OK....it is ready for downloading!
OPEN SEA MOD v 0.2!!!!!!!!
Ha ha, I tried really hard to get into the ftp.....my best luck was using the command prompt, but then I had to try to remember my DOS commands! I remembered dir, but I just could not remember how to copy a file, and then I wasn't certain it would get to where it should, so I'm using mediafire for now (jeez, I hope it doesn't go down like megaupload

Also, I will update the downloads section one last time directing folks to the mediafire website....meanwhile, I had better read up on my DOS commands or figure out how to get to the ftp!
* OPEN SEA MOD by stljeffbb *
* *
* Version 0.2 Jan 24 2012 *
This mod is designed to utilize the excellent Directsail mod for Pirates of the Caribbean by CouchcaptainCharles...
This is version 0.2, and includes a map that revises the island positions and their labels on the static "Caribbean map" for Build 14, along with the map scale while sailing on the open sea ("sea" mode in the game). In addition, this game also changes how quickly time passes and the distances between the islands to allow for more open sea sailing and the potential for engagements against other ships. Lastly, this mod also drastically reduces how much sailing XP and sailing experience points one earns to better put this in line with the other game skills. Very lastly, this mod changes the sound file that happens when the wind changes direction (every hours in the stock setting of this mod)
INSTALLATION: First, explore the .zip file and see what files will be replaced AND BACK UP ALL ORIGINAL FILES!!! Here is a current list (v. 0.2) of those files for your convenience:
map.tga.tx in Pirates of the Caribbean\RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\Maps
wind_sea4.wav in Pirates of the Caribbean\RESOURCE\Sounds\NATURE
***** Be sure to back up your original files!!!
...once you have backed up, simply unzip to the folder that holds the overarching game folder. EXAMPLE: If your game path is <C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean> then you would install to <C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks>
First Build!
-Changed InternalSettings.c
Jan 16 2012 Changed COASTRAIDER_CHANCE to 0.01 to prevent "easy pickings" of pirates for local forts
Jan 16 2012 Changed NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE to 2.0 to allow an actual 0.02 percent chance that the coastal ships will be raiders from a foreign nation (and not pirates)
Jan 23 2012 Changed RANGE_TO_ENEMY to 3500 to reflect longer DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE in Directsail
-Changed CCCdirectSail.c
Jan 19 2012 Changed ENCOUNTERBREAK to 6.0 to reduce number of encounters (because sailing now takes MUCH longer, and we need to reduce this or everyone could become rich as a "garbage trawler" picking up random floating stuff!)
Jan 20 2012 Changed DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE to 2250 to make it easier to escape enemy ships if wanted to (but not always successful)
Jan 21 2012 Changed MINES to 0 because although mines are really cool, we really did not see them until after 1777...

Jan 21 2012 Disabled mine dropping and display seaview coordinates. Look for the "BI_ChargeKey9" line in the code, and you will see where I changed things!
-Changed \Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\RESOURCE\Sounds\NATURE
Jan 21 2012 Changed wind_sea4.wav to a slightly longer, fade out version for better immersion
-Must eventually tweak some more (better than 0.1 now) the frequency of ship encounters to better reflect "real life"
-Once map is agreed upon, I will clean it up so that it is "pretty"
-The day "Saturday" is messed up on the day counter for some reason
-The "We've been out 'x' days at sea" counter is messed up, but it fixes itself once you get into port
-When entering an island cell, the "little ship icon" on the static map is messed up...not sure I can fix this, but be sure to rely on your lookout's direction when you enter an island cell!
NOTES for 0.2
The map labels are optimized for the "Early Explorers" era...what becomes Nevis and Guadeloupe have good placement for the early timeframe, but when one plays later period mods, Nevis and Guadeloupe are too far to the left, and I must figure out how to fix this....it could require two different files based on preferred era (so that the islands themselves are seen on the map).
In addition, I suggest that any players use either all Directsail or all Worldmap sailing as when a player goes back and forth, the coordinates in game are messed with (for some reason...I have not tracked this down yet)....this will not ultimately break the game (based on hours of testing), however, it may place you in some unexpected places that you will have to sail out of to get back on track. Also, if you as a player end up relying on Worldmap sailing, when you arrive at what you think is the port and select the "sea" (usually by depressing the space key), you might not always end up right in front of the port you want to be at....if this occurs, either use the "Sail to" option, or, for those more adventurous, simply sail until you find the port!
Mines have been disabled for now, but you can find where to change this back above in this readme...once I figure out to write code for this, we will make it so they appear historically in 1777 as they should (or perhaps it will become a game setting in the "Advanced Options" menu)
Any questions? Contact Jeff at http://forum.piratesahoy.net/
Also check out this thread: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/18384-directsail-timescale/
Many thanks to the folks who have put together the Build Mod and have opened up new horizons for us to experience!
Enjoy! Any thoughts or questions just let me know....
EDIT....now it is time for me to try this on a clean install....will be using my Windows 7 computer for testing now....well, I do want to get to Cuba one last time in my old file...lol