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World Time, at sea time


Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
I find there is a gross difference between the time it takes between islands in sail mode, and in world map mode.
I have performed mulitple tests in this regard...

I have not been able to come up with an exact time difference, but I am working on it.

If anyone knows what files would need to be changed to slow down the time in the world map mode, please let me know
It is located in "\\WorldMap\worldmap_init.c"

worldMap.date.day = STARTGAME_DAY;
worldMap.date.month = STARTGAME_MONTH;
worldMap.date.year = STARTGAME_YEAR;
worldMap.date.hourPerSec = 1.5;

Just reduce the last parameter.
There is another way, with the similar effect. Later in the same file,

worldMap.shipSpeedOppositeWind = 0.3;
worldMap.shipSpeedOverWind = 0.8;

Change these two parameters will also do, but the world map will work as if in "fast forward mode".
worldMap.date.hourPerSec = 1.5;
We've got that line in PotC as well. Maybe we should try changing it?
alright, now that I know, i'll work at that once i have these books figured out...
alright, now that I know, i'll work at that once i have these books figured out...

After reading this post I did some brief figures but on a little bit different aspect of this, and that is the amount of time in the world map that it takes to travel from point a to b.

Using maps I was able to gauge that Nevis to Antigua was roughly 70 KM from land from the two closest land points (this is rounded and not exact of course) and 90 from Charleston. I Waited until the wind was hitting at my side so that is was not in front or in back just a perfect medium pace and it took me 36 hours and some change to go the distance.

So given 1 knot is 1.852 KPH and I need to go 90 KM that equals about 48hours that it should take me 3 knots should take just over 16 hours, 8 knots should take just a little over 6 hours

So looking at the figures posted above

worldMap.shipSpeedOppositeWind = 0.3;
worldMap.shipSpeedOverWind = 0.8;

I certainly don't think the .3 is .3 knots or the .8 is .8 knots so I gave them the values of 3 knots and 8 knots (for the purpose of effective math, I did not change the values in game)... I figure the wind blowing at my ship from the side angle gave me about 5.5 knots it should take me have only taken me just over 10 hours to get there and not the 36 that it did.

So considering all these elements I changed the worldMap.date.hourPerSec = 1.5; to something just a little over 1/3 of what it was to worldMap.date.hourPerSec = 0.4166666667;
Thus slowing the world map time. and keeping the ships icon movement the same.

And wouldn't you know it I made the same trip under the same circumstances in about 10 hours. Give or take.... though it is a science it is certainly not an exact one.

Any thoughts?
World map sailing is very unrealistic, you can as you said get from point a to point b quickly however its far to quick for my liking. With the wind been more realistic in sailing mode, now you can set sail with a strong 8 knots pushing you along and 1 hour later have almost no wind at all. However in world map sailing this is not the case. I don't know how many people think the speed you travel on the world map is not realistic but then the time does go faster when on world map so i guess that makes up for it. I believe its fair to say the developers didn't want you to get board trying to reach point b, so they increased the speed at which times passes to balance it out. By doing that you could sail from Charlestown to Base - Terre in a few game day's and in real time its taken you a few minutes. If you reduce the speed on the world map to be more realistic then the speed at which time passes on world map has to be reduced to.
This works really great, but is there a way to re-initialize your saved game? It works if you start a new game, but its still default on my main character.
World map sailing is very unrealistic, you can as you said get from point a to point b quickly however its far to quick for my liking. With the wind been more realistic in sailing mode, now you can set sail with a strong 8 knots pushing you along and 1 hour later have almost no wind at all. However in world map sailing this is not the case. I don't know how many people think the speed you travel on the world map is not realistic but then the time does go faster when on world map so i guess that makes up for it. I believe its fair to say the developers didn't want you to get board trying to reach point b, so they increased the speed at which times passes to balance it out. By doing that you could sail from Charlestown to Base - Terre in a few game day's and in real time its taken you a few minutes. If you reduce the speed on the world map to be more realistic then the speed at which time passes on world map has to be reduced to.

I didn't reduce the speed at all. I only reduced the world time.... :dance to change both would have been counter productive to the other.
Not sure you can make it work it work with a re-init... It probably is possible not sure though myself
Go into options and the bottom right you will see a tab with not text in it (has been fixed for patch) that is the reinit button, punch that and see if its worked if not thewn it means a new game. I personally do not know if it will work or not. :shrug