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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 2.5 Internal Release Available!

I just installed beta 2_5, deleted the options folder, and started the game. The first thing is to reset options. It can not be done because neither the arrows or the slider on the right hand side do anything. I could not scroll down to set any options.
Extract attached to your main game folder. That should put things back to normal.
Seems like I cleaned up a bit too much useless code, so I just put it all back. Technically doesn't do any harm being there anyway. :shrug


  • InterfaceScroller.zip
    44.7 KB · Views: 154
There is something wrong with the minimap off the coast of Hispaniola at Santo Domingo.
Hispaniola map-1.jpg
Still getting the pirate quest message even though this is a new game and the other profiles have been deleted.
pirate quest.jpg
There is something wrong with the minimap off the coast of Hispaniola at Santo Domingo.
What exactly is wrong there?

Still getting the pirate quest message even though this is a new game and the other profiles have been deleted.
When did that start appearing? Did you deal with any governors and Pirate Hunting quests yet?
Can you upload that savegame please, so I can have a look at it myself?
Just went to test the Sea Hawk storyline in Beta 2.5, and I noticed the French blockade was trying to sail around instead of stay put.
I've noticed this happen before, so it's likely not due to changes in Beta 2.5. Any idea why they're doing this?
Just went to test the Sea Hawk storyline in Beta 2.5, and I noticed the French blockade was trying to sail around instead of stay put.
I've noticed this happen before, so it's likely not due to changes in Beta 2.5. Any idea why they're doing this?
I saw it also once when I was swapping out those ship models. But the other time, they did stay put.
Perhaps it is because there were ships enemies to France in the vicinity and the blocking squadron went to deal with them.
You're probably right about other ships in the area. I'll have a closer look next time...
If you look at the minimap in the upper right hand corner it shows my ship surrounded by land. That land does not exist as I am well out away from Hispaniola and in fact had just sailed through said land.

That message appeared the first time I set sail and that save is long gone. I have not seen a governor to get a quest yet.

The blockade fleet always takes off to deal with enemies. They usually do not go far as the enemies are usually pirates coming after you.
If you look at the minimap in the upper right hand corner it shows my ship surrounded by land. That land does not exist as I am well out away from Hispaniola and in fact had just sailed through said land
That's bizarre; I wonder where THAT comes from. :shock

That message appeared the first time I set sail and that save is long gone. I have not seen a governor to get a quest yet.
See the relevant thread; I think I figured out what is going on.
Now I've lost the World map and am forced to manually sail from island to island.

Also jewels and stuff give skill increases.

Internalsettings.h seems to not be working as nothing I change there makes any difference at all.
Beta 2.5 is completely broken. I just sailed from Havana to Orangestad in Arcade mode because that is the only mode that sort of works. Even Arcade mode does not have a World Map though. But! It does show my ships location on the Archipelago Map. I have a sextant too.

Internalsettings.h does nothing.
I've been playing Beta 2.5 all day today (on Arcade Mode) and worldmap is working just fine.
How did you set up your InternalSettings.h then? Make sure WORLDMAP_DISABLED is NOT set to 1.
Otherwise you won't have a worldmap regardless of your Realism Setting.

With everything set to 0 at the top of InternalSettings.h, I've got no worldmap on Iron Man Mode and a worldmap on Arcade and Realistic Mode.

ITEM_REALISM mod, even if switched on, requires a new game to be started because it is done in the INIT files.
So you must have that on OR Iron Man Mode on when you start the game for that change to take effect.

Arcade Game Mode will always show your ship's position on the map.
Beta 2.5 is completely broken. Nothing works. I can't even steer the ship. The minimap is broken and the final straw was when all npcs were Nathaniel Hawk. Nothing else.
I deleted that install and started a new game. No World Map. Will delete this POTC install and start over with a new install.

Here is the last save that shows that broken governors quest.


  • -=Player=- Cuba.7z
    354.6 KB · Views: 125
Wha? I have seen nothing of the sort. It has been behaving pretty well for me. :shock

I'm pretty close to what I hope will be a proper fix for those governor quests; once I've got that, I'll upload a new version. Maybe that'll help.
I updated the opening post with my new version. Newly included:
- Advanced Options menu scrollbar functionality restored
- Jack Sparrow storyline folders renamed; should all be back to normal
- Governor Pirate Hunting and Treasure Quests using DIFFERENT character IDs, which should prevent future interference
- Jack Aubrey storyline more sidequests added by Don Lasagnetti
- Some other small things I can't remember right now

This time I uploaded my FULL code files and not just the changed ones. Please remove your PROGRAM and RESOURCE\INI folders before extracting.
That way, we can ensure you've got the exact same code files that I do.

New game required again, otherwise that pirate quest thingey won't be fixed. :facepalm
Deleted old install and made a new one on another hard drive and after some video card tweaking it works fine. I did not touch internalsettings.h, just set things in advanced options. How does one get the open sea mod?

Dl'ed WIP2 and will install.
Just installed this version. I've also just fixed a couple more cases of interface problems involving blue in place of brown elements:
- In a shipyard when you define how much of your hull and sails to repair
- In a store when you decide how much of a goods item to trade

See attached files for the RESOURCE\INI\NEW_INTERFACES folder.


  • shipyard.ini
    27.6 KB · Views: 178
  • store.ini
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