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Hello! Or should i say ahoy! First of all thanks to everybody who is still working to make this exciting pirate mod even better after all this time. I post this here as i am a brand new member and i don't know where else to post it, as this forum looks very chaotic to me. I just started visiting it a few days ago.

I found out about this mod a few weeks ago and started playing the beta 3.4 as nathaniel hawk. I am still learning the game of course but every now and then i encountered a bug that didn't have to do with me being a total noob which made me go back several saves or start over etc. Then i found out here that there is still work being done and newer beta versions are developed so there is really no point in me trying to find solution in a soon to be outdated version. So here i am downloading the beta 4 version.

So to the point of this post. I know i have no idea of the storylines and how things are supposed to be so i am not the ideal playtester, but since i am going to start a new storyline with the beta 4 version anyway i thought maybe you would like me to start a certain storyline that needs more people testing it. I want to explore the various gamestyles and storylines anyway because i've only played the Hawk so far. Any suggestions? Also how do i enable the logs you guys need to check the errors and bugs when necessary?
:ahoymate! Around here the only constant is change. :wp

Ayup, beta 3.4 has a few bugs. It happens. The latest beta has some bugs too. Soooo, play whatever storyline floats yer boat. You will most likely find something that was not broken before that is now.

The bug tracker is a good place to see what is happening as well as where to post about problems.
Ahoy there, @jack sparring! :cheers

I'm glad you like our work and your help with testing will be much appreciated.

Because indeed there can be a bit "much" on the forums for those who aren't familiar, I set up the Build Testing List | PiratesAhoy! not so long ago.
That is pretty much an overview of everything we need checking.
And of course the Bug Tracker contains a list of all known issues that we still need to fix.

Most important though is to play what you like and keep open a critical eye.
Any and all feedback can prove useful, after all.
But there is a lot new now so it'll be great to hear from you what isn't self explanatory to you.
We tried to add explanations for various things in the game, but haven't had much feedback on whether that works.

This Wiki page about the Storylines and Quests could be a good starting point:
New Horizons Quests | PiratesAhoy!
The Free Play page there also has a fair bit of details about the different play styles and character choices.

We have put a lot of attention on Free Play lately, but for example Assassin and Bartolomeu have not been thoroughly tested for a while.
I know those require some work, so if you don't feel like going with regular Free Play without a main quest, those two could do with some checking too.
Jack Sparrow also has had a bunch of changes made to it recently that haven't been thoroughly tested yet.

In the end, pick what you like. Ask what you want to know. Report everything you possibly can. And most importantly: Have fun! :cheers
I've got another nice job which has to be done.
This is the job:

-Get a tool for searching in files. I sugest the free Notepad++
-Open internalsettings.h
-For each define search the PROGRAM folder and note down how often this define occurs (not that if you gor for example the ones DEFAULT_HP and DEFAULT_HP_MAX then the first one will have all the results of the second one too so you can substract that from it to get the total).
- Post these numbers.

The defines look like this:
#define KILLED_PER_DAY                    16        // INT - number of wounded crewmembers that die per day without doctor and medicines

You just search for the captalized part so in this case "KILLED_PER_DAY"
@Mirsaneli maybe you could take a look at this?
Hmmm, again I'm confused o_O I'm looking through the PROGRAM directory. Do I need to check the values starting with #define?
Those defines are settings. We want to know how often each one is referenced elsewhere in the game code.
If we know that, we can do some cleaning up there.
Hmmm, again I'm confused o_O I'm looking through the PROGRAM directory. Do I need to check the values starting with #define?
Yes but only search for there name.
So if it says
define SHIP_COST 1
Search only for SHIP_COST
Do I have to skip these defines?

#define LAI_GROUP_DEFAULT "" //Группа по умолчанию
#define LAI_GROUP_CITIZEN "" //Группа горожан дружественная с охраниками, нейтральная с игроком
#define LAI_GROUP_PLAYER "player" //Группа игрока дружественная с охраниками, нейтральная с горожанами
#define LAI_GROUP_GUARDS "guards" //Группа охраников дружественная ко всем определённым групам
#define LAI_GROUP_PATROL "patrol" // KK
#define LAI_GROUP_ACTOR "actor" //Группа актёров, нейтральная ко всем определёным группам
#define LAI_GROUP_HUBER "huber" //Группа губернатора дружественная с охраниками и горожанам, нейтральная с игроком
#define LAI_GROUP_MONSTERS "monsters" //Группа монстров, враждебна со всеми
#define LAI_GROUP_BRDENEMY "brdenemy" //Группа противников при абордаже
#define LAI_GROUP_BUILDINGS "buildings" // PB
Thanks for doing this :).

To spare myself of any trouble, I'm posting my current progress in finding the values. Can you check if it's ok and let me know if I should proceed with my work?


  • Define values.rar
    19 KB · Views: 294