.5 KB · Views: 17
I did as you said and yes, it worked. Indeed, it was necessary to first unpack the archive and then move the folder with the update, but initially I immediately unpacked the contents of the update into the game folder. Thank you for your help!!!:onya
About version v1.03, yes, this is the original game, with a patch from ALexusB.
About version v1.03, yes, this is the original game, with a patch from ALexusB.
I thought so. "New Horizons" includes a choice of storylines. One of them, "Tales of a Sea Hawk", is the original storyline from the unmodded game. And the "Night Craft" quest from v1.03 has been adapted to fit into "Tales of a Sea Hawk".

But I am surprised that unpacking the update straight into the game folder did not work. Thanks for that report! :cheers I'll need to remember that in case anyone else has similar trouble.