Perhaps some sort of a vague story could be used as well? So there's some progression?
For example:
- Start showing Main Menu>Start New Game, then customize the player character to something people might recognize
- Select a small ship to start with, such as the Arcadia Xebec and show her moored in port
- Show Map Interface with various quests active, then zoom in on the treasure quest
- Back to sea with a sea battle involving enemy pirates
- Walking on shore, fight in the jungle, uncovering a buried treasure
- Set sail with a somewhat bigger boat; Prince de Neufchatel/Essex
- Couple of shots of Spanish Galleons being encountered, followed by some ship battle and boarding shots
- Talk with captured captain in the cargo hold
- Reload to worldmap and show the approach to Cartagena there
- Upgrade to proper big ship, maybe Centurion and/or Trinity and attack the Cartagena fort
- Couple of shots of fighting in the fort and in the town, followed by the surrendered governor and a quick shot of assigning a new governor of your own
- Then show various of the locations in the town, along with the personal soldiers and flag on the port/fort
- Show Mr. Gibbs in the Tortuga tavern, then zoom in on the Isla de Muerta icon on the worldmap (but DON'T show where it is!!!)
- Reload to the cave with treasure and show contents of the chest
- Shots of being a skeleton at night in a town, fighting with town guards
- Ship with torn sails and trailing fog, battling other ships
- Night boarding action with cursed crew
- Reload to Vanderdecken's shipyard
- Show FLEET of cursed ships
- If you want, show the Dutchman effects again as well (even though that's technically a Beta 2 feature and was already shown in that trailer)
Inbetween, add various shots of different ships with different sails/flags/nations sailing at sea at different times of day in sight of land or out at sea.
Maybe some spyglass shots too. And possibly also show some quick shots of the various storylines' main characters doing things on land.
Couple of things you can make use of:
- F9 to hide On-Screen Display (of course)
- Free Camera Mode at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h
- Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow Keys at sea to centre the camera on other ships than the player one: Easy way of showing a greater variety
Those are just some thoughts. It's up to you to do what you want with that. I'll be really looking forward to seeing what it'll be!
If it turns out well, perhaps we can put it in the game when you leave the main menu running instead of that stock game trailer.
That's a bit out-dated, is it not?