While being mostly busy with converting the Indefatigable to unity with
@Armada, I placed the main wale (thanks to model photos provided by
@Captain Armstrong, as there was little indication of it's position and size on the drawings, and Liffey is structurally close, but not enough), and rails.
And, meditating on various drawings for bow details, I thought about what I am going to do with the figurehead.
It should depict Endymion, but... how? He's sleeping on all his statues, and we can't have the
fastest frigate ever with a sleepy guy as a figurehead, can we?
Yet, for all we know, there was some kind of statue there:
Anyway, not that I found out really what it was, but I scourged the net for some 3d scans of various marble statues and came out with a handy collection of classical Greeks, Romans and even a statue of a French lady from the times of Ancien Regime, sitting on a bench (I swear I saw a frigate with very similar figurehead).
And one real figurehead to boot, though, depicting an angel.
They are insanely detailed, since they are intended for 3d printing, but that can be quite easily dealt with (tested already, 300k polys -> 5k converts all right), and painted white as marble, I guess. Maybe I'll make a set sometimes.