I only just really noticed that for what's been probably a few days, I can't hear any music no more in certain locations including stores, shipyards and townhalls (but not taverns). Could this have anything to do with the update? I'm confused.
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Can you upload "system.log"? If sound files fail to play, that's where there will usually be a clue. If there is an "error.log" file, upload that too.I only just really noticed that for what's been probably a few days, I can't hear any music no more in certain locations including stores, shipyards and townhalls (but not taverns). Could this have anything to do with the update? I'm confused.
No, you got "PERSONAL_NATION" right and I messed up when copying it into my version of "initModels.c".Wasn't it me who messed up "initModels.c"?
The file which assigns music groups to location sound types is "PROGRAM\sound\sound.c". For "residence", it has this:The only thing I then checked myself yesterday was the file that assigns music files to location sound types (I think) and I found nothing in there with the search words "townhall" and "residence"...
case "residence":
//a simple virtual sailor change -->
// KK -->
switch(location_or_nation) {
case ENGLAND: SetMusicAlarm("music_english_governor"); break;//changed by MAXIMUS -->
case FRANCE: SetMusicAlarm("music_french_governor"); break;
case SPAIN: SetMusicAlarm("music_spanish_governor"); break;
case PIRATE: SetMusicAlarm("music_pirate_governor"); break;
case HOLLAND: SetMusicAlarm("music_dutch_governor"); break;
case PORTUGAL: SetMusicAlarm("music_portugal_governor"); break;//changed by MAXIMUS <--
case GUEST1_NATION: // DeathDaisy: added swedish music
if(GetCurrentPeriod() > PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS && GetCurrentPeriod() < PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS){
} else{ SetMusicAlarm("music_american_governor"); }
//case AMERICA: SetMusicAlarm("music_american_governor"); break;
case PERSONAL_NATION: SetMusicAlarm("music_personal_governor"); break; // DeathDaisy: added music for personal governor
// <-- KK
//a simple virtual sailor change <--
tmpref.music_english_governor.f1.name = "MUSIC\TownGovMansion-002.ogg"; // MAXIMUS: Sid Meier's Pirates
tmpref.music_english_governor.f2.name = "MUSIC\TownGovMansion-006.ogg"; // MAXIMUS: Sid Meier's Pirates
How exactly did you install the game?
Here, I visited shipyard, store, townhall and church without hearing any music in any of them...Can you upload "system.log"? If sound files fail to play, that's where there will usually be a clue. If there is an "error.log" file, upload that too.
I tried the update again. The options file is back. I was able to configure the game, but it still wouldn't load.
The update should be copied to the top level of the PoTC folder, not to the "PROGRAM" sub-folder.I am unzipping this to the POTC file. Should I be unziping to the program file?
Third time lucky...
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates_060721.zip
This one fixes the bug causing the lack of music in various places, and also updates a few storylines to account for the change of some tavern locators from group "candles" to group "sit2".
Thanks Grey, that was my conclusion as well.@BathtubPirate: thanks for the report. There's nothing in the log files relating to the sound problem but I found it anyway. There was a mistake in "PROGRAM\sound\sound.c". Yet another attempt at an update is uploading even now...
@Jason: it looks as though your installation is messed up somehow. You will probably need to reinstall the whole game.
The update should be copied to the top level of the PoTC folder, not to the "PROGRAM" sub-folder.