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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 2.5 Internal Release Available!

WIP2 will not run for me. This is in a new clean install that had only run WIP1 for a few minutes for bug testing.
WIP2 starts and gets to the main menu fine but when i try to start a new game it instacrashes. Logs:


  • compile.log
    1.7 KB · Views: 134
  • error.log
    151 bytes · Views: 165
  • system.log
    374 bytes · Views: 137
I'd just like to say I've now experienced the "you can't save without an active profile" bug in the latest version (my profile data is still in the SAVE folder, though).
All I did was go from sea to port, and when I tried to save I was greeted with the error message. Tried to load the previous save, but the profile was gone.
Restarted the game and everything was fine again (minus the progress I had just made in-game).

The only other thing worth noting when I was there was that the red 'danger' indicator and music was playing, before anyone had drawn their swords... I could have sworn this was off by default in Realistic mode?
Real men never read directions. It's in our genes. What's up with the program and resource/ini stuff?
Anyway the new install is working again, but why are there no ships in the shipyards? Four shipyards in a row have no ships at all. Not that I have the money to buy one anyway............

Armada: If you click on "load" then "profile" you can then reload the profile you want.
That should be off........

EDIT: If I change anything at all in internalsettings.h it turns all settings to iron man mode. There is no way to get the open sea mod with the world map and spyglass information.
Deleted old install and made a new one on another hard drive and after some video card tweaking it works fine. I did not touch internalsettings.h, just set things in advanced options. How does one get the open sea mod?
DON'T use the Open Sea Mod right now. I figured out what is wrong with it. Turns out it is enabled ONLY upon starting a New Game.
When you close the game and reload your savegame, it will be sort-of half on. So no good. Will rectify today.
In the meantime, you should be able to use both Arcade and Realistic Game Mode like normal; just don't use Iron Man Mode. :facepalm

Just installed this version. I've also just fixed a couple more cases of interface problems involving blue in place of brown elements:
- In a shipyard when you define how much of your hull and sails to repair
- In a store when you decide how much of a goods item to trade
Cool, thanks! :D

I'd just like to say I've now experienced the "you can't save without an active profile" bug in the latest version (my profile data is still in the SAVE folder, though).
All I did was go from sea to port, and when I tried to save I was greeted with the error message. Tried to load the previous save, but the profile was gone.
Restarted the game and everything was fine again (minus the progress I had just made in-game).
I thought you could select your profile again in the Save menu if this happens?

The only other thing worth noting when I was there was that the red 'danger' indicator and music was playing, before anyone had drawn their swords... I could have sworn this was off by default in Realistic mode?
That IS off in Realistic Game Mode. Or at least, it is supposed to be.
Will have to check...

EDIT: If I change anything at all in internalsettings.h it turns all settings to iron man mode.
That.... doesn't make much sense? But as I said before, there IS something wrong with the Open Sea Mod coding.
Basically, you can't get that to work properly unless you load the game and start a new game.
Real men never read directions. It's in our genes. What's up with the program and resource/ini stuff?
Have to remove those folders to ensure there won't be able Beta 2.3 left-over files. For the final release, I'll have RunMe.bat take care of that.

Anyway the new install is working again, but why are there no ships in the shipyards? Four shipyards in a row have no ships at all. Not that I have the money to buy one anyway............
Uhm.... that's weird too. What settings are you playing on? Need to confirm. Haven't seen that when playing yesterday. :shock
DON'T use the Open Sea Mod right now. I figured out what is wrong with it. Turns out it is enabled ONLY upon starting a New Game.
When you close the game and reload your savegame, it will be sort-of half on. So no good. Will rectify today.
Extract attached to your main game folder. This should ensure the Open Sea Mod is properly toggled on/off when you Start New Game, Load Game or Change Options.
When you switch in mid-game, you will also receive the correct map instead of keeping the wrong one.

Note that the Realism Mode is a GLOBAL setting. So it is not stored in your profile/savegame.

Hylie, you should probably play the game on Realistic Game Mode with whatever options you would like in addition enabled at the top of InternalSettings.h .
I hope that'll work properly this time around. :facepalm

Edit: Unless I am very much mistaken, an additional new game is NOT required for these files.


  • OpenSeaModFix.zip
    201.4 KB · Views: 187
The only other thing worth noting when I was there was that the red 'danger' indicator and music was playing, before anyone had drawn their swords... I could have sworn this was off by default in Realistic mode?
Just tested this myself, but it appears to be working as it should. Off in Realistic Game Mode, On in Arcade Game Mode.
Even worked properly after loading a savegame. Are you sure you didn't have your game set to Arcade when you checked?

The game will remember which realism mode you had enabled last and use that rather than what you had set when you made your savegame.
Perhaps that caused some surprising behaviour?
Different hard drive. New install. New game. If any one of the settings at the top of internalsettings.h is changed from 0 to 1 you then get the full Iron Man mode. I tried them all........... Last night there was no way to get the Open Sea mod any other way. There was Arcade mode, and the old Realistic mode, which really speeds up the game and has more sea combat.
Will try this fix soon.
I thought you could select your profile again in the Save menu if this happens?

Apparently not. I tried that in both the Save and Load menus but couldn't find ANY profiles whatsoever. Not until I restarted the game. :shrug

Just tested this myself, but it appears to be working as it should. Off in Realistic Game Mode, On in Arcade Game Mode.
Even worked properly after loading a savegame. Are you sure you didn't have your game set to Arcade when you checked?

The game will remember which realism mode you had enabled last and use that rather than what you had set when you made your savegame.
Perhaps that caused some surprising behaviour?

It was definitely set to Realistic when I was playing, and up 'till this point, it was behaving properly, too.
Before I landed at the port, I had just spent ages tacking at sea to get there in the first place, because the ships were behaving realistically.
It was definitely set to Realistic when I was playing, and up 'till this point, it was behaving properly, too.
Before I landed at the port, I had just spent ages tacking at sea to get there in the first place, because the ships were behaving realistically.
That is quite bizarre. I've been unable to replicate that. Could you just check the menu to be absolutely certain? :facepalm
That is quite bizarre. I've been unable to replicate that. Could you just check the menu to be absolutely certain? :facepalm

There's a big green tick next to REALISTIC mode, which is greyed out. I can select Arcade and Iron Man, neither of which have big green ticks next to them.
Loading my latest save before all the weirdness happened, everything is working realistically.
Is that certain enough? :rumgone
The openseamodfix seems to be working. The first time around with it I changed all the values to what I wanted and did not get the open sea mod. Then chose just the OS and it worked. Am now changing other things one at a time.

Armada: I can not duplicate your melee warning thing either. It seems to be a feature of your install.
Whatever the problem is, it's really bizarre. Especially after deleting the PROGRAM and RESOURCE/INI folders before installing B2.5 WIP2. :facepalm
Chances are I probably can't replicate it again, either. It just seems an odd coincidence to have the profile error AND this Arcade feature creeping into Realistic mode at the same time.
There's a big green tick next to REALISTIC mode, which is greyed out. I can select Arcade and Iron Man, neither of which have big green ticks next to them.
Loading my latest save before all the weirdness happened, everything is working realistically.
Is that certain enough? :rumgone
Indeed certain enough. Still strange though. I tested it by going into the Speightstown Dungeon. On Realistic Game Mode, there was no pre-warning.
Switching between Realistic and Arcade would switch on/off the warning on the fly without a location reload.
Same after loading a savegame.

When I played, I also saw generally weird stuff. The game thinking there is a storm, when there wasn't.
Or the game thing there wasn't a storm when there was. Uh? :facepalm
Cheers gentlemen,

here, it does not run at all.

I did ...
- Install stock PotC
- install b14-beta 2.1
- beta 2.3 light
- beta 2.5 wip2
- open seas fix by Pieter

And the game does not start at all.

2 days ago, with 2.5 wip1 it worked all finem did not encounter any problem, open seas worked fine, too.

But now - I have been away for 1 day - so I reinstalled anything today - I don't get the game running.
The openseamodfix seems to be working. The first time around with it I changed all the values to what I wanted and did not get the open sea mod. Then chose just the OS and it worked. Am now changing other things one at a time.
Good to hear that things are making a bit more sense now. Still weird though that enabling several of those InternalSettings.h lines would not have the desired effect.
I'm looking forward to hearing the results of your tests. :shock

here, it does not run at all.
Did you remove the PROGRAM and RESOURCE\INI files before installing Beta 2.5 Test Version 2?
Did you remove the PROGRAM and RESOURCE\INI files before installing Beta 2.5 Test Version 2?


yes, I did., just forget to mention it. I removed both folders as described, and then installed 2.5.wip2. And then the game does not start.
Uh oh... It is working ok for me, but I stopped messing with internalsettings.h when I found that there are still no ships in the shipyards. I had my heart set on a French Tartane too. :love
Here we go ...

... soince I can't upload then, still, I'll copy paste.

Only two of them available:

Gauging: StartGauging

Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 8
The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value

I did not get it running at all.