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Included in Build Ship Encounter Chances Correction

I really can not answer any of those questions as I have not seen anything different from a month ago.
The very latest update should make a bit of a difference. There should be no more "ship not found" errors on the Merchant 2 encounter and DirectSail encounters should be more varied as well.

Pirates use only specific pirate encounters now, so none of the regular nations' encounter sets anymore.
This means that you should never be able to encounter a pirate "battle fleet", which was possible before.
It should now only be "warships", "small craft" or "a rag-tag bunch" for the pirates.

I'm hoping that the changes made will help with more varied encounters as well, so that you won't be seeing the same ship several times in the same encounter anymore.
Might still happen, but hopefully less often at least.

How would one know when they encounter a treasure fleet?
A treasure fleet should always belong to Spain and consist of:
Between 2-4 trade ships of tier 3
Between 2-6 escort ships between tiers 1 and 4

If you encounter them on the worldmap, the description from your look-out will be "a convoy".

As per the latest update, it should be possible to encounter them in DirectSail too, but of course there is no message from your look-out then.
However, there IS a note made in compile.log, which you can check during the game if you use windowed mode.
Just left a 14 ship battle. Made level 5 during it and ran into a problem that is becoming more common. When boarding a surrendered ship your character should start with his sword out and then sheath it. Then go over and talk with the other Captain. The problem comes when your character does not sheath his sword. That means that you can not take that ship. If you survive the fight with the other Captain, that is it. You are stuck.
There were surrendered ships all ovewr the place and I could not keep one. Not one. Finally gave up and quit the game. This compile log might show where the problem is.

Windowed mode is not an option.


  • compile.log
    76.6 KB · Views: 229
Compile.log isn't telling me much, I'm afraid. I can't remember any related code being changed recently. I restored all boarding code to its Beta 2.5 state.
Could you post a savegame just prior to boarding such a surrendered ship? I can have a look at it then and see for myself what is going on.
Have you tried pressing F12 when you are stuck yet? By default, that now executes the "enable reload" code.
I'll make a clean install with the latest beta now and see if the direct sail encounters are better. I've always been bugged by the pirate frigates being so frequent, in fact I can't remember when I last met a small pirate ship at sea. I'd actually rather they never get frigates, but oh well. I'll get to it.
Later on I tried again in another battle with the same result of getting stuck. This time I remembered F12 and it worked. This seems to be a consistent problem at lower levels.
Talking about pirate encounters, it seems this is the only Tier 3 ship they ever get:

However, should pirates ever have access to that ship? If not, how about setting the pirate "max class" to 4 in the first place?
Edit: Never mind; MAXPIRATECLASS is already set to 4. I'll just set the Lineship1 pirate value to 0.0 then.

And on the Treasure Fleets, the merchant ships in the convoy are set to ALWAYS be tier 3.
But the Treasure Galleon is tier 4. That means you will NEVER get a Treasure Galleon with treasure in a Treasure Fleet!
That doesn't make much sense, now, does it? Also, in Revolutions there are not even any tier 4 merchants for Spain, only tier 5 Fast Merchantmen.
So I think we should change this to allow tiers 3-5 merchant ships in there.

As for the appearance of Treasure Fleets at all, according to Wikipedia:
The Spanish treasure fleet, also called silver fleet, plate fleet (from the Spanish plata meaning "silver"), or West Indies Fleet from Spanish Flota de Indias, was a convoy system adopted by the Spanish Empire from 1566 to 1790.
So that means there should NOT be any Treasure Fleets in the Napoleonic time period at all. Right?

I'll make a clean install with the latest beta now and see if the direct sail encounters are better. I've always been bugged by the pirate frigates being so frequent, in fact I can't remember when I last met a small pirate ship at sea. I'd actually rather they never get frigates, but oh well. I'll get to it.
Indeed Armada was annoyed by that too. Let me know if it does or does not happen anymore. And if it does happen, post your compile.log here.

Later on I tried again in another battle with the same result of getting stuck. This time I remembered F12 and it worked. This seems to be a consistent problem at lower levels.
So at least F12 DOES allow you to continue. That is something. A savegame would still be welcome for me to test out. :doff
Also just noticed that in Napoleonic, the pirates don't get any tier 4 ships either, just tier 5.
So I'm changing ALL pirate encounters to allow war ships down to tier 5 as well.
That should prevent "cannot find ship" errors as well as to increase the variety in the encounters some more.
Here's my first pirate encounter.
First I met a small Portuguese fleet, but shortly after, I met this:

With these three ships.


Very nice pirate schooner.


Pirate Frigate


Pirate Fluyt?


  • compile.log
    35.5 KB · Views: 185
Here is a save that starts just before you board a surrendered ship and get stuck without F12.


  • -=Player=- Open Sea 03-01-1551.7z
    456.9 KB · Views: 191
Here's my first pirate encounter.
Yep, that's a bugged one:
Fantom_GenerateEncounter: type = Corsar: -->PIRATE ONLY<--, warships, # Mer = 0, Mer MAX = 0, Mer MIN = 0, # War = 3, War MAX = 4, War MIN = 4
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: unable to find ship, returning a default ship instead
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 4, Minclass = 4, Per = Napoleonic, Nat = Pirate, Type = War
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: unable to find ship, returning a default ship instead
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 4, Minclass = 4, Per = Napoleonic, Nat = Pirate, Type = War
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: unable to find ship, returning a default ship instead
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 4, Minclass = 4, Per = Napoleonic, Nat = Pirate, Type = War
That's exactly this problem here at play:
Also just noticed that in Napoleonic, the pirates don't get any tier 4 ships either, just tier 5.
So I'm changing ALL pirate encounters to allow war ships down to tier 5 as well.
That should prevent "cannot find ship" errors as well as to increase the variety in the encounters some more.
Already changed the code for that, so as per the next update, it should be better again. :doff
Here is a save that starts just before you board a surrendered ship and get stuck without F12.
Yep, absolutely true. Did you notice that the surrendered ship is still indicating as being hostile?
Not sure if that is related or not, but it is NOT normal. Has anyone else ever seen that before? o_O

Well, I managed to fix the boarding error log entry.
AND the ship being hostile turned out to be due to the recognizing code as well, so I prevented that for surrendered ships now.
Still hasn't fixed that reload problem though.
Last edited:
New save game, first encounter just off Barbados.


  • compile.log
    27.9 KB · Views: 202
Yep, absolutely true. Did you notice that the surrendered ship is still indicating as being hostile?
Not sure if that is related or not, but it is NOT normal. Has anyone else ever seen that before? o_O
Edit: Well, I managed to fix the boarding error log entry.
AND the ship being hostile turned out to be due to the recognizing code as well, so I prevented that for surrendered ships now.
Still hasn't fixed that reload problem though.

Surrendered ships are always hostile when you come back to them from a save but they behave normally, I believe.
New save game, first encounter just off Barbados.
Ah, the game is asking for a tier 4 ship for the pirates and the only ones available are the corvette/frigate style ones. The high loop numbers here prove though that the encounter chance values ARE doing their job and the game really does NOT want to generate that CrimsonBlood:
Fantom_GenerateEncounter: type = Corsar: -->PIRATE ONLY<--, warships, # Mer = 0, Mer MAX = 0, Mer MIN = 0, # War = 3, War MAX = 4, War MIN = 4
Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 4, Minclass = 4, Per = Colonial Powers, Nat = Pirate, Type = War, Loop = 3, Ship ID = PiratFrigateSup
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: unable to find ship, returning a default ship instead
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 4, Minclass = 4, Per = Colonial Powers, Nat = Pirate, Type = War
Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 4, Minclass = 4, Per = Colonial Powers, Nat = Pirate, Type = War, Loop = 98, Ship ID = CrimsonBlood
I reckon my "tier 5" change will help here too. I'll compile my latest changes and post them here shortly. :yes

Surrendered ships are always hostile when you come back to them from a save but they behave normally, I believe.
Not anymore since I added the "surrendered" check. And I found out why you had that problem: Somehow you had an attribute set for you that wasn't supposed to be there.
I added a DeleteAttribute line near the "surrender check" so that is always removed when boarding surrendered ships.
That seems to have fixed it and ow I can load your savegame just fine without noticing any weird effects. :doff
Here's the first encounter.
These two.



  • compile.log
    30.7 KB · Views: 214
Will do. So far today I have been discovered twice and tried to run for cover both times. Made it one time.
Seems very good. Why wouldn't they use class 7 vessels by the way? Are there any differences in pirate encounters between the periods? I thought pirate activity was pretty low in the late 18th century.
I might make a few more runs tomorrow, seems both of them were class 6 in that encounter. It would appear you fixed the problem. I'll just test the later periods for US encounters as well when I'm at it.
The "L Pirate" encounter consists of between 2 and 5 ships of tiers 6-8. So pirates should use the very smallest craft on occasion too.

The pirate encounters themselves don't change per period, but the availability of ships does.
In Napoleonic, there are no more tier 4 ships available to the pirates, only up to tier 5. So that does show the decline in pirate activity.

Do you play using DirectSail? I'd be quite interested if you encounter US ships using that!
And also some of the larger encounters, such as a Spanish Treasure Fleet (NOT in Napoleonic though) or an armada of huge ships.

I myself was once ambushed by 4 pirate "lineships" (=5th Rate Warship). I wasn't amused.
But I think it should be no longer possible to run into those. :no