I know I was working on a Catalina skin based on my namesake, Catalina de Erauso ("The Lieutenant Nun", who is a Spanish and Basque real-life folk hero), and it would make an interesting storyline, however I'd have to fictionalize a lot of it to make the story substantial enough for a full game storyline.Maybe you could make a storyline based on your namesake. Also, maybe we should make the devlin storyline more like aop and have a quest where you must capture a town from each nationality.
Here is a pic of a painting of her:

And a romanticized more modern version:

Back when I was more involved here we couldn't add new models, so we had to do with what we had - so I tried this:

AND I have no idea what's happened since I have been away as I have not really been able to mess around in the Build much. But there ya go. I am guessing we have a lot more ability now to put a new model into the game. Catalina has a very interesting real life story - pretty wild, in fact (not sure you would term her an actual pirate as she was more of a Spanish Army soldier and eventual trader), but I'm not so sure it would lend itself well to the game unless you were to encounter her as a potential officer - take her on as part of a quest something like what I did with the Fred Bob quest.

I was actually in contact with a direct relation of hers, a great great ---- grand niece, IIRC... We never really got our conversation off the ground as I have very little Spanish and she the same with English... :urgh