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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Released USS Constitution upgrade

Pennants...................... Why are you babbling about pennants? It takes maybe a minute to shape one. Meanwhile there are lines going nowhere and ending in midair all over the ship. It will be weeks more before she is finished.

About stays'ls, I'm trying to follow the drawings and suggestions. That is the reason for the frequent WIP screenies. What should be removed and/or moved? Today I am planning on moving that upper mizzen stays'l down to the middle.
Ideally, for most versions of the vessel, we'd have a main topmast stays'l and mizzen stays'l, with only one version using more.
Whoops, sorry, I didn't notice the ropes.
The pennant could do with being even longer,
And there shouldn't be anything at the fore
Or mizzen peaks. We can deal with making a version with
A commodore's Pennant later if we want
I think that hylie is right that we should just focus on the one version for
Now, and tweaks can be made to the others
Once one is complete. Anything else that needs
Clearing up about the ship in general?
The ensign on the spanker could also be a lot larger. Other than that, I don't really see anything that needs fixing. I'm thinking about the sails right now, and I'll edit the post with my opinion tomorrow. I just spent nine hours working on Pilgrim and I'm a little too tired to think properly.

Edit: Maybe a main stays'l and a mizzen stays'l. I'll also get the opinions of two true masters of square rig sailing next Saturday for other versions of the model.
Not much to report today. It seems that whoever did the lines originally got "lost" in places with lines going where they should not and no lines at all where they are needed. This is not a criticism as I have seen it on other ships and have done it myself and had to start over again.
So there is nothing to see except for details. Oh, the pennant is a bit longer now at approx 46 feet.
The lines coming from the ends of the yardarms (the braces) are run as follows:
forecourse and foretops'l: to right under the main tops and down
fore t'gallant and royal: to right under the main crosstrees and down
the same is true of the mainmast, but the lines are run to the mizzenmast.
Mizzen: same, but lines are run forward to the mainmast.
That is more or less how I usually do them, but this time I thought there must be a reason for it. So a few hours will get deleted.
Not much to report as real life is getting in the way. Methinks mast4 and its sails is done and am moving on to fix ropes ending in midair.
Progress is slow. Real life is very active now and I have the sore muscles to prove it. It's all house and yard work. But! I THINK the masts are done and now will move to the hull, starting with the boats. The lines there are way off.
That Sounds tough, I cant say i like yard work myself.great to hear about
The masts! What still needs to be done for the hull?
Boat ropes, Cannon locators and such?
Most of the hull locators, especially the cannons, should be positioned well enough. However, despite my best efforts to scale the locators to fit the new model, there are still many ropes that don't fit properly and need to be adjusted manually. I think some coordinates may have been slightly messed up at some stage, but among all the numbers, it's hard to tell.
Huh. It started out with a leaky bathtub drain that sent me under this 75 year old house. Then it was back under and then digging holes in the front yard chasing electrical gremlins. :pirates Then some kids offered to remove the ivy from the front yard, and it turned out this was the source of my allergies. So now I can go outside again! But that means remodeling the front yard. Yesterday it was moving wheelbarrows full of rocks, then it will be digging a trench and then laying a brick retaining wall and then rototilling and then rocks and plants and a new lamp post. :rumgone

I'm glad you guys are back because I have some questions. I'm working on the boat lines and there are these round things that I forget the name for (blocks?) that don't look right to me. Where should the lines be in relation to them? The lines are been fixed vertically.
Er, I'm getting a 404 error with your image link...
I'm getting a tiny image. Dunno what happened.
I'll check one of my seamanship books to figure out where those should go on a frigate like that. I'll be back in two minutes or so.
It should be about three inches above the boat, hooked into the boat's deck, or a bench. There should be two or more lines running through it up to about a foot before the end of the davits. (It's basically a block and tackle)