One of the definitely rather forgotten moments (not misconception per se) is the Gin Craze, which was present around 1700-1750 and ruined many people's life, lead to violence outbreak in the style of prohibition mafia or modern drug wars.
Speaking of gin:
Russian General told the citizens of a Dutch city how much food and drink they were expected to give his soldiers.
The amount of meat (1,5 pounds) and bread (3 pounds) is nothing special, but apart from that, every Russian soldier was supposed to be given two rations of Jenever (dutch gin) or Brandy every day - In beerglasses.
(courtesy of my Dutch Napoleonics expert friend)
Speaking of gin:

Russian General told the citizens of a Dutch city how much food and drink they were expected to give his soldiers.
The amount of meat (1,5 pounds) and bread (3 pounds) is nothing special, but apart from that, every Russian soldier was supposed to be given two rations of Jenever (dutch gin) or Brandy every day - In beerglasses.
(courtesy of my Dutch Napoleonics expert friend)