But he stands at the door after he offers the task, and not after you kill Sidonio Ogarrio. If you leave the tavern after the proposed quest and then enter, he will be standing there.Did you reload your savegame where you're standing in San Juan before killing Sidonio Ogarrio? Case "kill_Ogario_complete" triggers when you kill him, so a save from after you killed him won't do anything - you need to go back to an earlier save and kill him again. I did start again from your savegame in San Juan, killed him again, then went to the pirate tavern, where I found Wilfred sitting where that new code is supposed to put him:
Perhaps it should be here somewhere - "Wifred_give_to_us_ship".
LAi_SetStayType(CharacterFromID("Wilfred Bythesea"));
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(CharacterFromID("Wilfred Bythesea"), "Pirate_tavern", "sit", "sit7");
LAi_SetSitType(CharacterFromID("Wilfred Bythesea"));
That still does not happen for me. After going to sea near the lighthouse, I can go to the cabin. Both from the cabin and from the deck, if I try to teleport, it's to the lighthouse, not the port.
Your screenshot shows you next to the fort. If I'm there, I can't go to the cabin, nor do I get any icon to moor. Also, you're going to need a bigger boat. Only 18 pounder or bigger guns will harm a fort, and that frigate only has 9 pounder guns.

AkrimalS's Video - Aug 1, 2024
After killing Sidonio Ogarrio, Wifred repeats "So, you have completed your task?" if you ask him about something a second time.
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