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New profile posts

Be very careful with the latest windows update, create a restore point before installing!
Pieter Boelen
Pieter Boelen
What is up with it?
Some microsoft dev thought it would be smart to try and have windows update patch essential C++ libraries and the kernel at the same time, many reports of devices simply not booting after update, I got lucky and was able to edit the library a bit to get it to work on my main rig and my laptop somehow downloaded it with zero issue.
Excited for Man o War corsair, recently added on steam. Coming early 2016.
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I wish it would come out now, been looking forward to it since landing on the store page a few weeks back :)
The hard drive i install all my games on failed the games left are star citizen , fallout 4 and 7 days to die ..well - could be worse xD
Had low expectations, bu liked it very much, characters and plot. Just shocked me covered advertisement of a famous fast food chain. C'mon.
Purchased a Gigabyte GTX980 G1 edition for my PC which is like using a Man O War to spread butter in terms of overkill xD
Late veredict on Reinas malditas. Very enterteining biographies of Middle Ages Queens with tragic lifes. Well documented too.
Hey Joruba, this is Alan_Smithee from back in the day. I helped translate some loading screens and things from Russian into English, in addition to some model and texture work, like 10+ years ago when POTC was the only game. I'd be interested in seeing what I can do to help get To Each His Own off the ground.
Pieter Boelen
Pieter Boelen
That is a kind offer, that is. You might want to send him a Private Message as I'm not sure he would notice a profile post.
i literally dont see a pm option though, this new forum layout is hard to get used to
Pieter Boelen
Pieter Boelen
I have sent you a PM now with a screenshot of where the button is. Hopefully that helps.
Work dropped off like the side of a cliff but i kept money and i have bought a Van so that i can start my own business!
Red Back Dude
Red Back Dude
Courier/haulage, taking stuff from A to B basicly
Pieter Boelen
Pieter Boelen
Same thing but for yourself, eh? Sounds like that'll be quite a challenge to do commercially by yourself! I wish you the best of luck with it.
Red Back Dude
Red Back Dude
Thankyou Pieter :D It is a gamble for sure and i am still not %100 sure on all of what i will need to do but for now baby steps and with any luck things will work out well.
Looking for help writing custom material editor in Unity 5. GUI and C# knowledge required, but work is very minimal. Thanks!