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Discussion Dead Man's Chest

I want to ask... Is anyone working on a continuation of this quest? :napoleon
Possibly in BNH. I've not yet managed to get that working but I've extracted its version of the storyline and I'll try to merge it with the NH version to make one unified version with the best bits of both. (The NH version has some translation work not included in the BNH version.)

I would like to try to finish this quest, but I need help with hints in the game files. :dance
There's a walkthrough here:
Legend of Jack Sparrow - Dead man's chest
Возможно, в BNH. Мне пока не удалось заставить это работать, но я извлек его версию сюжетной линии и попытаюсь объединить ее с версией NH, чтобы создать одну объединенную версию с лучшими частями обеих. (В версии NH есть некоторые переводческие работы, не включенные в версию BNH.)
So in BNH the quest Dead Man's Chest may have a continuation and you are working on it being continued in NH? Am I understanding you correctly?
I just completed all the quests in the Jack Sparrow line, and the last quest I was going to complete was Dead Man's Chest. But it turns out it's not 100% complete yet, so I wanted to know if there's a sequel in the works, or if I could try to complete it myself with help from the PiratesAhoy community.
BNH may have a continuation - I make no guarantees about that! When I have time, I'll try merging the BNH and NH versions, so that if there is anything newer to the "Dead Man's Chest" section, it will be in both versions.

The person you want to contact is @Sebrian but he hasn't been active on this forum since the start of last year.