These are the details of that encounter:
These ships are supposed to be available:
Fast Merchantman
Light Fluyt-of-War
Heavy Pinnace-of-War
In other words, quite a fair selection. The game not being able to find any ship at all is really quite weird and should not be happening.
I wonder if the ship array got corrupted. Press F11 to Reinitialize and see if that makes any difference.
Also, does this happen straight upon starting a new game or only later on? Which storyline is it?
Edit: Also, dialog files should indeed have exactly nothing to do with this.
Fantom_GenerateEncounter: type = L - Merchant 0: Shallow Waters Merchant Fleet, a group of merchants, # Mer = 3, Mer MAX = 3, Mer MIN = 5, # War = 0, War MAX = 0, War MIN = 0
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: unable to find ship, returning a default ship instead
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 3, Minclass = 5, Per = Colonial Powers, Nat = France, Type = Trade
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: unable to find ship, returning a default ship instead
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 3, Minclass = 5, Per = Colonial Powers, Nat = France, Type = Trade
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: unable to find ship, returning a default ship instead
ERROR - Force_GetShipType: Maxclass = 3, Minclass = 5, Per = Colonial Powers, Nat = France, Type = Trade
Fast Merchantman
Light Fluyt-of-War
Heavy Pinnace-of-War
In other words, quite a fair selection. The game not being able to find any ship at all is really quite weird and should not be happening.
I wonder if the ship array got corrupted. Press F11 to Reinitialize and see if that makes any difference.
Also, does this happen straight upon starting a new game or only later on? Which storyline is it?
Edit: Also, dialog files should indeed have exactly nothing to do with this.

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