Peter Blood
I actually had something along those lines planned.
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Than original? Yeah that game managed to choose totally wrong year to take place ...... caribbean hardly had any english, dutch or french settlements 1630- some small ones yes but mostly there were just spanish- not much sugarcanes and rum or even active buccaneers yet- those guys existed but were hunting pigs at the time and were newbies in pirating business -not legends yet...... not even to mention overall style of british for example- tricornes and redcoats are 18th century style and that governor Silehard has tiny wig like 1760s fashion or something, wigs were not even commonly used 1630 and early wigs later during time of Louis XIV were huge......All possible, though requires a fair amount of work. I can assure the game is a whooole lot more period-accurate already though.
Sorry i was being too overanalyzing i guess : ... idea of telescope with two lenses together making it easier to see objects far away is quite simple, but fact is that it was not in common use during 16th century even if someone would have developed that for his own use..... so having several different telescopes sold in every port is rather inaccurate during 16th century......I agree with you about the lack of historical accuracy in the game, but I think you are overanalyzing everything. They had very early forms of the telescope in the 16th century, though it wasn't perfected until Hans Lipershey in 1608. They did have muskets and musketoons in the 16th century, along with rapiers.
What..... Aztec curses are not historical? : Well don't want to nitpick- making 100 percent historically accurate stuff is not even fun...... but is it fun to have steamboats, Ak-47s or computers used by the 17th century buccaneers? :blah: I have studied pirate-era from 16th century to 19th century so much that seeing Sir Francis Drake with a telescope feels almost like seeing him playing Game Boy or something....... that's so 17th century (Telescope not Game Boy :blah: )I am not trying to make a historically accurate storyline, though I will work with what we have to come as close as possible. Take a look at Bartolomeu's storylines as he adds cursed caravels and POTC characters and Aztec curses in his storylines. When I am done with El Patron, if I have time, I will most likely work on a more historically based questline involving my namesake.
original POTC game is historically very inaccurate as well, supposedly taking place 1630- at the time Portugal was part of Spain even- or they were ruled by same king at least....
and Holland was republic btw... mention of "Dutch King" is historical error at the time
I wonder what would really happen if one big ship is caught between two firing ships- would two attacking ships also hit each other with their cannons.... would be bloody mess anyway....... well movies tend to have their own physics and logicLOL, the 30 gunned galleon they refer to as a Frigate attacking the 100 gun ship of the line! That was almost as funny as the Black Pearl and the Dutchman sinking the Endeavor in thirty seconds. :blah: After all, it is good business! :
Oh yes i know that - And don't think I don't! :j2Oh, and the Captain Blood movie with Errol Flynn is actually based on a book by Rafael Sabatini which I will be basing the storyline on (the movie left out a LOT of stuff)
Man who really pirated Gold of Cortés isn't that so? Good choice fictional guy however would allow story to go more extreme directions but well... movies have had dozen different Blackbeards some of them bosses of Anne Bonny and some hunted by Henry Morgan : latest one was still alive 1750...... (but maybe Tia Dalma is behind that she tends to bring pirates back to life on daily bases : )I had several villains planned for the storyline. Not one of them is the main villain, but they all commit equally villainous crimes.
Jean Fleury: A french filibuster
Isn't it possible in theory to sail around the seas so long that clock reaches the 1566? : And i have no idea about origins of that name....but sounds like a very good name for DutchGovernor Don Diego Velasquez: The corrupt governor of Havana
Vandersloot (I bet you can't guess where I "borrowed" his name): A Dutch revolutionary trying to break away from Spain; a buccaneer and commander of the Dutch Caribbean forces (In real life, the Dutch revolution didn't start until 1566, but this storyline tales place in a forty year period, even though the game world clock doesn't say)
Negro Perla? Haha i cracked up at this point..... but having ghost captain as former husband of your wife is certainly scaryCarlos Espinada: Your wife's "dead" husband, now captain of the infamous ghost ship "Negro Perla"
Well we can always pretend that it is supposedly not tricorne but hat like this or thisEven though it isn't a good model for a 16th century guy, I am planning on giving Vandersloot the "9JdPor" or "9JdDut" model. The only innacuracy is the fact that he has a tricorne.