• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Cool! :onya You wouldn't want me on your team, though - I suck at any and all things referred to as a 'sport'. :yes xD:
Same here! I suck at sport.. instead I'm planning to build up my muscles.

Long have I wondered if you're a drunkard with soft nuts. And I didn't figure out that it's some kind of a sport team. :rofl
Here is one of the most insane things I've read online:
Consider this...

This coming May, Hu Jintao comes to stay in the White House on a state visit from the PRC. Among the issues discussed are US criticism of China's censorship policies, steel tarrifs, unrest in Pakistan and, of course, Taiwan. The visit goes unusally well, and it become apparent Hu and Obama share a close personal bond. To the suprise of many, Hu extends his trip by two nights, staying at the White House as a personal guest of the President.

On the 4th night of the visit, Barack, Michelle, Hu and Hu's wife Liu Yongqing stay up late in the night drinking and playing charades. The atmosphere is jovial, and several bottles of wine are consumed. By 2am, Liu excuses herself and goes to bed. Obama asks the others if they want to stay up and try some of his 50 year old vintage whiskey, and they agree. Obama discovers though, that he has run out of cigarettes, and decides to go to the local 7-11 to get a pack.

While he is gone, Michelle and Hu begin to talk about the pressures of high office and how it can affect the family. Michelle soon breaks down in tears, telling the Chinese dictator that Obama rarely has time for her, is obsessed with his work, and she feels 'lonely'. Hu physically comforts her, one thing leads to another, and they kiss.

They break, then look into eachothers eyes. The first lady says "what are we doing? this is wrong", but Hu replies "if it wong, why it feel so right, baby doll?" Michelle is overcome with passion, and Hu is soon carrying her to the Presidential Suite, where he has sex with her in various positions, with both partners exploring new heights of pleasure they could only previously have imagined.

Afterwards, Michelle says "oh my god, what have we done?", to which Hu replies "ain't no thang girl, get a hold of youserf. Jus dont go and ter you huband about this, you hear? Coz I got enough probrems as it is". Horrified at herself, the first lady agrees to keep silent, but vows never again to be unfaithful to Obama.

The incident is soon forgotten about, and the Obama family continue with their otherwise happy marriage. Two months later, though, Michelle Obama's worst fears are confirmed: she is pregnant, and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China is the father.

After mulling over her options for several days, she decides honesty is the best policy and confesses all to Obama. He is understandably enraged, and lashes out at her, blacking her eye and knocking her over. But he soon calms down, and together they agree that they must raise this child as their own, despite the obvious uncomfortable questions that will arise regarding the possibility of an African-American couple producing an Asiatic child biologically.

In In March 2011, Obama gives a press conference where he confirms his wife's affair and the fact that he is not the child's biological father, but does not reveal that Hu is the father. He is admired throughout the nation for his integrity, even from the anti-abortion right.

Soon though, the child (named Henry) becomes a nuiscance, somehow becoming about 12 years old within his presidency, and strangely reminiscent of the character 'short-round' from Indiana Jones 2, interrupting State of the Nation addresses, being rude to visiting dignitaries, and one one occasion pouring a bottle of indian ink over Russia President Vladimir Putin's head, ruining a nuclear missile limitation talk.

In late 2014, China invades Taiwan while the US is at war with Iran. CENTCOM Generals tell Obama they cannot cope with both fronts at once, and thus their only option is to launch a nuclear missile strike at China. Obama agrees, but somewhat unwisely brings Henry into the nuclear code room with him to launch the missiles. Obama punches in the code, but at the crucial monent, just as his finger is hovering over the red button, Henry spills hot coffee over him, scalding his private parts and legs. while Obama goes to change, Henry rings his biological father in Beijing (he somehow won an extra term even though the Chinese contitution strictly forbids it) and tell him of the American plans. Now privy to the launch codes, Hu intructs his cyberwar experts to disable the US arsenal, which they duly do. China itself launches a nuclear attack on the United States, instantly atomising 150m American citizens.

In these circumstances, could Obama legally be impeached?