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U.S. Government shuts down pirate video sites!


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[imgleft]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_cQOyQjTP3GY/SzdzZcJpthI/AAAAAAAAAIU/lTv6nE8qBxo/pa-logo.gif[/imgleft]I don't usually post stories like this, but this one is so outrageous, I thought you all should know about it. This is a story you probably won't see on CNN or FoxNews or really any other major TV news outlet, at least not an in depth impartial analysis. The US government has shut down or taken control of at least seven US based Internet sites known for pirated video content, now normally I would not be concerned with this at all, however it is the way they did it that has grabbed my attention!

Homeland Security Works For Disney Now? Announces Shut Down Of Movie Sites At Disney
from the civil-vs.-criminal? dept

Well, here we go. Remember how, a few months back, we noted how odd it was that the Justice Department (which, of course, employs many former RIAA/MPAA/BSA lawyers) was designating a special task force to fight copyright infringement? After all, copyright infringement is mostly a civil issue, between two private parties. For years, however, the entertainment industry has been working hard to convince the government to act as its own private police force, and following a totally one-sided "summit" with Joe Biden (who recently claimed that infringement is no different than doing a smash and grab at Tiffany's), suddenly the feds had a special IP task force... at the same time that it was downgrading the priority of crimes that cause actual harm, such as identity fraud.

Now, it looks like law enforcement isn't even trying to hide the fact that they're taking orders from Hollywood. Dark Helmet points us to the news that Homeland Security proudly announced raids on nine different movie sites, which they accuse of infringing on copyrights. But what's most interesting is where the announcements about these raids happened: at Disney. And who else was there on stage? Execs from other studios. Yup, Homeland Security isn't even trying to make the slightest effort to hide the fact that it now works for corporate interests. It will announce legal activity from the companies, which stand to benefit the most from such activity.

Imagine if the FTC announced plans to charge Google with antitrust from Microsoft's offices? With execs from Yahoo and Apple on stage. Wouldn't people cry foul?

Not only that, but the guy in charge of the raids blatantly admits that it's now a homeland security priority to protect movie studio interests:
The head of ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement], John Morton, says that the number of illegal movie sites is dramatically rising both in the U.S. and abroad, and organized crime is behind some of them. ICE is putting movie piracy front and center in this new initiative, by making its first actions to protect the movie studios' intellectual property.

What does customs have to do with a domestic dispute over civil copyright infringement? And why are Homeland Security officials so closely involved with a few Hollywood Studios that they're not just protecting their business models, but also announcing these efforts from the studios' own offices?

You can read the rest of the story HERE!
Just more evidence that government works in the interest of companies, not the citizen
what's odd is the business model of the political party that "controls" the government

Seems odd under the current model

but appropriate under the previous one

somehow something isn't adding up.

gotta be careful not to get myself banned for political postings.

But this is a strange occurrence

The announcement should have come from the DEA headquarters

(notice that doesn't line up either)