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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Thanks for the information.
Here's the save, just after finishing the main quest.


  • -=Player=- QuickSave.zip
    875.7 KB · Views: 315
Thanks for the information.
Here's the save, just after finishing the main quest.
No, that's a quicksave from Port Royale when you're about to fight the two guards before teleporting to the shipyard / blacksmith.

If you have a named savegame from the end of the quest, could you post that? You'd save this by pressing F1 to get to the main menu and then saving game manually, rather than by doing a quicksave.
At the moment, I'm not using my home PC but I keep many savegames in a Pen so I'm going to upload a different save now but I'm not sure at 100% it is the good one.


  • -=Player=- QuickSave 15.zip
    947.9 KB · Views: 304
Yes, that one is a savegame at Tortuga, and I managed to put a trace command into "reload_tables.c" to show which quests were active. It turned out that there was only one, and it was part of the "JackSparrow" version of "Tortuga Atmosphere". Comparing the "JackSparrow" version to the standard version in "quests_common.c", the standard version has an extra line in the code to trigger each part:
pchar.quest.Tortuga_atmosphere.skip = "yes";
pchar.quest.Tortuga_start.skip = "yes";
And "reload_tables.c" looks for that "skip" attribute - if it's set, function "CheckQuestPresents" ignores that quest when checking whether quests should block fast travel. The "Jack Sparrow" version does not have those lines, which means quest cases "Tortuga_jack" and "Tortuga_restore" can block fast travel.

@Bartolomeu o Portugues: put this into "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests". This version does include the "skip" lines. Start with that savegame, go somewhere else, go back to Tortuga port, and you should be able to fast travel. You're standing on the dock, so boarding your own ship will do.


  • both_reaction.c
    185.7 KB · Views: 311
Thanks @Grey Roger :)
Yes, I'll do that.
Now, I have a question about the free-play storyline. There are many choices at the start. Is it possible to make a small quest for one of these choices?
I tell this because I have an idea...
It's possible to make a large quest for one of them. I've already done it for Hornblower. :napoleon And I believe that one of the career choices leads to a small quest, preserving the original "Jean de la Croix" mini-story.
Now, I have a question about the free-play storyline. There are many choices at the start. Is it possible to make a small quest for one of these choices?
Everything is possible!
Well... Almost. But that certainly is. :yes

I believe that one of the career choices leads to a small quest, preserving the original "Jean de la Croix" mini-story.
It was split in two.
The actual opening stayed as opening for two of the player types.
The second half became a general sidequest for all characters and storylines.
I wrote the story of the quest yesterday and I will write the dialogues over the next days. Don't expect a big quest.
However, you'll learn more about the last years of life of a famous pirate.
The quest can be played through the José Joaquim Almeida free-play storyline.
I wrote the story of the quest yesterday and I will write the dialogues over the next days. Don't expect a big quest.
However, you'll learn more about the last years of life of a famous pirate.
The quest can be played through the José Joaquim Almeida free-play storyline.

But what can we do to let players know there's such special content for José Joaquin de Almeida?
Would be a shame for you to add something cool that nobody plays because they don't know it's there.
Anyway, if not already done, all the free-play storyline's quests should be in the walkthrough of this forum.

But what can we do to let players know there's such special content for José Joaquin de Almeida?
Add a bit to his "model.storytext" line in "initModels.c" saying something like "includes sidequest specific to this character". That way, when you're scrolling through all the characters looking for someone to play, you might notice that bit.
Add a bit to his "model.storytext" line in "initModels.c" saying something like "includes sidequest specific to this character". That way, when you're scrolling through all the characters looking for someone to play, you might notice that bit.
Simple, yet effective. :onya
It could indeed be added to the Wiki, I suppose. Not sure how to convince players to actually look at the Wiki though....
By the way, the walkthrough for the storylines and quests should be available as a PDF in the "Documents" folder of the Buildmod.
Hi everybody,
Most of the quest is done. However, I need some help about something. If I still remember, it's possible to create a temporary locator from the quests_reaction.c
I just want to create a temporary locator not adding one in a locator file.
What's the code to do that?
Hi everybody,
Most of the quest is done. However, I need some help about something. If I still remember, it's possible to create a temporary locator from the quests_reaction.c
I just want to create a temporary locator not adding one in a locator file.
What's the code to do that?
You probably need this one:
WriteLocatorGlobal(string locationID, string locatorGroup, string locatorName, string locatorText, int charIndex, float posX, float posY, float posZ, bool bTempLocator)