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Nothing Particularly exciting happened today except my Smuggling business has gone so well that I made a purchase in the fine town of Basse-Terre when a storm bout wiped out my Beloved "Lucy"

I present to y'all... The Jekkannaaw (The Xebec) I AM IN LOVE :love:love:love:love:love:love:love:love:love:love:love:love

With a hold the size of Tokyo and speed that would break a sloop fast sloop apart. she is the ULTIMATE smuggler... and did i mention the little detail about 30 20lbs guns??? no? wel i just did!


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I finally sold that clunky pinnace and got a real merchant ship. A Fluyt! :love

Less guns, less crew, and more cargo room. The rigging on this one doesn't look quite finished.:diomed

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@ Luke - all Xebecs should go to thne bottom of the sea, I hate them :p

@ Hylie - did you really get rid of the floating flag in MK's mod ?
@ Luke - all Xebecs should go to thne bottom of the sea, I hate them :p

@ Hylie - did you really get rid of the floating flag in MK's mod ?

By floating flag do you mean the big clunky damage bar that floats above your ship?/

MK put clear directions in the first post and the read me file for recommended settings that you should go to options and unclick where it says "show information about ship"

As soon as you click that and go to the next scene after the one yer in, that big flag bar goes away on your ship and all other ships. I hate that bar because it makes everything look like an arcade game
I used to till I got the Jekkannaaw. Id hate to fight them but I love mine :) <3
I vaguely remember MK talking about the turtle on this armor but do not remember what it means.

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And how many crew and guns did these things have ?

Xebecs Historically (Especially when used by Barbary Corsairs were Usually over crowded with men. So these things have more Crew capacity then just about anything of equal size.

I think FULLY loaded The Jekkannaaw has 336 crew? its above 300, but Its recommended crew is 271. and Its a French made War Xebec so its maximum gun caliber and number is: Thirty (30) Twenty-Pounders (Culverin or Cannon)( which I of course have ;) ), and has a BEAUTIFUL top speed of 16.58 knots. in winds of 3.6 knots this baby sails a 3 knots when fully unloaded. Ultimate... Smuggler (Or pirate/Privateer)

the downside? I purchased her from the french legally and she set me back 200,000 PoE. But with My 3 ship smuggling fleet I make half a million in 2 trips from Willemstad to Martinique.

2 of my three ships are above a good bit above average speed for their type and are 2 of the fastest (If not fastest) ships in the sea (On my game) after i've unloaded my contraband we can outrun anything the navies throw at us, even ships a quarter of our size. The slowest ship in my convoy belongs to a captain who joined me... if i can find a good one I'm going to trade it in for something faster so it can at least try to keep up with my flagship.


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Methinks it just means that those soldiers are not hostile to you. If that country does not like you they will attack you.

For instance I am currently flying the Dutch flag and when I meet English soldiers they kill me because the Dutch and English are at war.
Can any of Y'all answer me this? Where are the other Jungle cities other than Fort Orange in jamaica?
I don't understand guys!! I set out now that I'm Filthy rich to build a war fleet. Started small and began to hunt down additions. Figured id have to bhosuy one or too decent ones... And for some strange reason (Think it might be a glitch of some kind) The game says the English hate my guts to no end... but i can figure it out... If they hate me so much why did they send me 3 beautiful early Christmas presents???? and then the pirates gave me my newest addition (My new Man o' War)

P.S. don worry my Xebec is in storage ;)

So heres my war Fleet as of today.

The Rebbaaw- 60 Gun Old Dutch Man O' War
The Gevverra'aw- 64 Gun Third-Rater
The Dearaw- 40 Gun Fourth-Rater
The Belloaw- 54 Gun Fourth-Rater

Here's the Story Mates:

After we laid the Jekkanna'aw and Lukas into Storage, we set sail aboard the Urania. A modest little vessel Who's original Captain had joined my smuggling operation a few weeks back. I put him in charge of keeping the Jekkanna'aw safe during my travels while it remained moored in Willemstad, Curacao. Soon we left the port to come across some Dutch merchants being attacked by a English Patrol. Among those ships was a 54-gun Fourth-Rater which, was with the help of the dutch, captured by myself. Humble beginnings of my plan to build an army of my own from the ground up.

We Rechristened her the Bello'aw (Spirit of Arrogance), Sank the Urania, and sail north pillaging English traders and Defending Spanish, Dutch, and French merchants from patrols and pirates alike. The English by now are none too fond of us and sent out 2 64-Gun Third Raters to destroy us. With help from the Dutch on San Martin one of the ships was completely disabled and swiftly sank. We soon regained our order from that boarding party and set out to capture the other ship which was completely in tact and fleeing out of the harbor. after a brief exchange of cannon fire and a boarding party the ship was ours.

Renamed the Gevverra'aw (Spirit of Fear) I declared it my flagship. Sailed around causing trouble for the English for a bit, not seeing anything I wanted for a couple months. Decided to go back to Willemstad, and on the way got a few surprises. the first of which was fighting a pirate Galleon that was harassing a Spanish merchant. He soon joined me after his capture as an officer and fighter on my crew. The Second Surprise was when we captured the 40 gun Fourth-Rater The Duke renamed her the Dear'aw (Spirit of War) and handed her over to my newest officer: The captain of that pirate Galleon who now was quite happy to be in service of me. We sailed less than a day further south when we came upon a large pirate squadron attacking some dutch merchants off the north shore of Curacao.

These boys must've been some of Morgan's men because they were armed to the teeth with 4 very large ships. But only one caught my eye: the enemy flagship. after a loooong fight the pirate fleet all except for my target had surrendered. With a well placed snipe of the enemies main mast the old dutch man o' war was halted dead in her tracks. but as we approached to board she shot out our mast as well. The Guns of the two flagships exchanged fire for several minutes, completely de-masting both ships. The ol' girl finally gave in a struck her colors. and both ships were towed into harbor and repaired. After which the man o' war was made the flagship and named her the Rebba'aw (Bad Spirit, or Demon)


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Having a lot of fun reading the accounts of your adventures Luke. Glad you're enjoying the mod. To answer your earlier question: the jungle towns are the pirate havens at La Francois on Martinique, Puerto Principe on Cuba, La Vega on Hispaniola, and then there's the small villiage of Des Moines south of Maricaibo in the large inlet and the pearl divers villiage in from the Mexican coast.

If I get everything in patch1 I want there will be another one on Dominica.


But Fort Orange is the Only one you can Raid right?

Reason i ask is since I'm allied to the dutch attacking the Spanish or dutch does not bode well for my health lol
You are correct mate. However if you do the Dutch questline there is a hell of a fight there at one point!


Sounds like trying to find 4 Stock COAS man o' wars will be a hell of a fight since the quest only recognizes the stock ships lol

And Your trying to add towns too!? I love you man! :D
I eventually want to add the POTC locations and I want to figure out how to make new islands as well. I am well on my way I think. Dominica has been a very successful experiment and is almost ready.

By next year the mod may have twice as many colonies and that would be MUCH more historically accurate.


It's been several years since I've played AOP, (Actually how I found COAS is i was trying to repurchase AOP and found it and decided to get COAS instead off of Gamersgate)

But if i remember correctly that game Didn't crash nearly as much and though it didn't go as far west, It's islands were definently more realistic in shape size and placement. AOP actually seemed more... Finished and organized while COAS seems more like a Beta lol
I think your memory may be a little cloudy Luke. AOP was REALLY buggy. A lot of folks were actually really mad accusing the devs of not even half finishing it. Most of the buildings were unaccessable and there were not that many locations. The only thing that redeemed that game was CyberOps SuperMod. With the mod added it was a pretty darned good game but not even as close to as good as the Build Mods. The only thing that I've ever liked better about the AOP series is the sword fighting.

Also the islands in AOP:CT were much like POTC. They were mostly correctly oriented, but all you got was Puerto Rico, Hispaniola and the lesser Antillies. There was no mainland, only islands. I can't remember if Cuba was there. I don't think it was. That said though that's exactly my thinking. There are some really good island models in AOP1 that are not being used in COAS.

Also two modders that used to hang around here a lot (Drow and Thagarr) got a hold of a really good Russian mod/game which was an add on for AOP1:CT called Secrets of the Far Seas (SOFS). A lot of the new blades and guns you're enjoying in Eras are from that game. Drow had completed an 85 percent English translation for the game. Thagarr was able to get most of the Resource and Program files for the game. This game uses most of the POTC town locations on top of the AOP islands and has been a kind of Rosetta Stone in showing me how I can do that and import them into COAS.

So here's hoping. COAS was like the finished version of AOP1 because all the buildings now opened, we got the mainland, and we got quests. Other than that though you're right - it is buggy and much like a beta which is why the mods add SO much. You realize that stock COAS offers only 4 characters, a dozen ships, and a couple dozen weapons. That's it. I feel like my mod offers a steak dinner over a frozen TV entree. I hope to make it into a multiple course gourmet meal by next year. LOL


Like I said been a few years xD and never really played it near as much as i have COAS. But now as youve said that it seems to be coming back to me.

Btw Adding Jeff Van Dyke to the Music lineup= Good Call mate ;) I been meaning to say that.

Oh and um Idk if you know this but after you get robbed(Or atleast they attempt to) The new barmaids get replaced by the old ones, and the one in Willemstad doesnt have a name lol

I know thats nothing major, and I really dont care but it seems like it would be something that would fly under the radar if i didnt mention it lol
Oh and I have a question. I think i read somewhere that the Personal Flag thing in POTC was a mod. Think you have any plans of ever adding that into the ERAS? Just curious :)
The bar maids are supposed to change over when that happens because they are making a run for it if you've killed their accomplices. The name however is a good catch and I will add that tonight for patch1.

Now you know what I do when I get propositioned by them....I give all my gold to one of my officers after I've purchased the room from the bartender. I keep 20 gold on me because then I know if she robs me. Also I figure that 10 gold is fair compensation for her "services". That's right she will take exactly HALF of what you have. So if you have a million gold on you she is taking half a million - and there is no getting it back.

So here's some from me. I was bringing a large convoy of eight ships into Fort de France. I had started with five and picked up an escort mission and managed to bag a couple of English prizes on the way. It's a shame because I had to sink a really pretty little English Sixth rater with excellent numbers (16knot+ speed and 20 pounders) I couldn't take on any more ships.

Anyhoo, I was really impressed with the assortment of French ships in the harbor when I got there. I am really proud of the work I did on the French Navy Warship or French Navire de Guerre as I named her for the game. There were two of them there. Here's some shots of what I saw....

EDIT: Looking at a lot of flag code. PO:TEHO does it, so maybe when\if its ever released we will be able to. Jonathan has been trying to help me get the white flag to work when they surrender.

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Aye the biggest problem I am having with the game is trying to decide which ships LOOK like they fit me xD lolololol They are all gorgeous, except that one Brig type. Not that the textures Ain't a good job it was great its just i didnt like the Patchwork old wood look lol.

Also I just stick all my gold minus 1 PoE in the nightstand in the room. after shes done if the 1 is gone she robbed me and i get all my gold out of the stand lol.

and on the issue of them changing. my point aint that they change. its the fact that the New models get replaced by the stock COAS models and the new ones disappear for good. that lass in Willhelmstad (Blonde) Was the best looking female model i've seen in the mod. (Haven't done the Isabella quests yet so Idk if you changed her or not, but i did notice you had an edited version of her as both one of the brothel girls and the barmaid in Santiago.) I plan on Getting married after Ive built my own country and wish to retire, and maybe start over :p

Edit: I dont need her taking Half a million my Monthly wages cost me 130,000 xD lol
Heres something Else MK

For some reason the Excellent Spyglass is showing LESS than the Good Spyglass. Im gonna try and see if re equiping it fixes the problem when i find another spyglass.