That's right.
It's 750 watt I think. Is that enough?
It is not just the wattage that you need to check, it is the power connectors themselves. Newer motherboards and CPU's have different power requirements than older components and require an additional power socket for the CPU. If your power supply was built in the past 6 or 7 years, it might be ok, but you need to know the exact power requirements of a new board and the exact power outputs of your supply. Also, the sleep and active states of newer CPU's vary as well, this will mean that the voltage to the CPU will fluctuate depending on load. Older power supplies do not recognize those power requirements and will continue to send the same voltage. You will need a regulated auto-switching power supply for newer hardware.
I am planning to do YouTube when I'm a little bit older. And I will do a lot of high-end gaming, I think.
If you are planning on doing high-end gaming, and recording it, you will definitely need a new rig. The one you have now will work for the basics, but if your looking to do things like Metal Gear Solid, or really any modern FPS, you will need new hardware. Best to start saving your money now.
For me, it's half the fun to open my computer and pull out the parts and stick the new ones in.
Yup! Me too mate!

My Dad was a HAM radio operator, so I grew up around electronics. I used to take things apart like radios just to find out how stuff worked, sometimes I didn't exactly get them put back together properly though...
Nope. I bought the Windows 10 legally for exactly $0,00

That is quite a bargain!

The way Microsoft treats it's Windows licensing though, your copy is still tied to that particular motherboard. If you get a different motherboard, you will have to call Microsoft and transfer the license.
Those are really expensive! I don't think that's the first thing I'll do, because of that.
They have come down quite a bit recently because of new technology about to hit the market soon. I am not sure what retailers you have over there in Europe, but here in the US, you can find a
250 gig SSD on Newegg for under $100. You should be able to find similar prices on Amazon. That is about what you would pay for two sticks of 4 gig DDR2 800.
I would do that if I knew what an expansion board is...
Expansion boards plug in to free PCI slots to expand the ability's of your computer. The AMD Radeon HD 5800 in your computer now is an expansion card. Here is an older Youtube video that explains some of the basics of computer components.
It doesn't really lag, but if I download a kind of big thing my computer is going to not like it. I downloaded a helicopter once and I had to slow down the game, (That's one of the brilliant parts of Besiege.) because it was lagging a lot. And it's only a snalk helicopter! There are some HUGE things though.
Lag is a tough thing to track down, there are also different types of lag, which makes things even more confusing. One of the best ways to stop computer lag is to stop unnecessary programs from loading to begin with. in Windows 10, you can do that from the Taskmanager. Here is another quick Youtube Video :
I don't think so. I don't have a lot of them anyway.
I was just curious, your mechanical hard drive is much slower, and that can cause noticeable lag. There isn't a lot of room on your SSD, which is why I recommended upgrading to a bigger one.
Microsoft, in their infinite stupidity has made this even more difficult to do in Windows 10. If you download DirectX 9 from Microsoft, the installation program will tell you that it can only be installed on older versions of Windows and can't be installed on 10. This is an outright lie by Microsoft, they are just trying to force everyone to use Direct X 12.
You should try the Taskmanager stuff first, but if that doesn't help, try installing DirectX 9. To install DirectX 9, you need to download the DirectX Runtimes from Microsoft
HERE, extract the files to a new folder on your mechanical drive. Go into that folder and look for a file called "DXSETUP.exe" right click on that file and choose "Run as Administrator." Maybe Pieter could help you with this stuff when he has some time.
What looks fun? Besiege? Ooh it is AWESOME!
Thanks for all your help guys!
Your welcome!
Feel free to ask if you need us to clarify anything.