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Completely Crazy Idea for Writers

Pieter Boelen

Navigation Officer
Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
Have you ever heard of Cracked.com? It is a humour website that features a lot of surprisingly interesting articles on a VERY wide variety of subjects.
I always like visiting it to see what new fun stuff they've got on there.

They are asking for everyone to give it their best shot at writing some stuff for them:
Apparently, they even pay good money for it.

Now here's my crazy thought: So why not write about pirates and history?
And drop in some notes about our project here? The other writers there tend to self-promote some of their own stuff too.
A LOT of people visit that site, so we could get ourselves a LOT of publicity.


Alternatively, now that we've got some nice screenshots and even video material, we could put a more active promotion campaign out there.
Write to game magazines and website to tell them about our work; post on various forums too.
We have had PotC: Build 13 featured in a Dutch magazine before. We could do it again!!!
Possibilities abound:

"99 Things People Get Wrong About Pirates/Ships/Maritime History/Seafarer Stories thanks to Films/Games/Books" *
* = Less than 99 may also be acceptable. :wp

Here are some pirate-related articles they already did:
http://www.cracked.com/funny-111-pirates/ (this one: not the best :oops: )

Clearly they're not opposed to pointing out the reality of pirates. All we have to do is to do the same.
Offers the opportunity to point out the glaring crazy stuff from Assassin's Creed IV as well, for example.
Hey dont be hatin on AC IV i love that series xD

Although it highly pisses me off that youre not a pirate but a Navy Hunter lol
Hey dont be hatin on AC IV i love that series xD
If you have seen my posts in our AC 4 thread, you'll see that I don't hate it.
As far as I can tell, it looks like a lot of fun and they managed to do a lot of things I'd like to see in HoO as well.
But its supposed "realism" is extremely cartoon-y. That's not necessarily a bad thing though; cartoons can be fun. :yes
I was just playing with you.

im getting it in a week when the PS4 comes out, but ive played it for a lil while. It's an extremely intriguing story. but its a bit like a Legendary Character with superhuman abilities.

But fun as all get out, and a great game. ACII, AC Brotherhood, and AC Revelations actually taught me a good bit of Italian... mostly cuss words, and how to insult people... but then again i think that's all Italian peple really do so i say im pretty fluent :rofl
I like the idea! It might be somewhat far-fetched, but its worth a shot! I do remember how cracked loved how badass oliver hazard perry's name was. http://www.cracked.com/article_19403_the-10-greatest-uses-trash-talk-in-history-war.html but it would have to be executed just right, and on the right topic within our broader genre. I have yet to meet another college student who doesn't read cracked.com, and most of my high school friends did too. It has a huge potential for exposure! however, it would have to be written with delicate attention to the audience. None of the usual "ermagherd no one knows the difference between a spritsail and a sprit-topsail" people around here such as myself often express-basically we cant be afraid to omit some historical detail for the sake of making a joke.:yes
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In which dutch magazine has it been featured Pieter?
I'd like to know so I can look it up..
I like the idea of promoting through such a website since all publicity is good, right?
In which dutch magazine has it been featured Pieter?
It was PC Gameplay in November 2007.

Here is my translation of the article:
People in the know agree that Pirates of the Caribbean, the sequel to Sea Dogs and the predecessor to the bug-plagued Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales, is by far the best game in the series. As far as mood and perception is concerned, this game is very good, although we mentioned in our original review that so much could yet be done with it. Apparently we were not the only ones to think so and thanks to a very devoted modding community, this PotC has now reached its 13th Build modification, which adds countless new features to the game. What about a gigantic amount of new characters (yes, Jack Sparrow is present in case you want to play him) and a shit... *excuse me* shipload of new items, even including cool tattoos, dead albatrosses and new weapons to use against your enemies? But that is not everything. A complete new armada of new ships awaits you in this Build, ready for adventure. The eye for detail in this mod is enormous and we were impressed by the amount of new features. Every shipdeck, every interior, every crewmember and every sea wave has been changed and improved, which makes this mod a direct hit. Respect!
I used to have it posted on the ModDB as well, but I cannot find it now. And I've got no clue where my scan of it went.
Must still have the actual magazine somewhere in my room, but I don't really know where either. Ugh. :facepalm
YES! Found it!


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Might be a long shot mates bu what about trying to see if a couple of popular "Let's Players" on youtube would play our Mods of POTC (or CAOS) and advertise HoO? might be difficult but might be worth a shot
Might be a long shot mates bu what about trying to see if a couple of popular "Let's Players" on youtube would play our Mods of POTC (or CAOS) and advertise HoO? might be difficult but might be worth a shot
Definitely worth a try for PotC and CoAS. We've got a couple of Let's Play series on PotC: New Horizons:

And one on CoAS: Gof:

The old CoAS: Combined Modpack:

And a German PotC one:

Maybe we can try to get the attention of websites like http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/
If we try EVERYTHING, we've got to eventually succeed on at least a couple of them, no? :cheeky
Luke McReady said:
Might be a long shot mates bu what about trying to see if a couple of popular "Let's Players" on youtube would play our Mods of POTC (or CAOS) and advertise HoO? might be difficult but might be worth a shot
Definitely worth a try for PotC and CoAS. We've got a couple of Let's Play series on PotC: New Horizons:

And one on CoAS: Gof:

The old CoAS: Combined Modpack:

And a German PotC one:

If we try EVERYTHING, we've got to eventually succeed on at least a couple of them, no? :cheeky

I also posted something at a Polish youtuber's video here:
In mentioned video, he says that he wants to make a New Horizons let's play but hardly knows any English, so I posted some info there.
Excuse me, cause I posted it at HOO section, but you were talking about other games too...:oops:
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God this seems like so long ago, I forgot about it lol.

One I can think of is that Blackbeard was a psychopath that shot his own men to keep them in line. He never actually did that. Though I always heard that he did shoot one of his mates in the leg during a card game lol.
We wouldn't have to cover all of them. Just around 4-8 would do.
And if we have a lot left, we can just make a "Part 2" article later on if the first one ends up successful.
Well it definitely sounds like a great idea! Just the very first days I am here on the forum I already learnt many new pieces of information (for example yesterday the crow nest discussion), but I admit before I came here I always concentrated more on the land combat, so there is much to learn for me, even in the matters of basic facts (that is also why I mostly concentrated my research on land matters, that will only be usefull later for the game). Mostly it's stuff I randomly read somewhere, such as the Vikings, contrary to popular belief, were clean, combed their hair and washed way more than locals. Not exactly Age of sailing then. I totally agree with Marion's notion, such state is sadly in every period and intensifies in the last two centuries when propaganda came to play (lots of prejudice against CSA, Russian empire, etc.). The roots of this are surprisingly already in school system.

On the matter of Let's Plays, I am sure there would be some that would gladly try it out, as indie games are popular even among those who have thousands of subsribers. :)
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