thanksThe interface begins to look nice now,and its easier to understand.

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thanksThe interface begins to look nice now,and its easier to understand.
Normally you wouldn't have a need to take your carpenter ashore at all.Would it be a nice addition if you need a carpenter to be able to resurect buildings?
it will show the ability very clearly in the characters perk tree (at the top listed as a special ability) so maybe that would actually inform the player better of the possebility to build buildings.Normally you wouldn't have a need to take your carpenter ashore at all.
With this change, you would need to. Adds a bit of a risk since he might not be able to defend himself too well.
Plus it might make the building dialog less visible for players who may not know it exists.
Whether those are good or bad things, I'm not certain....
Fair will show the ability very clearly in the characters perk tree (at the top listed as a special ability) so maybe that would actually inform the player better of the possebility to build buildings.
I wonder what @Grey Roger, @ANSEL and @DeathDaisy think about the potential extra risk.I think it would be nice to have a reason to bring your carpenter on land if you want to do this.
That's indeed what I meant.Oh, you meant risk to the carpenter?
So if I understand you correctly, it is an acceptable risk and fits in with the gameplay?Early in the game, none of your officers have much combat ability and neither do you, so the only way any of you is going to build up that ability is by going on land and taking chances. So, if you're planning on putting a carpenter in harm's way later, get one early in the game and take him down all the dungeons. Alternatively, once you have three officers with high Melee skill and all the combat perks, replace one of them with the carpenter, then look after him and protect him if you get into a fight - eventually he'll build up his combat skills. This, in fact, was why I suggested that Melee XP be shared among everyone in your shore party regardless of officer type, some time ago - so that you could train more officers in combat.
I dont have the building system active, but Im overall a great fan of having to put assets at risk for greater reward
I know, that's why I ask people now to test it. and once I have more time (which should be soon I hope) I'm planning on testing it myself too.The risk will be taken by anyone who downloads this mod and tests it. Until it has been tested and verified not to cause any problems, I don't plan to put it into the updates collection.
It doesn't bother me, partly because carpenters can be trained to fight the same way as anyone else, and partly because I don't bother with buildings anyway, so it's someone else's problem.So if I understand you correctly, it is an acceptable risk and fits in with the gameplay?
right, forgot about that. while at it I will just change that code to remove all perks anyways instead of doing them all with their own line of code so this doesn't have to be changed every time.A quick bit of WinMerge checking indicates a possible omission.
As well as "BasicBattleState" and "AdvancedBattleState" being changed to "BasicDamageControl" and "AdvancedDamageControl", there are some new perks, e.g. "BasicFirstAid" and "AdvancedFirstAid". The dialog files for tailors and for Father Bernard contain code to wipe the player's perks, but although the renamed perks have been renamed in those dialogs, the new perks do not appear to be included. My guess is that if you've taken any of the new perks, you'll still have them after the tailor or Father Bernard has wiped the other perks.
In which way does it not work?Just like last time this new system won't work if you play whit unlocked perks, which I always do.