Peter Blood
POTC build is currently lacking a storyline with a female character as default (besides Beatrice Sharpe), but I think it should have another one. I wonder if CtP is interested? Just a thought.
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The Beatrice storyline we've got in the Build 14 Beta 1 modpack is completely different, but still has no bearing on historical life.
It was made to have a female character, but also to have a lot of our PA! Modders as characters in there and put a fair amount of silly fun in there.
That storyline is very much unfinished and there's only really an opening and nothing else.
The Blaze Devlin storyline in Build 14 Beta 1 is exactly the same as the Beatrice one, just with the characters swapped
and the gender-specific dialog changed. That's similar to your idea for replacing Nathaniel Hawk with Danielle Greene
in a playable alternate to the Standard storyline.
Captain Maggee has been doing some fixing work to the end of the Standard storyline, but I don't think he touched any of your code. However, I also recall that he mentioned that on his last test, it didn't quite work anymore.
On my last test it did, but then that was a LOT of years ago. The one person who would know properly is Talisman, who has been doing a very serious and good job of testing all Storylines and sidequests and writing walkthroughs and finding fixes.
The Sneaky Trader always struck me as a very fun idea and I would love to finally see him in the game.
I think all your thoughts should be quite doable; it'd just be a matter of figuring out which buttons to press.
The reason I bring this up is because of Catalina's post above about her Sneaky Trader mod, I remember when this was first mentioned back a few years ago and I was really looking forward to it myself. With the start of the story that is already there, I think the Sneaky Trader would make for a whole bunch of unpredictable plot twists and turns for this quest. The main player character would never be sure if they should just put a pistol ball between his eyes ...or keep him alive long enough to the get the next real bit of story plot! I know it's probably a little premature to bring up things for Storm 2.8 being as we haven't even decided for sure how we are going to do it, I'm just throwing the idea out there to see if it might make sense to anyone besides me. :?
Cat, I don't want to give the impression that I am trying to hijack your mod even before it's finished, or push you into doing something that you just don't have time for, or even want to mess with. What I am trying clumsily to suggest is that if you could tolerate my ineptitude, perhaps we could work on these two projects together and see if we could come up with something of a playable and fun story line! If you don't have time or just plain don't want to mess with it, that's fine, I'm not convinced I have anywhere near the skills to even attempt this anyway. Just thought I would throw it out there and see if you were interested.![]()
No worries Thagarr! I would welcome some help
Dialog.Text = "Arrr, matey! " + + " " + NPchar.lastname + " here, well met, well met indeed! I've got what you need, great items at great prices. D'ye need a " + LinkRandPhrase("lockpick?", "prybar?", "compass to point yer way t'treasure?") + " Happen I have everythin' ye need, right here, best quality, and satisfaction guaranteed.";
Link.l1 = "God's teeth man, you're a sight! All right, let me have a look.";
Link.l1.go = "Items";
Link.l2 = "No thanks, I'm not in the mood to be cheated out of my hard-earned money by some sneakthief.";
Link.l2.go = "Pitch";
NPC_Meeting = "1";
NextDiag.TempNode = "Second Time";
case "Second Time":
Dialog.Text = "Ah, you again, matey, it's " + + " " + NPchar.lastname + ", lookin' out for yer every need! Watch out for the patrols now. What ye be wantin' this time, a " + LinkRandPhrase("plot o'land on which t'retire?", "fine piece o'prettyness t'give t'yer sweetheart?", "map? A map that'll show ye riches ye've never seen before?") + " Happen I have everythin' ye need, right here, best quality, and as always, yer satisfaction is guaranteed.";
Link.l1 = "YOU! I know this stuff is all stolen or illegal! ...But let me have a look.";
Link.l1.go = "Items";
Link.l2 = "My, but you certainly get around! Hey, didn't you have a different name last time?";
Link.l2.go = "Cousin";
case "Cousin":
Dialog.Text = "Aye, ye've met me cousin, then, have ye? Well I've got better goods than he, come have a look then, eh?";
link.l1 = "All right, what do you have?";
link.l1.go = "Items";
link.l2 = "Not for me, not this time, no thank you, don't want to be cheated, good bye.";
link.l2.go = "Pitch";
case "Pitch":
Dialog.Text = LinkRandPhrase("Arrr, matey, ye've got me all wrong. Come on, have a look! Satisfaction guaranteed!", "Don' take on like that, matey, ye'll have the guards on us fer sure! Come on, have a look! Satisfaction guaranteed!", "Hush, don' say nothin, I'll give ye half off whatever ye chooses. Come on, have a look! Satisfaction guaranteed!");
Link.l1 = "Oh sure. Like I believe that. ...Ummm, show me what you have.";
Link.l1.go = "Items";
Link.l2 = "Not today, thanks. You look like you got keelhauled by your last 'satisfied' customer.";
Link.l2.go = "Pitch2";
case "Pitch2":
Dialog.Text = "Keelhauled? Me? Nay, 'twas an angry father with a grudge and a blade, ambushed me as I was sneakin' out a window. I has a way with the pretty ladies, matey. They all loves ol' " + + ", they does. Now what's yer choice, mate, a " + LinkRandPhrase("pistol? A better pistol ye'll never find.", "sword? Th' most incredibly fine sword ye'll ever see in these islands?", "ship? Happen I've got th' finest corvette in all th' archipelago, moored in a secret cove not far from here. Ye should 'ave a look, matey, she's a beauty!");
Link.l1 = + ", umm, that was your name this time, right? I think your bargains get grander by the moment. All right, what do you have?";
Link.l1.go = "Items";
Link.l2 = "I said NO, now leave me alone!";
Link.l2.go = "Bugger";
case "Bugger":
Dialog.Text = "Eeeeew, actin' all lordly with me then, are ye? Bugger off, ye toff! See if I gives ye a good deal next time!";
Link.l1 = RandSwear() + " I can't believe I'm saying this, but let me see what you have then!";
Link.l1.go = "Items";
Link.l2 = LinkRandPhrase("So say you, you gleeking dewberry? You'd better run fast, because you're going to give me some satisfaction as I beat you to within an inch of your miserable life!", "So say you? You're a liar and a thief, and your items are either stolen, or worthless. I think I'm going to report you to the guards.", "That's it, you're for the gallows, you sneakthief! Come with me.");
Link.l2.go = "exit_runaway";
case "exit_runaway":
Dialog.Text = "Whoops, gotta go!";
Link.l1 = "HEY! " + RandSwear();
Link.l1.go = "exit_runaway2";
LAi_SetActorType(characterFromID("Sneaky Trader"));
LAi_ActorRunToLocation(NPchar, "reload", "reload3", "none", "", "", "", 15.0);