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Need Help Looking for a new texture characters


Good evening. I decided to write here as I need help with textures. I work only with the code of the game (COAS), but I need help with textures. While I will only talk about the characters, but may later ask to make the texture of the ship and location. If someone agrees to help, I will post the model and texture. So: first texture texture needs of the homeless, the person does not change, spoil the suit. The second model: you have to move the suit Model number 3. Number 4 Texture: I hate it. We need a complete change of costume, do not touch the face. Number 5: completely new texture. Number 6: need a new suit, you need to remove the accessory to England.


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Mention user? Or write as I want to use the model?
You want to use those models for a reason, right? Are you writing your own storyline?
Are you going to make that available to people?
Good evening. I decided to write here as I need help with textures. I work only with the code of the game (COAS), but I need help with textures. While I will only talk about the characters, but may later ask to make the texture of the ship and location. If someone agrees to help, I will post the model and texture. So: first texture texture needs of the homeless, the person does not change, spoil the suit. The second model: you have to move the suit Model number 3. Number 4 Texture: I hate it. We need a complete change of costume, do not touch the face. Number 5: completely new texture. Number 6: need a new suit, you need to remove the accessory to England.
I'm no good at designing new textures, but I have had some success with re-colouring existing ones, or copying and pasting from one to another. So I can't do anything for 1, 4 or 5. Copying the texture from model 3 to model 2 is exactly the sort of thing I do, though, so upload the models and textures for both and I'll see what I can do. For 6, do you want the soldier to be in another nation's uniform, or an independent nation? The latter may be possible for me to do, depending on the layout of the texture file. How about something based on this? It's PoTC's uniform for a "Personal" soldier, i.e. one in a colony which you have captured for yourself.
Now I understand you. Yes I do the modification for one of the games in the series. But unfortunately, this game is only available in Russian. Therefore, I can not lay out the original or modification here. But I pledge to mention everyone who helped me.

All original texture are not made by me.

Texture 1: Peter Blood, I think do not need explanations anymore. I do not want to use the original model, so I need to texture Blood while plantation.

Textures 2 and 3: This is my main character. I wrote my own code to use a musket. The problem is that the model number three uses a custom animation. Therefore, I need a suit Musketeers, or need to move the suit texture.

Number 4: Again, my main character, here I do not like the texture of the suit. Horrible color and style. Here I would like to see a combination of white and dark green. Something like a green.

Number 5: Woman - pirate. woman - a spy. woman - the devil. Unarmed, but very dangerous :)

Number 6: I plan to use as a rival of the protagonist.
Standard Musketeer variation of model number 6 used in the quest. Therefore, we need a new texture for the model with a sword. This will free the captain. I will gather models and textures now publish here link. I lay out all at once.
I don't have CoAS. You will need to provide me with the texture and model files for model 6, then I can see whether it's possible to copy the texture file from the PoTC "Personal" / stock French soldier onto that musketeer. Likewise, if you want me to put texture 3 onto model 2, I'll need model 2's model and texture file plus model 3's texture.

The description of 5 is practically a match for Milady de Winter. Here's the model I made for her in PoTC:
Upload the model and texture files for model 5 and I'll see if it's possible to transfer this onto her, though I doubt it - I've had some experience of going the other way, transferring AoP textures onto PoTC models, and the different layout of the texture files makes it very difficult.
Now I understand you. Yes I do the modification for one of the games in the series. But unfortunately, this game is only available in Russian. Therefore, I can not lay out the original or modification here. But I pledge to mention everyone who helped me.
So the people here will not be able to see their work used in a game/quest they can play themselves?
Tragically, you are right. But look for help on the Russian site of the game I do not want. Here, people are more aware device games. Officially, the Russian version of the game do not have access to its code. Therefore, on some sites can not discuss the code of the game. When you try to ask for help, I either get a warning, do not find any help.
If I understand correctly, what you show as "2.jpg" in the first post is the model "Hero2"; what is shown as "3.jpg" is "Hero1"; and you want the texture from "Hero1" onto "Hero2". Is that right?

For the alternative musketeer, how's this?
If I understand correctly, what you show as "2.jpg" in the first post is the model "Hero2"; what is shown as "3.jpg" is "Hero1"; and you want the texture from "Hero1" onto "Hero2". Is that right?

For the alternative musketeer, how's this?
View attachment 29165

I want to see the model in the game, please attach a texture.

From Hero2 to Hero1.

From 2.jpg to 3.jpg
I'm still not sure which texture is to move to which model, but it's very easy so I've done both. It wasn't necessary to do anything to the texture files. I simply copied "Hero1" to "Hero1a", then hex-edited it to use texture file "CaptainSpanish_2.tga", which is the file used by "Hero2". Similarly, "Hero2a" is a copy of "Hero2" using "CaptainSpanish_1.tga".

Also included is "MusketeerPersonal1.gm" and its associated texture file "MusketeerPersonal1.tga.tx".

The texture file for "Jesika" is too different in layout for me to import the texture from "Milady". The best I can offer there is to change some of the colours. The same applies to "Hero4" - pick an alternative colour scheme and I may be able to do something, but a full re-texture is right out.


  • CoAS_models.zip
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The soldier looks good, even very good. I am pleased. The texture of the main character, I am very surprised. I tried to replace the texture, but my back is stretched texture character. But I would like to return the face and neck with the original texture.


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So the people here will not be able to see their work used in a game/quest they can play themselves?
In that case, I'll just have to extract payment by other means. :guns:

And here it is. I don't need to put the "Personal" soldier into PoTC because that's where I got it. So instead, I'm going to have that "Peter Blood" model.
It doesn't look quite like the original, but it's close enough.
The soldier looks good, even very good. I am pleased. The texture of the main character, I am very surprised. I tried to replace the texture, but my back is stretched texture character. But I would like to return the face and neck with the original texture.
I'm not sure what you mean by "return the face and neck with the original texture".

The texture files are both the same layout, with the sleeve texture in the upper left corner of the file. Any sleeve which goes onto the "Hero1" model will be distorted the same way. It doesn't show on the original "Hero1" model because the sleeve there is all one colour, very dark, with shading to represent creases in the cloth. I could put a similar sleeve onto the texture used by your character, instead of the black and white striped sleeve, and then the distortion would also not be so obvious.