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B14 troubles

I have familiarity with some of the code because I have done tweaks to the code of the unmodded game and some of that is also applicable to the Build Mod.

For the falling masts code, it might be easier to just put return 0; just above int iDamageType = GetEventData();.

It doesn't matter if one's copy of the game is the US version or the UK version if the Build Mod is installed correctly as either version will then have the latest 2024 updates.

As for the topic name, I edited it and placed the thread in the right section since this thread is about the problems you're having with Build 14.

There might not be an easy way to download the information while keeping the formatting. You could try simply using your browser's print function to print out the pages you want but that would also print out other posts. Your browser's print function might also have a "Save to PDF" feature that you could use.

For Ultimate Boot CD you download ubcd539.iso listed by the "Mirror Sites" here: Ultimate Boot CD - Download the UBCD
Simply place the file on the Windows desktop or something. Checksums are listed on the page.
The ISO file is so large now that "CD" has become inaccurate and a DVD is required now. If your optical drive is a DVD-RW drive, insert a blank DVD-R disc into it, and if you are using Windows 10 then you can use the built-in "Burn disc image" feature by right-clicking on the ISO file. Here is a simple guide: How to Burn an ISO Image to Disc on Windows 10
You can also use that feature to verify the disc after burning.
This should result in a usable disc. If your BIOS is set to boot from your optical drive and if the disc is inserted, you will be presented with the UBCD menu when the computer is restarted.
Beta test complete, unfortunately AISea.c has failed.... replacement with another file from working game restored function...could be my placement of code or spacing since I'm not familiar with how critical that is...used PDF995 app that prints the text in PDF formatting into a doc that I opened for the attempt. Left margin location was difficult to determine and I may have indented once from left margin, if that matters
Tried best from example given. Game failed to boot so I was not able to test storm mod.... let me know when you have a chance to test AISea. I'll try your simplified storm mod instead next... simple is always best! :)

Re: UBC how big a DVD+R is needed, got some 4.7GB
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AISea.c should not be changed. Here is a ZIP file with worldmap_encgen.c and AIShip.c where storms and falling masts are disabled, and also a clean AISea.c. I did a quick test and it seems to work.

DVD-R should be used, not DVD+R, but you can test with one of those if you want. An ordinary 4.7 GB DVD-R disc should be sufficient.


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Excellent! I appreciate your taking the time to make the drop-in code, makes the mode a lot easier. Please clarify for me the instruction "AISea.c should not be changed." my take is to leave it as it... embed only worldmap_encgen.c and AIShip.c... right? What I do is to name-change by adding ] or [ thus negating execution recognition, with these two mods active... right? I'll be doing the Beta today expecting the best. I'll let you know later today.

BTW... these mods you are so graciously creating should be shared with those in the community that have similar complaints and, like me, lack the skill to make this change. Pieter recognize the truth of this and created a forum topic for mods shared. Your posts should also be available on that topic!

Well, appreciate your sympathy, but my complaints are not so much problems with the game as with the events I consider to be an irritation that impedes the fun of play. Storms are distractions and the overdone lightning strikes are as irritating as the demasting by 4# shot. These are personal quirks which others may not be bothered by. So, not really problems with the game as envisioned by the coder, more personal likes and dislikes... making these requested code mods more of a game "personalization". Hence my suggestion these changes be posted in the Pieter's forum for code mods to personalize the user's game.

Thanks for the help :)
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From your previous post I got the impression that something wasn't working with AISea.c and I thus included a clean version of that file so that you can use that if needed. Simply take the worldmap_encgen.c and AIShip.c files and put them in the corresponding directories, replacing the version of those files already there. If needed, do the same with AISea.c. If the one you already have is in fact identical and hasn't been changed, then disregard the one I included.

As far as I know no one else seems to have similar complaints. There thus wouldn't be much point in more widely sharing these small edits. From what I hear people are generally satisfied with the Build Mod.

Also, if you are going to add more in a short time frame after creating a post, please edit that post instead of making another.
Sorry to be a pest but a recurring gimmick in play has irritated me since v16 and nobody has replied to my frequent complaints. Recruiting in the tavern is plagued by interviews when the candidate suddenly walks away and zigzags about the room very fast and changes direction as soon as I align to get the face icon. Interviews are not like this and this is an intentional, unnecessary, and unrealistic corruption serving no purpose than to interfere with play. I complained about it many times, being ignored. Why others have not complained puzzles me, as I'm sure this is code and not an aberration on my various computers and OS. This is a subprogram since it happens about 80% and not all the time so there must be a logic switch to activate it. Direct me to this call so I can negate it to make the stupidity stop... or do players actually enjoy these ridiculous stunts?

Thanks :)

? What is going on... started play had this happen... any idea why
This is on the T510 W10 NVIDIA checked all the .dll files are listed, none have been removed. Which one is corrupted to produce this effect?

Thanks :)


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Yep sea.dll was corrupted on the Lexar 3.0 USB as well as my T510 when I copied that file from a working game and dropped it in the sea color and texture returned. ? what in the world is going on? Is that file that easily corrupted both on W10 C drive and a USB 3.0? Maybe somebody needs to look into it and fix whatever loose code is causing the drop-out... had this happen before is why I suspected this action. I might want to try that older mod... thanks for the lead.

Now I'm getting frequent BAD SAVES which is a problem in every version played. Has anyone looked into this? Once is too often for any code action... means a defect is encoded that is intermittent and due to some fault that is not properly coded. Anyone familiar enough with the save subprogram to suggest a cause and fix? Shame to spend time accomplishing an action only to have it wiped by bad coding.
As I said someone else would have to reply about the officers since I don't know anything about that.

Strange about the sea.dll file. I did not change any DLL files in the prepackaged ZIP files that I uploaded. I just used the installer, the contents archive, and the update ZIP file.

I think some mitigations are in place in the Build Mod to help prevent bad saves, but they are supposedly caused by various problems including in the engine, and it doesn't seem to be possible to prevent them completely. A workaround is to delete save files, don't overwrite existing ones, and make a new one. That seems to help.

And again, please edit your post instead of making two just minutes apart.
Ok... you've been such a help I had to ask... unfortunately I've been asking this question for years with no one stepping up to help. Any idea which module I might look into? I might be able to figure out from the logic and the plain language words used. Obviously desperate to stop this time waster... also get 20:1 bad rep types before finally getting a good one. Trying to find the attributes tables to change bad to good in spite of title... any ideas ?)

About sea.dll... working fine until W10 offered "compatibility mode" then the sky turned black and the sea vanished... ships flying through the air! Might have been the cause subbing file from working game made no change... finally just copied the whole module and restored the visuals. Another reason to stay away from W10?

Okay, I recently started going into save folder and deleting en mass up to the recent files. I'll see if this solves that irritation. The incidence is not as frequent so some of causes may have been solved. Just irritating to do a save and have to redo the event... sometimes do a double save to make sure.

:) sorry about that... just that sometimes I get cogent "after-thoughts" and feel the context is need to make sense... I'll work on it to keep from bothering you... :)

Yet another screen freeze on sinking a ship... Obviously a "Do-Loop" fault since the background sound continues looping while the screen is locked. Is no one complaining because this has gone on for so long without resolution players have given up trying to get someone to fix this error? I suspect so, Point me to the module and line numbers and I'll tinker with it, maybe stumble on a fix. Really a time waster to go through long battle sequence only to have this bug wipe everything out and you have to repeat, if you were wise enough to save prior to engaging. Anyone out there as bothered by this as I am? maybe if enough people complain someone will be motivated to diagnose and correct the error.
Ok... you've been such a help I had to ask... unfortunately I've been asking this question for years with no one stepping up to help. Any idea which module I might look into? I might be able to figure out from the logic and the plain language words used. Obviously desperate to stop this time waster... also get 20:1 bad rep types before finally getting a good one. Trying to find the attributes tables to change bad to good in spite of title... any ideas ?)
Unfortunately not. A lot of things have been changed around in the Build Mod and I don't know where that officer code has been placed. :shrug
Ahoy Ahoy Ahoy Mates... warning! If you play B14v24(22). In my play on W7/10 on Lenovo T61/T510 the Modules .dll files get corrupted so that when you close and try to reopen later the game does not open in W7. The fault given is a Radeon call (?) Where did that come from? In W10 the game loads but the sky is Black and the sea is milk-white obvious corruption of sea.dll(?) or support rendering .dll s (?). Replacing sea.dll from a working game does not work. The whole MODULES must be replaced (in my experience) to restore proper scene rendering and in W7 allow game loading with no Radeon fault. Only solution, in my situation, is to drop in a MODULE file from a working game by deleting the corrupted file. Keep a good copy of the MODULE file in your PotC file as a spare (as in tires) to load when you go to open the game after a period of downtime.
If anyone has more specific information as to which file(s) are being corrupted I would appreciate the call-out so I can adapt to an easier fix to make play easier.

Semper Paratus Mates :)!


Update... corruption returned indicating a probable (most reasonable cause) virus corruption.

Returned to v18 which I've been told has not been changed for the current v24(22) copied and dropped into the folder restores the rendering. I believe this gives credibility to the virus guess since only a change in the coding content could have been causing the effect. I now have a spare tire backup from v18 Modules in each game folder and suggest others players try this if they are having similar problems.

I will be Beta testing this "fix" and if the problem returns let you know... otherwise the fix is good for all.

Smooth Sailing Maties :)

BTW Anyone running W10, how to turn off Internet metering lock out? I hate 10 and this is why this is so gimmicked with all kinds of hidden blocks to keep employees of businesses using 10Pro from "abusing" their Corporate privilege those of us not in that HELL are crippled by the MStupidity of such gimmicks meant to interfere with using the OS. Of course I can't find any plain American English instruction on how to shut down this idiocy... anyone out there know how to delete this krap?
Ahoy Maties... been sailing the Spanish Main instead of the Milky Way since my fix for the malware has restored function of the game... still has the same bugs... screen freeze ship sinking... screen freeze anytime for no reason... scene transition drop out... etc. at least these are the bugs that are native to the effort and not newly inserted. A new one when I was attacking Ft. St. Louis the port guns stopped reloading... bummer!... nothing I did could reload portside guns... starboard kept firing and reloading... ? .... Vas Gibst?(...new one for me... sure no one else out there having these issues? so irritating all I could do was save and reboot the game but then the fort returned to its original pristine condition and all that time and ball were wasted... at least I should be able to restart from the save... right?... but NOOOO! that would make too much sense... is
MicroSoftbrain running this show... works like W10 (haaaaahaaaahhhaaaa!)

Well, keep the keel under the surface until next catastrophe smoooooth sailing mates...
Ahoy Ahoy Ahoy Mates... warning! If you play B14v24(22). In my play on W7/10 on Lenovo T61/T510 the Modules .dll files get corrupted so that when you close and try to reopen later the game does not open in W7. The fault given is a Radeon call (?) Where did that come from? In W10 the game loads but the sky is Black and the sea is milk-white obvious corruption of sea.dll(?) or support rendering .dll s (?). Replacing sea.dll from a working game does not work. The whole MODULES must be replaced (in my experience) to restore proper scene rendering and in W7 allow game loading with no Radeon fault. Only solution, in my situation, is to drop in a MODULE file from a working game by deleting the corrupted file. Keep a good copy of the MODULE file in your PotC file as a spare (as in tires) to load when you go to open the game after a period of downtime.
If anyone has more specific information as to which file(s) are being corrupted I would appreciate the call-out so I can adapt to an easier fix to make play easier.

Semper Paratus Mates :)!

Update on corruption of V14B24 British play ... really bizarre situation. Play starts normal,,, about an hour into play the sea vanishes boats floating in air, sea bottom visible. Run Avira Avast, iTop malware without a hit on any known malware... making the culprit in the code? Only logical conclusion. Often after overnight the game starts and runs fine, then if stopped for an hour restart is blocked by the fault as shown in images of error displayed below. Finding another older game v18/19 etc. runs seems to restore function so that B24 once again runs. This behavior is outside anything I've read about... anyone out their have an idea of what is going on? MacroShit has been forcing updates in spite of my selection NOT UPDATE, and I'm suspicious they are sabotaging W7 in order to force users to move to "God Awful 10" !( (just my humble opinion). I'm constantly moving game play around to find a loading game that seems to sometimes clear this code error (see image below). I hope some more knowledgeable coder can make sense of the error message and find a way to remove this HEX! What's about "duplicate RADEON85"? Where is this Radeon85 coming from? I can't find it anywhere in the code and why is it causing this problem with DX8RENDER.dll being corrupted to failure?

HELP! I'm sinking fast and with MoneygrubbingScum rolling out their newest scam they call Licensing it's just getting harder to stay online and in play. Would be nice of you to give an old sailor a break today and stop this insanity before I go bonkers.

Smooth sailing and a following wind Maties


Update with more bizarre activity. Tried to login to v18 then v24 4 times with the above denial cause. Used Tweaking app to cleanup any OS issues causing error without result. Did CMD prompt /f (fix) with no issues reported. Loaded USB with v16 onboard resulted in game. Closed game tried C drive v24 with game loading. Checked Modules/Techniques found no Radeon85.dll in either? Bizarre? Where is this from why does it block game loading? V16 game had no Radeon85.dll when V24 has no Radeon85.dll it loads... anyone want to explain or explore this? Is this the fault that keeps game from running? Nobody intrigued enough to investigate? Can this be from the Intel Fix code add-on? Here's a challenge for enterprising C experts who enjoy solving mysteries? Challenge Anyone?

Signal Flags hoisted...


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Build 14 Final Part 2: Contents Archive:

Okay so is this same as:

piratesnhbmod14v beta40
and... do you trust moddb to not corrupt files like they did for B14v24?

Further investigation into bizarre activity of B14v22/24, when used on a C drive that generates the above Radeon85.dll duplication error as basis for denial, removal of the two Radeon85 calls does not restore function. Error message continues to cite DX8RENDER.dll, RADEON85.dll duplication call as cause of failure. When removed and used as USB drive with new C drive, unused for game, the program runs without error. Game can be stopped and restarted without issue. Restoration of drive to C status recreates error message and inability to load game. Error may be set by a MS security fault from a forced update in spite of EoL and end of support for W7 proclaimed by MacroStupid. Come up with another sequence of events that explains this observation. When you buy Windows OS software it becomes your property. However MS does not respect property rights and continues to treat your property as their property limiting your use and even denying use by forcing restrictions onto your OS property to make you pay them more money for a "License". MS claims they intended that OS code is single use on a machine onto which it is installed. Moving your property to another machine is not allowed unless you pay them more money to do so. With anything else this is an illegal action and would be legal consequences such as fraud and diversion of private property. This is like you buy a book of instructions at a store, take it home and the company continues to send you bills for using that book on different repairs, If you refuse they take the book back (in this case inert the code by use of forced malware). Since MS is a MONOPOLY tolerated by the GOVERNMENT you have no recourse but to pay the ransom in order to keep using your property as you wish. MS pushes code onto your property to restrict use and even shut down if ransom is not paid. Complain to your congress wimps about this and see just how much they respond since there's nothing in it for them. I suspect something happens in this games function that triggers an event that MS has tagged as malware, causes this shutdown, and prevents use until a set time passes that the flag resets. Overnight computers (i.e., C drives) reset and game will boot. After certain lengths of use a closing down sets a flag that prevents restarting. This is the behavior observed, any other explanation on cause and effect logic producing this effect would be appreciated. Would enjoy a practical alternate and benign explanation for this sequence of events.

Shipshape in Bristol Fashion Mates!

Since I was messaged privately with one of the same posts in this thread I'm replying to @CoastGuard71 here.

I am not actively involved in the Build Mod development and do not know about the changed code.

It seems that no one else has the problems you're having. Across your various threads and posts you have mentioned several things and I would guess that if they were common issues experienced by many players then the Build Mod developers would have done something about them. As it is it seems the modpack is technically working for everyone else. I myself for instance in my limited testing don't get any of the issues you have described. It's possible that the Build Mod developers also cannot reproduce the problems and thus cannot do much about them.

Have you tried a clean install of Windows 7, no clone installation, and properly installed drivers and updates? Licensing and activation have been a part of Windows for a long time. Yes, it is strange that older versions of Build 14 work properly for you and not newer ones, but since you are the only one having these problems the problem could be with your system environment. It is possible that something in newer B14 versions is interfering with something in your particular system environment, but to rule out possible causes a clean install should be tried if it hasn't already.

No one else is having the problems so I don't think the Build Mod developers could do much to investigate. If it hasn't already been done, I would secure erase the SSD, do a clean install of Windows 7, install the appropriate drivers for that particular computer model, and manually go through the updates in the built-in Windows Update feature as to avoid having any telemetry or such being installed. Having a separate USB flash drive with the drivers and something like the web installer for the Windows 7 version of Chrome will help with this. Yes, it will be a hassle to do all this and especially with checking the updates, but I think it is necessary in solving the problem.

Apart from this I don't think there is much else that can be done, and that might be why no one else is replying to you.
Another irritating flaw in the code keeps rearing its ugly head. About 5-10% of generated personalities in a game have no problem assigning skills. However abilities will cause game crash when assigned. Anybody have a fix for this problem? Very time-wasting to have a character that you cannot develop abilities during game because when You do the screen freezes and you have ti reboot to restore the game. This is not random intermittent, once it happens it always happens. You're better off just getting rid of that personality and finding another. What in the code is conflicting or blocking play? Has no one looked into this? If I'm seeing it happen, frequently, then others must be having the same issues, Come on...speak up or this will not get better...

Since I was messaged privately with one of the same posts in this thread I'm replying to @CoastGuard71 here.

I am not actively involved in the Build Mod development and do not know about the changed code.

It seems that no one else has the problems you're having. Across your various threads and posts you have mentioned several things and I would guess that if they were common issues experienced by many players then the Build Mod developers would have done something about them. As it is it seems the modpack is technically working for everyone else. I myself for instance in my limited testing don't get any of the issues you have described. It's possible that the Build Mod developers also cannot reproduce the problems and thus cannot do much about them.

Have you tried a clean install of Windows 7, no clone installation, and properly installed drivers and updates? Licensing and activation have been a part of Windows for a long time. Yes, it is strange that older versions of Build 14 work properly for you and not newer ones, but since you are the only one having these problems the problem could be with your system environment. It is possible that something in newer B14 versions is interfering with something in your particular system environment, but to rule out possible causes a clean install should be tried if it hasn't already.

No one else is having the problems so I don't think the Build Mod developers could do much to investigate. If it hasn't already been done, I would secure erase the SSD, do a clean install of Windows 7, install the appropriate drivers for that particular computer model, and manually go through the updates in the built-in Windows Update feature as to avoid having any telemetry or such being installed. Having a separate USB flash drive with the drivers and something like the web installer for the Windows 7 version of Chrome will help with this. Yes, it will be a hassle to do all this and especially with checking the updates, but I think it is necessary in solving the problem.

Apart from this I don't think there is much else that can be done, and that might be why no one else is replying to you.
Reply is that all else seems to function normally... again I have no idea what MS has been pushing onto my computers. all 5 with three OS having the same events blocking loading in this, seemingly irrational and irreproducibly:


  1. That cannot be reproduced or duplicated.
  2. Impossible to reproduce or duplicate.
I guess no one else is using Win7/10 Pro? On Lenovo T61, T510, T540p notebooks? With MS forcing security updates on them? Why am I the only person in our universe being targeted? Perhaps others just don't speak out since nothing is done or can be done about this without a more forensic investigative approach by sleuths with knowledge and knack for such work?

What's being observed makes no sense to me... and appears no one else? Anyone out there having similar issues and just not complaining?

I'm reporting what I'm experiencing as detailed and accurate as possible in the forlorn hope that someone recognizes these events in this sequence and can offer suggestions for possible defects, issues, solutions, etc. Difficult to believe this suddenly starts happening, even to earlier versions that previously did not exhibit this behavior. That is just irrational, isn't it? Played all the previous versions with only the traditional quirks one expects... this string of events is bizarre and is not associated with the state of the OS or 8 different HD/SSD I have and use almost daily, every brand you can name every size available. Yet the events are strictly reproducible without a rational initiator. Exploring changes in the environment includes MS conducting an aggressive campaign against continued W7 use and their new scam Licensing OS to specific machines... any chance I'm just a "bell weather" informant?

Guys, I'm just "casting about" information to encourage creative discussion and stimulate creative minds in potential problem solving, This is a real problem without any sensible cause or a precursor series of events until someone can link together the series of plausible events that could produce this behavior. Not asking for speculation and creative guessing results in nothing... Brainstorming session is what I'm suggesting since sometimes even the "wildest" guess is close to the truth. Anyone want to play "who (or what) done it?"

One thing I will reject is "Evil Spirits" !)

Red Sun in the Morning?


Since I was messaged privately with one of the same posts in this thread I'm replying to @CoastGuard71 here.

I am not actively involved in the Build Mod development and do not know about the changed code.

It seems that no one else has the problems you're having. Across your various threads and posts you have mentioned several things and I would guess that if they were common issues experienced by many players then the Build Mod developers would have done something about them. As it is it seems the modpack is technically working for everyone else. I myself for instance in my limited testing don't get any of the issues you have described. It's possible that the Build Mod developers also cannot reproduce the problems and thus cannot do much about them.

Have you tried a clean install of Windows 7, no clone installation, and properly installed drivers and updates? Licensing and activation have been a part of Windows for a long time. Yes, it is strange that older versions of Build 14 work properly for you and not newer ones, but since you are the only one having these problems the problem could be with your system environment. It is possible that something in newer B14 versions is interfering with something in your particular system environment, but to rule out possible causes a clean install should be tried if it hasn't already.

No one else is having the problems so I don't think the Build Mod developers could do much to investigate. If it hasn't already been done, I would secure erase the SSD, do a clean install of Windows 7, install the appropriate drivers for that particular computer model, and manually go through the updates in the built-in Windows Update feature as to avoid having any telemetry or such being installed. Having a separate USB flash drive with the drivers and something like the web installer for the Windows 7 version of Chrome will help with this. Yes, it will be a hassle to do all this and especially with checking the updates, but I think it is necessary in solving the problem.

Apart from this I don't think there is much else that can be done, and that might be why no one else is replying to you.
Consider this:

When used as a C drive, playing the onboard game causes the failure events leading to the cryptic error DX8Render.dll and two instances of RADEON85 duplication cited in the error diagnostic. This duplication when deleted does not restore play. The same error message appears when rerun with the Radeon85 calls gone.

The same SSD used as a USB runs without problem. Has continued running without error for several days, When reinstalled as C drive immediately fails with the exhibited error message and insertions of Radeon85 artifacts. Do you or anyone have a clue as to the origin of these Radeon85 implants? Where from and why? What action by the code logic imprints these into the original code that has no visible Radeon85 call? What about the experience when the DX8Render failed during a game after over an hour of proper function? The sea suddenly no longer generated while all other objects were properly generated and movement was normal? A graphics isolated fault that had no impact on any other function.

What code is involved in the error producing activity that is not being used in the USB play activity? The malware, whether intended or an unanticipated conflict leading to the failure of the game and the error message as recorded results only from use where the MS OS is in play... am I wrong? Where then would you look for the cause?

Is no one able to at least speculate on a cause? My guess is MS and it's bizarre effects as suggested by GR when installed in PROGRAM/(86) files even though in this instance the folder was, as suggested, outside those two. I even cut and pasted into SAVED GAMES with no success.

Code executes based on instruction logic, deviation in results is due to error somewhere in the instruction string. Game freeze results from no viable pathway to the next executable step. Too bad MS is not smart enough to provide intelligent explanations instead of useless cryptic clues to failures. Guess their Geeks having such intimate knowledge of the code and logic flow just don't realize others outside their cabal will not understand what events such as these result from. I still think MS security flaws are behind what is happening, just like I suspected corrupted code in the MOD DB download in my first attempt to update.

While my Lenovo does have its quirks, on battery it sleeps at 50% battery even though I have NEVER selected in the power setting... A BIOS setting perhaps? I have no idea and no one else does either. That command is coming from somewhere and the only thing overriding power options would be BIOS instructions... right? It's the stupid hidden limitations that never get revealed to the user that create such issues as this.

Prove me wrong? I'm inviting intelligent, knowledgeable, scientific investigative discussion into the nature of this event that seems to arise from nothing anyone can imagine... evil spirits?) So, let's have an open speculative discussion based on past experiences troubleshooting glitches that seem to have no rational cause. Join me in this crusade as we tilt windmills.

Batten Down the Hatches Maties, a Nor'easter is a brewin'...
Another irritating flaw in the code keeps rearing its ugly head. About 5-10% of generated personalities in a game have no problem assigning skills. However abilities will cause game crash when assigned. Anybody have a fix for this problem? Very time-wasting to have a character that you cannot develop abilities during game because when You do the screen freezes and you have to reboot to restore the game. This is not random intermittent, once it happens it always happens. You're better off just getting rid of that personality and finding another. What in the code is conflicting or blocking play? Has no one looked into this? If I'm seeing it happen, frequently, then others must be having the same issues, Come on...speak up or this will not get better...

Reply is that all else seems to function normally... again I have no idea what MS has been pushing onto my computers. all 5 with three OS having the same events blocking loading in this, seemingly irrational and irreproducibly:


  1. That cannot be reproduced or duplicated.
  2. Impossible to reproduce or duplicate.
I guess no one else is using Win7/10 Pro? On Lenovo T61, T510, T540p notebooks? With MS forcing security updates on them? Why am I the only person in our universe being targeted? Perhaps others just don't speak out since nothing is done or can be done about this without a more forensic investigative approach by sleuths with knowledge and knack for such work?

What's being observed makes no sense to me... and appears no one else? Anyone out there having similar issues and just not complaining?

I'm reporting what I'm experiencing as detailed and accurate as possible in the forlorn hope that someone recognizes these events in this sequence and can offer suggestions for possible defects, issues, solutions, etc. Difficult to believe this suddenly starts happening, even to earlier versions that previously did not exhibit this behavior. That is just irrational, isn't it? Played all the previous versions with only the traditional quirks one expects... this string of events is bizarre and is not associated with the state of the OS or 8 different HD/SSD I have and use almost daily, every brand you can name every size available. Yet the events are strictly reproducible without a rational initiator. Exploring changes in the environment includes MS conducting an aggressive campaign against continued W7 use and their new scam Licensing OS to specific machines... any chance I'm just a "bell weather" informant?

Guys, I'm just "casting about" information to encourage creative discussion and stimulate creative minds in potential problem solving, This is a real problem without any sensible cause or a precursor series of events until someone can link together the series of plausible events that could produce this behavior. Not asking for speculation and creative guessing results in nothing... Brainstorming session is what I'm suggesting since sometimes even the "wildest" guess is close to the truth. Anyone want to play "who (or what) done it?"

One thing I will reject is "Evil Spirits" !)

Red Sun in the Morning?

Ok... since nobody seems willing to fessup or cooperate What is an NVIDIA graphics app doing in a game program meant for Intel965 W7 use when NVIDIA ended win7 support and is likely the "bug" that is crashing this game? Is this what is crashing the game by conflicting with DX8 Render?NVIDIA W7 drivers support.jpg

Licensing has been a part of Windows since at least Windows 95. Activation being tied to the computer's hardware has been a part of Windows since Windows XP. These are not new things. It is expected behavior if Windows asks for reactivation when used on hardware that is too different from the hardware on which it was installed.

If updates are being pushed onto Windows 7 it is because it is set to automatically download and install them or that they were not manually checked before downloading and installing them.
I suggest and myself use the third option, "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them", as shown here: https://www.computerhope.com/issues/pictures/windowsupdate.png
When updates are available I can then view them in the list, and for each and every one of them there is a link to that specific update's information page which I then click on so that I can check for myself what each update does before downloading it. For this it helps to have another browser installed, such as the Windows 7 version of Chrome or Firefox ESR. If an update adds something undesirable I right-click on it and choose to "hide" the update so that it won't show up anymore, won't be downloaded, and won't be installed.
Yes, it is tedious to do and takes a lot of time, but by doing this I have a properly updated system without any telemetry or "Get Windows 10" stuff on any of my Windows 7 computers and nothing gets pushed onto them.

From what I understand all of your drives with Windows installations on them have clone installations. Clone installations are supposed to only be used on computers with identical firmware and hardware - same BIOS/UEFI version and settings, same model of motherboard, chipset, CPU, and other hardware. When transferred to other firmware and hardware the installation is not valid as the system environment has references to settings and hardware that are not present, and this is likely to lead to errors.

It is also not strange if Windows then asks for reactivation as it correctly detects that the hardware is too different from the hardware on which it was originally installed. Windows licenses typically are for one license per computer and as such the same license key cannot be used on more than one computer. A license can be transferred from one computer to another provided that the Windows installation and thus the license key are removed from the previous computer and that a reactivation is done on the new computer. One can have opinions on whether or not it should be allowed to use the same license key on more than one computer, but at least it is possible to transfer a license.

If I have then understood correctly and your Windows installations are clone installations - or installed on one computer and then simply moved to another computer with different firmware and hardware - it is because of this likely that you get errors. A clean installation is always preferred as the circumstances are then as good as possible for the lowest likelihood of errors.

Yes, it is strange that it seemingly works when the drive is connected via USB, but as I said errors and weird behavior are likely to occur when the system environment in itself is not correct.

Here are some examples of things I have seen that don't make sense:
- A game running too slow unless a joystick was connected to the game port, despite not being configured to use a joystick.
- A computer being unable to connect to a certain wireless network, even though both computer and network followed the same 802.11 standard, even though it was able to connect to other networks, even though other computers were able to connect to the network, and no hindrances were in place on the access point.
- Wi-Fi routers of the exact same model behaving differently even though they were configured with the same firmware version and settings.

Weird things happen and if the sensible solutions don't work it can sometimes be worthwhile to try something else. It might not make sense to you that you have these problems and you are free to keep trying to solve them in your preferred way, but seeing as apparently no one else has these problems, I think it wouldn't hurt to try a clean install. It would give the best possible conditions as it is a fresh start with the lowest likelihood of errors and it just might solve the problems, and even if it doesn't it would at least be an attempted solution and at this point it might be worthwhile to try since the previous attempts at solving the problems haven't worked.
I do however have understanding for a reluctance to do it since it is tedious to zero-fill the HDD/secure erase the SSD, install Windows, have the proper drivers prepared beforehand and install them, manually check each update and wait for them to download and install, and everything else associated with a clean install of Windows 7. But, if it is what is necessary, then unfortunately it has to be done.

As I've said I myself don't get any of the problems in my limited testing and I don't play the Build Mod, but we can do a direct question to people who do have more experience with the Build Mod, such as the current maintainer of Build Mod version 14: @Grey Roger himself.
We can also ask people such as @Pieter Boelen, @AkrimalS, @Hammie, and @DH27.
Do any of you have any of the problems that CoastGuard71 is having? Can you reproduce the problems? Do you have any ideas of what in the code or anything else that could be looked at to try to solve the problems? Do you think something in the code might be the problem or do you think the problem is somewhere else?

It is of course these individuals' own choice if they want to reply at all or if they even read or even see this post - just like how it is for everyone else - but the question can be asked. Since I do know that people have reported problems before it is reasonable that they would also report these problems if they experienced them.

What is an NVIDIA graphics app doing in a game program meant for Intel965 W7 use when NVIDIA ended win7 support and is likely the "bug" that is crashing this game?
This I don't quite understand what you mean. An NVIDIA graphics driver for Windows 7 can be installed regardless of support for Windows 7 having ended. The game is supposed to work with GeForce and Radeon graphics chips. The "Intel compatibility fix" adds a workaround so that Intel graphics chips can also be used.

In any case, I think I have done what is reasonable in this matter, and I'm not a Build Mod developer so any issue that might exist in it in regards to these problems will not be handled by me.
Let's start with the fact that I have Win 10 Pro and everything works for me. I also have a laptop with Intel graphics and everything works too. I don’t know how to help this person... The only thing I can suggest is to try installing the addon on my Russian version, but I think that this is unlikely to help. Here is the torrent file.


  • Pirates_of_the_Caribbean_2_II_P_RUS_RUS_2003_1.03_Mod_rutracker-6007627_1.7z
    40.9 KB · Views: 46
Let's start with the fact that I have Win 10 Pro and everything works for me. I also have a laptop with Intel graphics and everything works too. I don’t know how to help this person... The only thing I can suggest is to try installing the addon on my Russian version, but I think that this is unlikely to help. Here is the torrent file.
So here is at least one account of everything working properly - including with Windows 10 and Intel graphics. Thank you for your reply, @AkrimalS!