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You may have to re-texture some of the palm trees in La Tortue town


I've noticed, that the two palm trees outside the brothel (shown in the picture below) and two near the inner ring wall by one ramp up to the inner part of the town have some texture problems. There may be more, but those are the ones, I've noticed.

palm trees in La Tortue.png

Of course, if it's intended, just like the mismatching combinations of bodyparts, people of that town have, then just ignore me. I'll try to ignore the palm trees then.
Put this into "RESOURCE\TEXTURES". A lot of new textures were included in the January 2022 installer without proper testing and this was one of them. Or rather, what you have now was one of them - the attached file is the original version.

As usual, keep a backup copy of the current version, partly in case you decide you prefer it after all, and partly in case restoring this old one makes other trees look less impressive.


  • feuille.tga.tx.zip
    131.3 KB · Views: 106
But I made a fix for this in June. Wasn't that included or did I never upload it?
Here it is again. It only resets the palms in Tortuga.


  • JRH fixes june 2022.7z
    159 KB · Views: 92
But I made a fix for this in June. Wasn't that included or did I never upload it?
Here it is again. It only resets the palms in Tortuga.
I must have missed that. It will be in the next update. Unless...

@Fluen: please watch out for any other palm trees which look similarly weird. If the same texture file is spoiling more trees than just the ones in Tortuga, I'll leave out the specific fix for Tortuga and just put the original texture file into the next update to fix all affected trees.
I must have missed that. It will be in the next update.
No, I didn't. A quick WinMerge check between the "RESOURCE" folder in the update as it is online, and the "RESOURCE" folder in "JRH fixes june 2022", shows that all the files were indeed included in the 21st July update.

@DavyJack: see how those palms look in broad daylight. Different models are used for the trees at night and they use a texture file which was not replaced in the January 2022 installer.
@DavyJack: see how those palms look in broad daylight. Different models are used for the trees at night and they use a texture file which was not replaced in the January 2022 installer.
Here ya go :dance That time is around 1115. Screenshots don't include the date and time in-game for some reason.
Screenshot 2022-07-27 215925.jpg
That screenshot seems to be clipped - you're missing the time and date line at the top, and also the lower parts of the character icons at the bottom. Meanwhile, I've been to Tortuga brothel myself and can confirm that the palms there look the same as in your screenshot.

So @Jack Rackham's fix is in place and works for the Tortuga palms. As long as no other plants show the same problem, that's the job done. :onya
That screenshot seems to be clipped...
All my screenshots are clipped xD I open the .tga then clip it to save as a jpeg lol idk don't judge me :p I need a better tga viewer. The one I'm using rn sucks. Just literally views it. Can't even save/convert it as another file type.
Screenshots don't include the date and time in-game for some reason.

All my screenshots are clipped xD I open the .tga then clip it to save as a jpeg
That would be the reason why your screenshots don't include date and time. xD

Try GIMP, which is free, has at least some of the abilities of Photoshop or other such programs, and certainly ought to be able to read .tga and save .jpg.
Hmn I just tried GIMP and it won't show me the actual picture. Just squares of white and grey. Idk, too many buttons and stuff for me to navigate lol
Screenshot 2022-08-01 214244.jpg
(I just use window paint for the pictures, I upload here. But I have windows 10. So that's no problem for me.)

GIMP has a very extensive help menu, because it's a very extensive program. And the home page links to many good tutorials for special uses.

Basic information about GIMP:
- You can probably have a version with your native language. I'm from Denmark, and we have a rare language, and GIMP still comes in a Danish version. Your native language will probably make it easier to understand.
- It uses layers, so you can have several layers in one picture. So when you define the size of your picture, you can both choose the size of the individual layer and of the picture as a whole (canvas). So the command "crop layer to canvas" is different from "crop canvas to layer". If you copy a screenshot into it, you'll need the latter command.
- It's not enough to copy the picture into the layer. You'll also have to make that picture stick to the layer. In my old version of GIMP, it's the button "h". But you can look under the layer menu to find it.
- When you want to save your picture, you may have to unite all layers into one picture depending on the format you choose to save on.